Archive of ‘Refine Resolution Challenge’ category

#DumpTheGym, Send Bill to Refine (Plus Oiselle Refine Class)

I don’t usually run much in the winter anyway, but right now I actually can’t run because I strained my hip during the Bellingham Bay Marathon (UPHILL. SO MANY.) and I need to work on strengthening my butt. This works out well because my favorite workout in the world, Refine Method, recently opened a new location that is actually convenient for me from Jersey City.

Located at 131 Perry Street in the West Village, the newest Refine location is not only gorgeous and luxurious (the best showers of my life happen there) but it also has a new-and-improved pulley system for resistance, brand new branded kettlebells, straps, med balls, and a system in place for a bunch of new surprises that haven’t debuted yet.

Not only is my train trip a zillion times better, but my workout is even better too! The new pulley system is smooth and easy to use, with weights in pounds that you can easily adjust – even in the middle of an exercise. The workout is even more intense, but the overall class time is shorter – just 50 minutes gets me the perfect full body workout!  Refine is also an instant mood booster. If I am having a bad day, I always know I will feel better after just one class.


I loved the new spot so much that I brought my neighbor/friend/Oiselle teammate Danielle back in December, and she loved it so much she is now a member – and she’s seen so much improvement that she rearranged her budget for more Refine! Here is a little gallery of us holding on to straps in front of the new pulley system.

I also arranged a free private class for my Oiselle teammates and the Oiselle Flock called #OiselleTakesRefine. We even had Refine’s creator (and our instructor for the day) Brynn Putnam decked out in #FlyStyle.

I love introducing people to my favorite workout because in the last 4.5 years (WOW HOW HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG) since I broke up with the barre and started working out smarter by taking Refine, I’ve seen so much improvement in my strength and my running. I also feel badass lifting heavy (for me) weights. And every class is different, so I never know what to expect, and I usually love (almost) every second. No feeling in the world compares to how I feel as soon as a class ends. I just want to go back for more!

By the way, how clever are these breakup videos? This is Laura. I like her hair.


All that being said, I’m actually annoyed at myself for not writing this post sooner because Refine has an amazing new promotion that ends soon: #DumpTheGym by Valentine’s Day, and send the bill to Refine. They’ll credit one month of your membership to any 3 month class plan. Dump the gym and work out smarter in the new year – with me!

dumpthegym refine method

Not convinced? Will these awesome instructor videos woo you? Here is Lonnie. I love Lonnie. He is the cutest.


So…. will I see you at Refine? I promise it is fun.


The next blog post you see from me will be my TCS New York City Marathon Recap.



2013 Resolutions-ish Revisited

On January 1, 2013 I posted this: I think these are resolutions?

Later that day I fulfilled one of the resolutions when Andy and I adopted Larry Gary Gray (formerly Larry Q. Gray).

Larry with Santa

Don’t tell Santa Larry’s a Jew.

Then I forgot about the rest and went on with my year. Today, I remembered that post and figured I’d take a look and see how I unknowingly did on these “resolutions”

Here we go:

DSB 2013 Resolutions-ish – REVISITED

(For more details on the reasoning behind these resolutions, see the original post)


Be less of a jerk

Verdict: You decide.

Yesterday on my way out of a store, I opened the door and while the door was open someone coming in grabbed it from me so she could enter. Then she said “YOU’RE WELCOME.” I didn’t realize I was supposed to thank her since it was a mutually beneficial door exchange.  She didn’t hold the door for me; we exchanged the door at the halfway point.

So this one I leave to you: Am I or am I not still a jerk?


 Get hot for wedding

Verdict: Fuck yeah success. Thanks Refine Method.

Dori and Andy farm wedding

In order to get hot for wedding, I needed to get back to a consistent workout routine, which slowed down following Hurricane Sandy because of fewer transportation options and the closing of Refine’s Union Square location (which was just one train ride away). I did try CrossFit Jersey City for a month but I didn’t love it nearly as much, or see the same great results as I do at Refine.

My exact words were, “I need to find a way to make the midweek Refine class work – even if it’s just once a week.” Thanks to joining the Refine Resolution Challenge and committing to three classes a week, I realized that getting to Refine before/after work (Refine is on the Upper West Side of Manhattan; I live and work in New Jersey) wasn’t actually bad! Those three classes a week increased to four and, as I got closer to my wedding, five — and it wasn’t a hassle at all. Andy ended up joining the challenge as well.

Now, Refine is a family affair.

family refine

The #RefineGray fam with the genius who invented Refine


Train for a marathon like a real runner person

Verdict: SUCCESS!

I said I wanted a coach and I got one. I said I wanted to incorporate jargon such as “tempo runs” “speedwork” and “hill repeats” and I did all that too. I ran 4-5 days a week. So I think we can safely say that I successfully trained like a real runner person.


 Run a 4:15 marathon

Verdict: Remember how upset I was when I ran a 4:11 marathon? HAHA. Success.

Dori at Richmond Marathon finish line 2013

 Run in the cold maybe once a week

Verdict: Failed miserably.

Not counting the last few weeks of marathon training, I ran in the cold one time. My face felt like it was going to freeze off and that was the end of that.


 Suck it up and run on the treadmill

Verdict: Failed.

Yeah I didn’t do that either. But this year, as my knee heals and I start to build a base for my next goal marathon, I will. Especially since my gym is getting fancy new treadmills that seem like they will motivate me.  And since I’m serious about my goal for the Eugene Marathon (if I’m ever able to find a decent flight, that is…) I will do it this time around.


 Wear sweats to work and shower less often

Verdict: Sigh. Failed.

I wore yoga pants to work maybe twice and I showered more than ever, not counting that time after my 20 mile run when I didn’t shower for 27 hours.


 Do girlfriend things

Verdict: Failed.

I said: “For some reason sometimes a girl likes me and wants to be my friend. I never understand why as I do nothing to encourage such behaviors. But I figure I might as well give in. So, hi Ashley Runningbun. You’ll probably see a little more of me in 2013. Maybe we’ll run. And drink Bloody Marys.”

Then bitch got knocked up so no Bloodys.


Get drunk at my wedding without getting painful hiccups

Verdict: Success.

I was wasted at my wedding and did not hiccup once.

Dori's wedding


Get a dog [so something will love me]

Verdict: Best success of my life. This little boy is the best creature to ever exist in this world and every day Andy and I can’t believe how we possibly found this sweet, funny, cuddly, loving, perfect little thing.

larry fat

His ass is not nearly as fat as it appears

I succeeded at some resolutions and failed at others, but considering that I forgot what any of my resolutions even were I think I did pretty well!

Happiest hiking pup ever

Did you accomplish the  goals you set for yourself this year?

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