Books You Should Read

I love books. I love reading. There is never a time I am not either in the middle of a book or about to start a new one. I often forget my favorites and thought a list would be a great idea. I am sure I am accidentally leaving some off, but I can always add to this or make another list! And as I have an addiction to buying new books, feel free to leave me any recommendations you have!

I would really like to add a “Currently Reading” widget to the sidebar of my blog, but my brother informed me that my current layout is not widget friendly. Luckily I already had plans underway for a big redesign — and I think this widget covet will motivate me to finally do it!


Here is a list of my all-time favorites that I highly suggest you read. Please bear with me as I read some of these a long time ago and don’t remember them as well as I would like to provide a good blurb. I definitely need to reread the ones I can’t remember clearly — but do remember LOVING.

Literary Fiction

The Time Traveler’s Wife Audrey Niffenegger – I was enthralled with the beauty of this when I first read it. When I heard the movie was slated to come out in late 2008, I reread it so I would have the story fresh in my mind. I loved it all over again. The movie was pushed back again, and I am sure I will read it a third time before it comes out. It is incredible and beautiful and amazing and I can’t recommend it enough.

She’s Come Undone Wally Lamb Quite possibly the best book of all time. I read this one so many times that the book completely fell apart. I was thrilled when I found a new copy for a few dollars I believe from the book people (people in NY who sell books on the street — they are at a few locations). I am dying to break into my new copy and read it again, as it has been many years since the last reading and I want to experience the amazingness again.

The Lovely BonesAlice Sebold – Chilling story of a family told from Heaven, from the point of view of a girl who was raped and murdered as she sees what happens to her family and friends. You won’t be able to put this down once you pick it up. This one will stick with you.

One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd Jim Fergus – “In 1854 at a peace conference at Fort Laramie, a prominent Northern Cheyenne chief requested of the U.S. Army authorities the gift of one thousand white women as brides for his young warriors.”  While this never happened, Jim Fergus wrote a novel as if it did. Not all 1,000, as the directive was never completed, but May Dodd is in the initial group of women who go. Fascinating story!

The DivideNicholas Evans – This was the first book I took from the free book shelf when I used to work at a book company.  I was new to the company and my friend at work told me that her mother had read this and said it was really good. I took it not knowing what to expect — and was seriously blown away. This is a book that will stick with you long after you finished. I really need to reread it. And a couple months ago I was lucky to find a signed copy at Duane Reade for $3.00!

The Girls Lori Lansens – You might think you have no idea what it is like to be a conjoined twin, yet Lori Lansens has done such incredible research that she seems to pinpoint it perfectly. Told from the point of view from both twins who are connected at the head and can only see each other through a mirror (“I have never looked into my sister’s eyes”) – the girls strive to write their story while they still can. An unforgettable book.

The Book Thief Markus Zusak Another one I will have to pick up again. All I really remember is loving it. It is told from the point of view of Death about a little girl during World War II.

*UPDATE: I forgot two more great ones – The History of Love and Middlesex. My Aunt Dale reminded me about History of Love, which is ridiculously beautiful. And Sara reminded me of Middlesex, which I read an entire weekend because I never left my bed!

Incredible Memoirs

Jesus Land: A MemoirJulia Scheeres – An incredible and heartbreaking story of a girl’s very tough childhood in rural Indiana and a Christian reform school in the Dominican Republic …

The Glass Castle: A MemoirJeanette Walls – Another fascinating story that follows journalist Jeanette Walls through her life with her eccentric, nomadic, at times abusive parents. The book begins, according to PW, “by describing looking out the window of her taxi, wondering if she’s “overdressed for the evening” and spotting her mother on the sidewalk, ‘rooting through a Dumpster.'” If that doesn’t make you want to pick it up, I don’t know what will!

Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Addiction David Sheff – I couldn’t put this one down — and even ran out immediately after to buy Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines, the son’s memoir of the same time in his life (who also opened his book with a John Lennon quote). Sheff is a phenomenal writer who tries desperately to piece together what went wrong when his son became addicted to drugs. Nic was a bright, happy boy who was loved by everyone. This is his father’s account of his son’s addiction and what it did to their family. An incredible book that all parents should read.

Tender at The Bone: Growing Up at the TableRuth Reichl

Comfort Me with Apples: More Adventures at The TableRuth Reichl

Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Critic in Disguise – Ruth Reichl

Yes, those three memoirs are by the same person, but they are just THAT good — especially if you love food the way I do. The boy’s mom recently gave them to me (how nice of her!) and I didn’t know what to expect — well, I literally devoured them (no other word would suffice!).  I finished one and picked the next one right up. And then the next. The way Ruth Reichl (former NY Times restaurant critic, current editor of Gourmet) connects food and recipes with her experiences is nothing short of phenomenal — from her early memories of her mother giving everyone food poisining, to her experiences at a French boarding school in Canada, her college roommate finding out her true past, her divorce from one husband and courtship with another — it ALL revolves around food. And good food at that. Her experiences as a restaurant critic are eye opening and intriguing as well.

