Part 2 of 2

Another busy one, kids. The sun is shining, Simba’s howling and there is just so much to do.

I know I left you hanging yesterday in Part 1. Here we go.

The boy and I went to a teeny tiny little farmer’s market in between our frantic visits to Best Buy. When I read all the bloggers who leave their farmers markets with delicious seasonal fruits and veggies, I am always a little jealous. Partly because I can’t eat most fruits and veggies, partly because it is not easy to get to a true farmer’s market in NYC! The boy and I looked through the 4 or 5 stands at this one and my eyes landed straight on the best looking chocolate chip cookie I have ever seen.

It was one of those very flat ones with uneven edges. Very big. Very melty in the midday sun. It looked amazing. I would never buy it on my own. The boy saw me drooling and suggested we buy it to share later that evening as a 4th of July treat.


No arguments there! We bought the cookie and then I was browsing the Meredith’s Bread stand. There, I saw homemade Meredith’s Bread black and white cookies. I picked it up to show the boy, knowing full well what he would say. “Get it!” And I did. You see, black and white cookies are perfect for us because I only like the chocolate side and he only likes the vanilla side. We have discussed this before but never bought one because we could get one anytime and neither of us really needed it. But this one. This one was special. It was homemade, from Meredith — whose breads and muffins and jams I LOVE!

So my purchases at the farmer’s market included no vegetables, no fruits, no fresh baked grain breads. It included two cookies.

And they were delicious.

We ended up eating them for breakfast the next morning. It fit in well with my previous day’s breakfast of banana bread. No fancy oats or granola/yogurt combinations for me! When food is there, I eat it. If it’s not there, then maybe I will make something.

To backtrack — After getting home from our insanely long day at Verizon, Best Buy and all, we rested and eventually made it to the gym. When we got back it was getting very late. It was around 9:00 and fireworks began at 9:20. So what did we do???

We walked downstairs and outside.

And that’s all! The boy lives on the Hudson, right where the fireworks were for this year only! Perfect! So we stood by the water and had an amazing view. I was shocked by how packed his street was , so full of people walking all around. I never heard of this street before we started dating and assumed no one else had either. Guess I was wrong!

I took this photo before the fireworks began. You can see three people sitting on the edge of the West Side Highway in New York City. There were a bunch of people up there! They must have gotten there early because I am sure it was closed off later on.

fireworks 306

 Some more cool fireworks pictures:

fireworks 344    fireworks 331   

 fireworks 342    fireworks 318   

fireworks 332    fireworks 340   

Gorgeous! I have many more but don’t want to bore you  🙂

The best thing about the fireworks was the convenience. We would not have bothered to see them if they were on the East River like they usually are. After they ended, we were trapped in a massive crowd of people as we tried to make our way further into the city to get dinner. I hated it. Eventually we escaped the crowds…

 And on Sunday, as I mentioned, I went on my amazing 32 minute no knee pain run. As my reward, for dinner we sat outside at Cilantro, a delicious Southwestern restaurant with great guacamole where I enjoyed a pretty pink cactus pear margarita with my fish tacos.

I have noticed something about myself recently. I always overeat at restaurants. Yeah, yeah, so does everyone. But I reallyyyy overdo it. I know I am full and done, but I keep eating. I recently realized why I do this, because it generally only happens during a certain phenomenon — when other people are still eating. I can’t stand being done if people around me are eating. I feel awkward, and strange, and like I need to be active as well. I feel weird sitting there not eating if other people are. So I eat all the things left on my plate that I didn’t want, that I deemed not very good or that I was too full for. But why should I feel that way?  Why can’t I just relax when I am done — other people can, right? What about you? Do you feel like you need to keep eating if the people you are with are still eating?

In other news, the boy and I are going to the U.S. Open in September! I am very excited, especially given that I lived 5 minutes from there my entire life and never once went!

I finished The First Hour I Believed. Wow. It was an epic. Highly recommended; I am still thinking about it a week later. Wally Lamb can do no wrong, he can only do unbelievable. I also finished Mr. Maybe by Jane Green (author of Jemima J) because I really needed to not think at all for my book after Mr. Lamb’s! It was a light, fun, quick and easy summer read — just what I needed to clear my mind after the epic!

Missy is giving away E-Cloths and I really need them to clean my green juice splatters of the walls! Which reminds me — I figured out what it was I didn’t like about Blueprint Cleanse green juice — romaine! Never going in my juice again.

I know I said I would tell you about my new workout updates, but that topic will just have to wait! I will leave you with a picture of Santana looking like a baby!

santana baby

6 comments on Part 2 of 2

  1. Missy
    July 8, 2009 at 4:00 pm (15 years ago)

    I can see the boat I was on in your fireworks picture! Haha jk but yes, I did look. I also keep eating when other people are! Or I pick because I feel bad watching them! It is a stupid habit!

  2. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    July 8, 2009 at 4:55 pm (15 years ago)

    aaawww…you two are a match made in heaven w/ your vanillachocolate cookies! Great fireworks pictures!

    I totally am there with ya on the overeating just for the sake of eating while others are eating. I think a lot of us struggle with that whole feelign uncomfortable not eating while someone else is. Not sure how to kick the habit but I’ll be checking in on the comments to get ideas!

  3. Bare It All
    July 8, 2009 at 5:59 pm (15 years ago)

    I’m a fast eater. I can’t help it. I hate when I finish and then the waiter takes my plate before everyone is finished. I feel like a piggie! Therefore, my favorite person to eat with (my best friend Justine)is also a fast eater adn we can just be fast together. 🙂

  4. Michelle @ Find Your Balance
    July 8, 2009 at 8:40 pm (15 years ago)

    Oh god I’m probably that person who makes other people eat too much. I eat really slow! I’m always the last one done! What could you do to keep yourself occupied while slowpokes like me finish up?

  5. Anne K.
    July 8, 2009 at 10:03 pm (15 years ago)

    Haha, I love that you got just cookies at the farmer’s market. they sound delicious, though 😀

    I’m a somewhat fast eater. One of the reasons I like having my HUGE salads as meals is because they take so freaking long to eat 🙂 I try to make myself eat a little slower in restaurants when others are eating slowly. But when I’m done I’ll just sip my drink/water–I feel less uncomfortable that way.

  6. Jen
    July 12, 2009 at 12:44 am (15 years ago)

    awesome pics! i wish i could find a cookie that good.


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