So Much to Say

About In Defense of Food. And also about many things, hence the long blog post. Little feet, little hands, little baby.

Oh and a few of you recommended I pick up The Omnivore’s Dilemma— I actually wrote promotional emails about that book during its peak of popularity when I worked at the book company, so I got my copy that way back in 2006 or 2007  🙂 Although I am beginning to worry that when I got rid of a zillion books last year, I identified that one as “one I will never read” — not realizing what exactly it was. I have to check at my mom’s to see if I brought it there . . . if not, a second copy will have to be gotten! And I picked up Real Food by Nina Planck this weekend! And I just want to add that I love the Amazon app for my BlackBerry!

As I said, I have so much to say about In Defense of Food, but today isn’t the day because I need to put a lot more time and thought into the entry than I can give today. I hope to give my review this week. But for now, I will just say go read it. It already changed the way I eat. I’ll explain more during my review.

Food Updates
Today was free pastry day at Starbucks. I was excited to try their new banana bread since I LOVE banana bread so very much. Their new version contains 30% REAL banana.

It did not taste good.

I was really surprised first that it was not moist at all, and then that it had no flavor. It was almost like cardboard. I couldn’t finish it, which says a lot because I always love to overdose on banana bread. I can eat an entire loaf in one sitting. And I have. But this new Starbucks version . . . not good. And not worth 480 calories.

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See how dry it is? My recommendation: skip the banana bread.

While browsing the aisles at Jubilee recently, I discovered gorgeous, shiny, fresh looking loaves of challah. The best part? They had whole wheat! I knew what I had to do . . .


The first weekend opportunity I had to make this amazing treat was Sunday. When I woke up I ran down to Jubilee and bought the challah, some more eggs and a very ripe banana. I meant to take a picture of the egg information to show you, but I forgot — and my camera is having a problem. I couldn’t find the battery’s charger so I went to Best Buy to buy a new one but they don’t sell the chargers that come with the camera — instead, they sell travel chargers. I bought one that the salesman said he would trust with his kids, whatever that means. Problem is, it doesn’t work. Yes, my battery fits in one of the size charger things, and yes the green light is on when the battery is in there — but the green light never turns to red to indicate the charging is complete. And my battery becomes more and more dead each time I use the camera.

And I don’t have the receipt or the box because I stupidly believed the salesman.

Anyway, the eggs I get are organic, omega 3, from antibiotic and hormone free chickens who wander freely all day long, according to the packaging. I can’t remember the brand name right now. I believe this is the best I can do. I did see eggs at the farmer’s market on Saturday but I was carrying too much. Maybe next week!

Anyway, I brought the products home and cut up the challah (all while the boy was still asleep!) I threw 5 eggs, half a cup of organic whole milk, cinnamon, a tiny drop of vanilla extract (it has corn — boo. Won’t use more than a tiny drop until it is finished, then I will not buy it again) and honey into a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl I mushed up the very ripe banana. I also tasted the challah and it was amazing as it was, so moist . . . so I was very excited to taste in it’s french toasted form.

And then I made two batches of french toast, using the entire challah. I dipped the challah into the large mixing bowl and threw it on a big pan, tossing more cinnamon on while I cooked it. For two of the pieces, I soaked them in mushy banana before putting them on the pan. Those were my pieces. 🙂 I got this idea from Heather and knew I had to have it!

It came out AMAZING. The best french toast I have ever made. I had my 2 banana pieces and one regular piece. The banana ones were much better! But of course I loved it . . . the real question was: what did the boy think?

He LOVED it. He couldn’t stop saying how great the french toast was! He ate most of the loaf and was full and satisfied after, which is a big thing since he is usually still hungry!

French Toast                                                                                                            Banana French Toast

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 We also used Whole Foods Organic Maple Syrup. Perfect breakfast!

Both days this weekend I laid out on the water. This was my view:

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It was gorgeous! My best friend came on Saturday and I met her at a little farmer’s market where I picked up some peaches, kale and cucumbers. Then we walked down to the water and used cool looking swirly lounge chairs that are chained to the ground. We talked about In Defense of Food and just relaxed. That night I met my friend Jen, who lives in the DC area and who I haven’t seen in a year (not counting last week when I ran into her in the mall) at a wine and chocolate bar called Ayza. The food was blah but I did have a chocolate martini! We sat outside and had a lot of time to catch up!