These books are hilarious and incredibly well written and I really wish there was more!  I never wanted them to end. I can’t recommend these books enough!

Until I get the widget in place, I will manually write what I am currently reading.

Currently Reading: I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb, the same author as She’s Come Undone. I have had this book for a long time but at a page count of about 900 has prevented me from picking it up as quickly as I should have. I have heard wonderful things about it and the 1,086 Five Star reviews on Amazon have got to count for something! I am about 100 pages in now and very excited to read more!

Elliot Bay, my favorite bookstore in the world where I can spend hours upon hours reading reviews and descriptions and coming away with new reads is a great source of recommendations.

Even though I am usually enthralled in my books, I am also always thinking of which book I will read next. (I have a room full of books from working at the book company, where I was a promotional email copywriter).  My mom and I were recently at Barnes & Noble and there were 2 books I  really wanted. My mom said she would buy them for me if I left one with her to read right away, and then we could switch. When she read hers and loved it so much that I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on it! I will get it from her on Sunday — but won’t be able to start until I finish my current book.

Therefore, Next On My Reading List might have to be a widget as well! Although that one can and does change constantly. But this one I am sure about — next on my reading list is Firefly Lane.

13 comments on Books You Should Read

  1. sara
    May 5, 2009 at 2:17 pm (15 years ago)

    omg this is amazing! i will bookmark this list to go back to when i need recs! THANK YOU!!!!! One of my favorites of all time was Middlesex.

    • Dori
      May 5, 2009 at 2:19 pm (15 years ago)

      Sara – I LOVED Middlesex. I read the entire thing in one weekend and literally never left my bed!

  2. Maggie
    May 5, 2009 at 2:19 pm (15 years ago)

    Oo – I’m going to print this out. I have a bunch of health books that I want to read, but I don’t have a good list of non-health books. Lovely Bones was so good. I read it a while ago (high school maybe?). It’d be worth reading again though; I think my copy is in NJ at my parents’ house.

  3. Mallory
    May 5, 2009 at 3:19 pm (15 years ago)

    We should have a Blogger Book Club Challenge! Like the 30 day Shred Challenge, but with books…everyone reads a book and we blog as we read!

  4. Missy
    May 5, 2009 at 3:57 pm (15 years ago)

    I started reading Time Traveler’s Wife and stopped for no reason! I need to pick it up again since I finished Naturally Thin yesterday! I will def. use this list after I am done that one!

  5. elise
    May 5, 2009 at 5:10 pm (15 years ago)

    we have SUCH similar tastes in books. i LOVE so many of the ones you mentioned. sign on to goodreads and find me. i love comparing books with others to get good ideas to add to my to-read list

  6. One Gillian Reasons
    May 5, 2009 at 5:54 pm (15 years ago)

    Awesome post – you listed some of my favorite books – Glass Castle, She’s Come Undone, Lovely Bones, Time Traveler’s Wife – I agree with Mallory, we should definitely start a book club. Other favorites of mine are The Alchemist, Jodi Picoult books (My Sister’s Keeper), Eat, Pray, Love – Middlesex? Maybe Ill get that at the airport on Thursday, keep the recommendations coming!

  7. melissa
    May 5, 2009 at 10:22 pm (15 years ago)

    Thank you so so so much for this post. I am ALWAYS looking for something to read. The only book on the list I have read is Garlic and Sapphires, which I loved. Right now I am reading disgrace. I might have to copy this idea and do a book post on my blog.

  8. leslie
    May 6, 2009 at 7:32 am (15 years ago)

    thanks for all the good book reccomendations! I literally added them all to my to-read list! haha. Are you on goodreads? We should be goodreads friends if you are!!! 🙂

  9. Hangry Pants
    May 6, 2009 at 9:57 am (15 years ago)

    I’ve read many of the same books! I was going to recommend The Glass Castle before I saw you read it. You might like Dream When You’re Feeling Blue by Elizabeth Berg. I’ve read a few of her books and that one is my fav.

  10. Sarah (Tales of Expansion)
    May 6, 2009 at 3:37 pm (15 years ago)

    thank you for this list, dori!! i’m a reading addict, too — it’s the only thing that gets me through the subway rides. i’ve read about half the books on your list, but i’m so excited about the other half. thank you for the suggestions!

  11. Brown Man
    May 6, 2009 at 10:57 pm (15 years ago)

    Good list- finally have a guideline to all these darn books in the house! I know I have some of these from a previous job 🙂

  12. Tanya
    May 7, 2009 at 12:02 am (15 years ago)

    We have such similar tastes in books! She’s Come Undone was so great (Wally Lamb). You have a few on here that I haven’t read and I’m adding to my list.

    I started using to track the books I’m reading – not sure if you use something like that but I highly recommend that site.


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