
Archive of ‘Spin’ category

Workout Plan: Week of February 3, 2013

Happy February, if you can call the coldest month of the year happy. I am very over this winter and there is still so much left…

Enough of my whining. Let’s get to my workout plan for this week. I’m trying to make the most of my $99 unlimited month at Revolve before it ends. After that I think I’ll buy a class package and go once a week or so.

Speaking of Revolve, Melissa and I are planning a special (free) private class for any of you who’d like to try it out! We’ll have details for you soon.

Dori’s Shiny Workout Plan for the week of February 3, 2013:

  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Monday – Rest
  • Tuesday – Rip Ride at Revolve (1 hr)
  • Wednesday – Real Ride at Revolve (45 min)
  • Thursday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Friday - Run (3 or 4 miles) or Rest
  • Saturday – Refine Method (1 hr)

Rip Ride is phenomenal. Like, amazing. Like, I need to go every week for the duration of my residence in the NYC area. I’m also taking Jason Tran’s Real Ride this week because I hear he is an awesome instructor who plays incredible music. I’m looking forward to all of this.

How did I do last week? Pretty great, although I have to say my appetite has definitely caught up with the increase in exercise. I’m so hungry!

Also, I got two calls to teach spin at a different gym than the one I taught at, but I was busy both nights. I hope there are more opportunities to practice! I’m submitting an application for the gym next door to my apartment building, and I know they require an audition, so I hope I get to do that soon.

Dori’s Shiny Workout Plan for the week of January 28, 2013:

  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr) and practice spin at Club H (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Monday – Taught spin at Hamilton Health & Fitness (55 min) - Complete!
  • Tuesday – Rip Ride at Revolve (1 hr) - Complete (and AWESOME).
  • Wednesday – Refine Method (1 hr) Rest – I swapped with Friday to take advantage of the warm(ish) weather and ran 3 miles on very tired legs. Do not recommend.
  • Thursday - Rest or East Coast vs West Coast Ride at Revolve (45 min) Refine Method (1 hr) - Complete!
  • Friday – Rest (depending on Thursday) or Run (3-4 miles) – I swapped with Wednesday and RESTED
  • Saturday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!

Andy came with me to Refine on Saturday, finishing up his fourth class and first month of the Refine Resolution Challenge! It was a tough class (and I am so glad he didn’t come Sunday instead because that ended up being absurdly difficult) and definitely his hardest to date. I’m proud of him for getting through a month of his own personal hell, and for him committing to five classes this month.

As for me, I am amazed by how Refine continues to challenge me every day, even though I’ve been taking it for over two years. Yesterday, for the first time since 2010, I couldn’t make it through an entire plank. I dropped to child’s pose before getting back into it. In my defense, my feet were on sliding discs and we had to move our legs in and out in a “snow angel” three different times in sets of 10, after Brynn had us slide our bodies back which made it all that much harder. It was brutal and I am so happy Refine is constantly changing the workouts and making me work hard.

Do you have a harder time getting workouts in when it’s freezing out? How did your week go last week? Any fun workouts planned this week?

Workout Plan: Week of January 13, 2013

Dori's Refine Resolution Challenge - 36 classesWith my wedding less than five months away (I should probably write a blog post about that at some point, huh?) I am using the Refine Resolution Challenge as motivation to step up my workouts and get hot for June 8, 2013.  As I planned my weekly workouts in my head I realized it would be a lot more organized to write them down. And then I realized I could share it with you, and maybe do that every week to keep better track and stay committed.

Also, Brynn (founder of Refine Method) somehow got me to convince Andy to commit to four classes this month. Andy tried Refine once before and couldn’t walk for a week; it was the most miserable hour of his life to date. I don’t know how we so easily convinced him, but he came with me on Sunday and I am really proud of him for going, impressed with him for still being alive and touched that he would do this for me. I’ll have more information about this to share soon.

Dori’s Shiny Workout Plan for the week of January 13, 2013:

  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Monday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Tuesday –  Spin at Club H (45 min)
  • Wednesday – Rest
  • Thursday – Run (Either 4 miles outside or 3-4 miles w/intervals on treadmill)
  • Friday – Spin at Equinox (Special event, 90 min)
  • Saturday – Refine Method (1 hr)

Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts or anything!

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