Archive of ‘Funny’ category

An interview with me! And remember, there’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s.

I made a new breakfast today that I thought I would share, since it was sweet and delicious! Since I eat breakfast at work, it’s hard for me to easily make things, and I usually wind up with Vanilla Chobani + Pumpkin Butter (which I love!) Today, I had a new idea. I micrwoaved Egg Beaters to make scrambled eggs and then mixed in ricotta cheese and a little bit of pumpkin butter. YUM!

Anyway, my blogger friend selected me for a blog interview. She chose some questions, and now I will answer them honestly.

Questions for Dori

1) If you could be stuck on an island with only 3 foods, what would they be? 
– French Toast/Pancakes (Yes, I know this is 2, but I count them as 1. Don’t make me choose!)
– Thin Mints
– Nachos with the works (must have lots and lots of cheese)
Nachos. Mmmmm
2)  What is your favorite thing to do at the gym? Least favorite? 
Favorite – Spin. As you know, I have become quite addicted. Speaking of spin, remember when I was debating whether or not to get spin shoes? And I got them? Well, last night before class I realized I left my spin shoes at the boy’s — and rather than go to class with my sneakers, I opted to not go to spin at all! Just because I didn’t have my spin shoes! Silly? Maybe. But I really didn’t want to go knowing what my experience COULD be. I did go to the gym, just not to spin. What are your thoughts on this? 
Least Favorite - Rowing Machine. When I joined my gym they gave me 2 free personal training sessions. I was really excited about this. My excitement faded quickly when the trainer made me do the evil rowing machine SO much, both times. I told him I didn’t like it and would rather learn other exercises, but he insisted that this machine is the only way I would ever achieve my goals. I really, really despised it, Needless to say, I didn’t hire a trainer and I have not set butt on a rowing machine again. And I never will.
3)  If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be? 
David John Matthews
 Dave Matthews
4) What would you do for your dream date with a guy? 
Any date where sweatpants are involved is a dream date in my book.
5) What is your biggest fear? 
Umbrellas turning inside out. I don’t know why, it just scares me! One time, a friend and I were at the beach and it was a windy day. Our umbrella went inside out and I couldn’t control myself — I just began screaming, “My biggest fear!! MY BIGGEST FEAR!!!!”
6) What is your favorite way to eat an Oreo? 
I scrape off the cream with my bottom teeth. Then I eat the cookie.
My favorite way to eat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (I took the liberty of adding this one) - I eat all the chocolate first and then I eat the peanut butter glob. There is no wrong way to eat a Reese’s.


Mega Double Stuff Oreo
7) If you could be granted one wish, what would it be? 
Right now, although it is selfish, I wish that my GI problems would be over so I can be healthy, eat what I want, feel comfortable in my own skin and live a (relatively) normal life. Also, world peace.
Play along, blagosphere members!

Here are the rules:

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” If a few people want interviews, I will randomly pick one.

2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Hope to hear from you!

Getting back into eksusize mode

When my brother was in second grade, he had to keep a journal for school. It was one of those composition books. I had the same assignment when I was in second grade (my composition blook was neon orange) and it is hilarious to compare our writing.

My journal entries were legible, well written and some were quite long. My brother’s, in the other hand, were an adorable mess of handwriting and spelling and mush. One of our favorite entries in his journal (writing from memory, since it is at my mom’s apartment and I don’t have access to it at the moment) is one where he wrote that one of his favorite activities is to “eksusize with my sister.”

This is hilarious on so many levels. First, eksusize! How sweet is this spelling! Next, when my brother was in second grade, I was in fourth. When did we ever exercise together??! And if we did, WHAT DID WE DO! I’d love to know, since he clearly enjoyed it so much. Other levels of hilarity include his handwriting, the messiness of his writing, the adorableness of his words and attempts, and of course the comparison to my writing at the same age. Now he is much smarter than I am. Back then, not so much.

So whenever we talk about exercising with each other, we now say eksusize. Both written and verbally. Say it out loud: EK-SU-SIZE. Fun times.

Children's Eksusize

Also, when we talk about the gym, we pronounce it gime. Look up the Simpson’s clip on YouTube and you’ll understand. It provides endless entertainment for me. Every now and then during out conversation about the gym, I will say “Gime? What’s a gime? OHHHHH, a gime!” I never get sick of saying gime, even though my brother does.

As you know, I was out of commission this past weekend with a cold. Not only was it my first cold in forever, but it was so much worse than I remember any cold being. My entire face was burning and stinging with pain, particularly my gums. I felt so awful and it is good timing that it was bad over the weekend because there is no way I would have been able to go to work the way I was. And I’ve never missed work because of a cold before. This one really knocked me out.

I stayed in bed and ate chocolate pudding and PinkBerry. Yum. On Sunday, I felt a little more like real food, and had a flashback to when I was very young and would go to my neighbor’s apartment when I had to stay home from school sick and my mother had to work. I loved going there because they had sugar cereals, which I was never allowed to have in my own home except on my birthday and Hanukkah. Keeping in tradition, I was craving a delicious cereal for my sickbead. There is one that is fairly new and I have always wanted to try, and decided this would be the perfect time – Chocolate Lucky Charms. You heard me. The part of Lucky Charms that tastes bad (to kids) NOW TASTES GREAT! I ate a few delicious bowls and then threw the rest away since eating an entire box would not be good! I’m glad I got to try it and it was so worth it.

By Monday I was fine to go to work. I wanted to take things easy and make sure this cold doesn’t come back, but I also wanted to get my body moving a little, so I did a workout a la Heather. She hurt her hamstring and to take it easy, has been doing 60 minutes of recumbent bike with no resistance. I thought that sounded like the most boring thing I ever heard, but also the perfect exercise to do while recovering from a cold — especially since I am in the middle of reading American Wife and cannot put it down, so I figured it would make the time pass easily.

After 40 minutes my legs were just bored, so I went on the treadmill and walked for 10 and then it was almost time for the new episode of House so I considered myself finished. Pretty good considering I was bedridden the day before!

Today I am feeling even better and want to go back to spin. I was going almost every day (once I went twice in a day!) before Seattle, and then during my trip I had 4 days of no eksusize at all. When I got back I went to spin once but didn’t feel great there and the next day I came down with the cold from hell. So it has been awhile since I really had a good workout. Tonight I will go to spin but I will take it easy. I will start it off slow to get an idea of how I am feeling, and I won’t be pushing myself too hard. I want to slowly get back into it without risking getting sick again.

Eksusize Cartoon

Tomorrow I have my appointment with the nutritionist at my GI doctor’s office. I am looking forward to talking to her about my problems and my concerns and hear what she thinks — and hopefully learn more about what I can eat. I have been craving oatmeal lately. I love the texture and the taste and the smell and everything about it, but it is one of the foods that makes me feel at my absolute worst. I want to tell the nutritionist this and see if she has any suggestions for incorporating it back into my life.

Important note to sick people: As much as I love Zicam Nasal Gel, I have to strongly urge you NOT to use it while you have a cold. It stings. Intensely. And worse, the sting lasts for HOURS. Not fun times. But I strongly encourage using it if you feel the start of a cold coming on, or your cold is newly finished.

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