On Sunday, after my big french toast breakfast, I went back to the same spot as Saturday to lay out. Only this time I messed up applying my spray sunblock, and the entire inside of my right leg is a swollen, painful burn. But I’m glad I got to lay out! I had planned to work out after (the day before I did elliptical for 45 — yay for flows!) but my stomach wasn’t feeling great because I can’t really eat big meals, and I ate 3 pieces of french toast. Not a big deal, I was so happy with the food! So I rested and resting was nice.

Medical Updates
Last week I saw a new GI doctor that my regular one referred me to. He actually sent me to her months ago but the soonest I was able to get an appointment was July 14! Finally the day arrived and WOW. This woman is the doctor I have been waiting for. She sat with me for 2 whole hours, creating a timeline of my entire history and going through literally EVERYTHING. When we started discussing surgery, she told me that there are actually a couple other surgical options that are not as invasive as the only option I had been given — and are reversible. That is so important to me. Part of the reason I basically decided not to get the major surgery was because there is no turning back — and what if a pill is invented in 10 years that will cure me if I take it once a day? But it is too late for me? And what if this major surgery doesn’t even work, since it is not guaranteed? It was so refreshing to hear these other surgical options.

The doctor thinks I ahould go see a surgeon she highly recommends who deals with this all the time. She said she would write him a note and provide him with all my information, and when I meet with him he can go over my case and provide his opinion — do I need surgery, what surgical options do I have, can I get better without it, what does he think overall? These are all questions I would love to hear his input on, as he sees cases like mine all the time.

The topic of autoimmune diseases was also brought up, and she mentioned I would need to get tested for those (It’s not Lupus?) before surgery could even be considered. We would also need to rule out a couple other diseases and problems as well. I am really glad I found a doctor who really understands and wants me to do the best I can. She insisted — as I learned on my own, the hard way — to eat a low fiber diet. I love that she understood my case so well as to advise me on the best food for my condition. If only my initial doctors told me this, I wouldn’t have suffered nearly as much and as long in the beginning.

In other medical news, I received this very scary letter in the mail, about my shoulder injury:

Our review of your medical bills received by our client indicates that your medical condition/injury may have been caused by an accident. Should this be the case, your health plan may be entitled to recover from a responsible party and/or have another party assume the primary responsibility for the payment of your claim. We may notify your insurance carrier to deny your claims.

To give you a brief summary, one day out of nowhere my shoulder was hurting very badly. The pain never went away, and now, 7 months later, it is still not in perfect condition. I have AC joint osteolysis, otherwise known as Weightlifter’s Shoulder. Except I don’t lift weights, and I never experienced any trauma to the shoulder. Also keep in mind I pay $500 a month just to HAVE medical insurance.

And now my insurance doesn’t want to pay!

I called the company and told them that I don’t know how I hurt my shoulder; it just started hurting one day. The woman on the phone asked me what my doctor said caused it. I said he couldn’t know since I didn’t know. She said surely he must have said something (trying to get me to admit an accident?) and I said, again, that there is no way he could know how I hurt myself if I couldn’t tell him this information myself. She asked me if I am getting treatment and I  told them my insurance ran out for PT. The woman sighed and said she would make a note on my record.

I really hope my insurance pays for my shoulder MRI and office visits! I had a followup visit scheduled for July 30. I canceled this appointment because I can’t be sure it will be covered. I don’t think I can  go back to the orthopedist anymore. Hopefully my shoulder pain doesn’t flare up again . . .

Nothing is ever easy, is it?

Speaking of nothing being easy,I got my first Verizon bill since having my new BlackBerry and I was shocked to see that the salesman in the store lied to me about all the costs! In the store, he had asked me if I would use the BB for work. I said no, and he said “OK, then your data plan will be $29.99 a month.” Great! In addition, I told him I wanted to lower my calling plan to the cheapest one ($39.99). He said that would be done as well.

You can imagine my surprise when my bill came and my calling plan was $59.99 and my data plan was $44.99.

I have to think that this guy knew exactly what he was doing, wanted a big commission, and assumed a silly little girl like me would never notice the price on the bill.

