Archive of ‘Internet’ category

New feature – Unknowing Questions from Readers: Is it okay to eat outdated oatmeal?

I am adding a brand new feature to this blog — Unknowing Questions from Readers.  As you might have read in an earlier post, I like to read what search terms people use to find my blog. Now I will use this information and answer the searches that are in the form of questions. I am an advice columnist to unknowing lost souls!

Today’s question: Is it okay to eat outdated oatmeal?

Well, internet searcher, the answer is a resounding NO. It is not okay to eat any outdated food at all. Sure, there’s a chance the food is fine — after all, what is the difference between oatmeal on December 25 and oatmeal on December 26. But, the date was chosen for a reason, and for the sake of your tummy I think it would be best to stick to that date!

And I would like to thank you, searcher, because your question inspired me to check my old boxes of Oatmeal for their expiration dates. I was saving them for when my stomach got better, but I realized I should give them to my friend Melissa who would eat them up.

My boxes of oatmeal

As it turns out, all were expired except for the best – SMART BALANCE. They have until January 16, so I will be sure to get them to Melissa before then!

David Thorne, will you marry me?

You might have read about the man who tried to pay a bill with a drawing of a spider: When I read a news article about this, I immediately fell in love with David Thorne’s sense of humor. I began to read his website, and the more I read, the more I loved David.

Use the left nav to go through the entries David has written.  I’ve got some favorites, like

People like David Thorne make me happy the intertubes exist. Thanks, Al Gore!

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