Archive of ‘Unknowing questions from readers’ category

Unknowing Questions From Readers: what can i do with the regular flavor oatmeal in my variety pack?

Great question, reader! There is SO much you can do — the regular is really your best option in the variety pack because it has less added sugar and gives you more freedom to experiment!

And just as an FYI to anyone new: Unkowing Questions from Readers is a feature I do here where I look through the search terms people used to land at my blog and answer those that are asking a question.

Okay, on to the info!'s Oatmeal

The best thing you can add! Back when I used to eat oatmeal, I would slice up banana into very small pieces and add it in, and it was delicious! A  friend of mine microwaves her oatmeal with the banana already in it. I also used to cut up Bosc pears and sweeten it up that way. But any fruit would be great in your oatmeal!

Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Etc.
Spice it up! I happen to LOVE cinnamon so I would put tons in my oatmeal — and it’s great for you! Nutmeg and other spices are also great options. Try some out!

Nuts and Seeds
There are SO many great health benefits from eating nuts — and the protein and fiber keep you full for a long time! Toss in your favorite nuts to your oatmeal for a yummy crunch! My favorite nuts are cashews and pistachios. Sunflower seeds pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, etc, are also a fantastic addition to your oatmeal!

Nut Butters
Peanut butter, almond butter, etc, etc. There are so many varieties, flavors and brands to choose from! I happen to be a huge fan of Peanut Butter & Co. They have great flavors like White Chocolate Wonderful, Cinnamon Raisin swirl, Mighty Maple and more! A GREAT way to flavor up your oats!

Fruit Butters
I am obsessed with Bauman’s Pumpkin Butter — and they make a LOT of other fruit butters as well. You have the option to buy it with no added sugar – amazing! You can also find similar items in your local health food store. A sweet and delicious add in.

Chocolate (or similar) Chips
I happen to be a MAJOR carob chip lover, so that is my chip of choice. But you can try chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips – whatever your heart desires! A sweet and delicious addition.

Canned Pumpkin
I really like Libby’s Canned Pumpkin. Extremely nutritious and tastes great!

Freeze Dried Fruit
The benefits of freeze dried fruit, ahh. Well, freeze drying retains many of the health benefits of the fruit, while typical wet dried fruit loses most of its nutritional value, keeping all the sugar. Also, when you put freeze dried fruit in your warm oatmeal, the consistency becomes that of regular fruit – it softens up! It counts as a serving of fruit for the day, it’s easy to store and you don’t have to worry about it spoiling!

Maple Syrup
When I was a child, I would always add some maple syrup to my oatmeal! Not the healthiest option, but a delicious one nonetheless!

Brown Sugar
Just because you’re out of Maple & Brown Sugar flavor doesn’t mean you can’t add your own!

I happen to love Vanilla Chobani — although any yogurt will do. Mix it in with your oatmeal! It tastes yummy!

Vanilla Extract and Other Baking Goods
An easy way to add a little flavor!


And of couse there are many more — I have seen so many creative oatmeal add-ins that I never would have thought of on my own in all the blogs I read. You should experiment with the foods you like!

Any other suggestions for the Unknowing Reader? Let me know your favorites!


Unrelated Side Note: Meghann‘s having a contest for a Gracie’s Gear sports bra! As much as I want to win (it has a POCKET!) you should enter as well!

Unknowing Questions from Readers: How to make shiny french bread?

I don’t know. You even searched my internal blog search for “french bread.” Maybe you thought I was some kind of expert? I’m sorry I can’t help, but in related news there are two french toast recipes I want to make very soon:

1. For the Love of Peanut Butter and B.Healthy’s  Maple-Glazed Pumpkin French Toast; and,
2. Hungry Girl’s Big Apple French Toast Casserole without the apples (because of my stomach) – I plan to make this one on Sunday!

If I make french toast this weekend, I will let you know how it goes! I’ll need to do a bit of food shopping first, so I’ll see if I have time.

I decided that I want to start looking at spin shoes. I went to Sports Authority yesterday but they didn’t sell them there. I called Modell’s today and asked if they sell cycling shoes. The person on the phone laughed at me and said no. Why laugh? Was my request unreasonable for a sporting goods store? What’s so funny?!

There is a bike store 2 blocks from my apartment so I will go there.

And, dear reader, I apologize for not only not knowing how to make shiny french bread, but for not knowing how to make french bread at all, or, in fact, anything about french bread.

One last comment – to the person searching about “bacteria overgrowth in mouth and butt“, perhaps you should see a doctor. I know your search inquiry wasn’t a question per se, but I would like to take it upon myself to suggest you get medical attention. ASAP.

Thanks for searching!

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