I noticed. I called Verizon and got it all fixed. While they can’t do anything about the time that passed, and I did lose money because of that guy (GRRRR), going forward I am paying the correct amount. The nerve! And when the boy and I went back to that same Verizon store to get him the NEW BlackBerry on Sunday, they were not nice! We walked in and were immediately greeted by someone. We told him we were there to buy the new BlackBerry and he signed us in. We were “next” on the list for sales. 30 minutes later, we were still next and still waiting. We had a movie to catch and we asked them how much longer it would be. The guy looks up at the screen and says “Good news! You’re next!” I told him we were next since we got there a half hour ago. He didn’t seem to care. We told them we were leaving — keep in mind we knew exactly what we wanted, it is very expensive, and we were prepared to buy it right then. And I thought they get commission but no one cared that we were leaving. They said “bye” and we walked out. And they lost a $250 sale.

Like I said, nothing is easy!

But some things are pretty. Look at the sky the other night:

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I just wanted to tell you all that I went for a run early yesterday morning again! It was the best run of my life! I know I say that every time, but that is because it keeps getting better. Early morning is definitely the way to go for me since I don’t think I can run with any food in my tum. I woke up at 6, got ready and was out the door! I started my run as soon as  I stepped outside and went down my usual path. I felt amazing! It was a gorgeous morning, it was warm out, the path wasn’t crowded and I didn’t feel any pain. A few minutes in a song came on my iPod that I wanted to sing out loud to — so I did! That made my run SO much more fun! I was singing The Steps of Saint Patrick by Jason LeVasseur, one of my favorite songs that always makes me feel happy. It made running even less painful and so much better. I stopped whenever anyone got near me though — I do have some shame!

I also sang a DMB song later in my run which also felt so wonderful! I can’t remember which one now but I think it was Old Dirt Hill. I’ll have to go back and check my running iPod for a reminder. But I loved it!

Usually when I run, it is more like jogging in place with a little forward movement. Yesterday I was surprised to find myself actually propelling myself forward a few times! Actually running! With no knee or chest pain or cramps! And I even passed 2 different people, which never happens! I felt amazing. My run took less time to finish, but I also started it earlier and ended it later than I had been, so my time was 31 minutes. Max HR was 196, average HR 176, calories burned 300. Not bad!

And the best part? My left knee felt GREAT! However, throughout the rest of the day, I could not walk down stairs without crying in pain from the the outside part of my right knee. Looks like my patella femoral pain syndrome (along with my bursitis) has left my left knee and taken up residence in my right. The same thing happened last week. Luckily, it didn’t hurt until after my run.

I will continue to run no more than once a week so it doesn’t get worse. I need to actually do this 5K!

This Week
My camera battery is officially dead. I am very upset! I do have to say that the battery has lasted MONTHS without being charged, which means that Canon is a very good company. I’ll have to make it into Best Buy on Thursday or Friday. That is because tonight I have my last session at the very cool NYC boutique gym that I can finally review for you this week and tomorrow night I am attending Beam Green with Gena and Diana and I don’t know who else. Anyone else going? I am very excited!

I am reading a hilarious book right now that had me laughing on the subway and outside while laying out. It is called People are Unappealing: Even Me by the witty, fantastic writer Sara Barron. While I haven’t finished the book yet, I already recommend it to you all because of Chapter Two and something called The Porn.


3 comments on So Much to Say

  1. Missy
    July 21, 2009 at 11:48 am (15 years ago)

    Next time you make french toast, I am coming over! It looks amazing! I am now on the lookout for whole wheat challah!

  2. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    July 21, 2009 at 3:23 pm (15 years ago)

    forget about the pancakes, let’s share french toast! I really do dream of making NY a weekend trip and just coming to hang out! I’ll get a hotel and you can leave the boy & come hang with me!

    Anyways…back to your blog. Dori, this new doctor you found sounds amazing! I am so glad she is energized to help figure something out, to look for options and to not let your only option be “non-reversable surgery” or “deal with it.”

  3. Maggie
    July 21, 2009 at 5:34 pm (15 years ago)

    Ahh french toast – you know how much I love it!

    That’s such great news about the GI doctor. Sounds like you finally found a good one 🙂 Insurance can suck sometimes. Or all the time.


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