Archive of ‘Core Fusion’ category

Breaking Up with the Barre

If you follow me on Twitter or dailymile, you might have noticed something’s changed about my workouts. And no, I don’t mean the running hiatus that runs from November – April. That happens every year. It’s called “winter.” I’m talking about the fact that what I once considered my staple, my constant in exercise — barre classes — are no longer a part of my life.

A quick summary for those of you who haven’t been reading for the last two years (in other words, 98% of you) — in January, 2010 I was offered the opportunity to take Core Fusion classes at exhale spa for a month at no charge, as a Core Fusion Challenge. The only condition was that I document my experience on my blog and exhale’s blog, and that I take before and after measurements and photos.

From the first day of the challenge, even though it was not my first Core Fusion class, my life was somehow changed. Call it the right place at the right time, but in January, 2010 I needed something to occupy me. I also needed something to help me with body image issues I’d been going through ever since getting sick in August, 2007. And I needed to get in shape. I was running here and there, and maybe going on an elliptical sometimes, but that was the extent of my working out. I needed something.

So I jumped right into that challenge and even though it sounds dramatic, my life did change. And even better, I learned more about exercise and why strength training is important for women. The results were practically automatic. I felt happier and more at peace. I had something to work for and seek accomplishment in. I had an outlet for stress and bad days, and a place to feel comfortable, in my element, at home. The staff was wonderful to me and even when I had an injury went above and beyond to work with me and help me. I went from not liking or caring much about exercise to truly loving it, embracing it, making it a deeply embedded part of my life. I fully credit Core Fusion for that. And I am forever grateful to everyone at exhale.

So why did I stop?

A few things happened to lead me away from the barre class. And I want to note that it isn’t specifically Core Fusion that I don’t do any more; it is ALL barre classes based on the Lotte Berk method (small movements, high rep, ballet-style).

In November 2010, I was treated for a labral tear in my hip. I know when this pain started — during a gluteal exercise in class. I felt it, and I kept taking class and repeating the same movements. I didn’t want to lose what I worked for all year. It was stupid and you know what they say about hindsight. I just didn’t think it was a real injury. But it was. (My Hip Injury – Part 1 and My Hip Injury – Part 2).

The pain was only bad during specific moves that aggravated it. Unfortunately, a large part of barre classes are comprised of those movements and it was too much to modify. I was still able to take other exhale classes, such as Core Fusion Cardio. And I went at least once a week. But the main class, the majority of their class programming, was the class I could not take.

At the same time, I was taking a few Refine Method classes. Brynn Jinnett, a former ballerina and barre class instructor, had just opened the studio.

She explained it better to me than I can explain in an interview last year (which is also up on the Refine Method website under “Why”):

“While Brynn enjoyed the boutique studio atmosphere, she saw many women at these studios working so hard, but still not achieving the results they wanted because of faulty information about exercise. After she retired from dancing and began to think about fitness as a long-term career, she decided to learn more about the body from those at the top so she could really separate fact from fiction. She started a two year period of research into exercise physiology and nutrition which entailed lots of reading and mentorships with some of the top athletic trainers, physiology professors and fitness business owners across the country. Her research took her from time with the most successful collegiate strength coach, watching him work with players training for the NFL, to work with the top exercise physiology professor USC, who is studying how muscles grow. In creating the Refine Method, she tried to apply the incredible knowledge of these top exercise science professionals to the specific aesthetic demands of the thousands of clients she has taught at NYC‘s top boutique fitness studios. Her goal in creating the Refine Method is to educate her clients to not just train hard, but to train smart.

While I was getting the hang of this different type of workout, I had my doubts. In a barre class, you work specific muscle groups as they burn and shake. In Refine, there is no burn. In a barre class, the thighs section is so hard you have to take breaks and you pray for it to just be over already as you try and push through the pain. In Refine, there is no pain. And nothing lasts long enough to have to stop because it hurts so much.

It sounds like I am praising Refine, but at the time these thoughts were me doubting it. I didn’t believe that an exercise that didn’t burn could produce results. I didn’t believe that doing three arm exercises a class could tone my arms — especially when my arms weren’t on fire! Even though the class totally kicked my butt and I really enjoyed it, I had a hard time accepting that I was really working my abs without being in a curl position practically in tears.

I made a couple of attempts at Core Fusion again, but each time my hip would bother me after, even if I thought I was avoiding the things that hurt. Really, my hip injury was an overuse injury from constantly performing the exact same type of movements.

During and after Refine? My hip was fine. I was happy to have a workout to do, and a convenient one at that. But Brynn, the founder of Refine and former barre class instructor, knew that I (and others from a barre background) had our doubts and so she wrote two extremely informative, easy-to-read, intelligent blog posts to explain why the “burn” doesn’t mean we are getting the best workout — or the smartest. (Lowering the Barre Part 1 and Part 2)

As 2010 ended and 2011 began, I was taking Refine most days, and Core Fusion Cardio once or twice a week. And of course, I didn’t lose any strength. As I am sure you all suspected, I got stronger. One day in Refine I looked in the mirror as I was in a hinge-back abs exercise, and I didn’t recognize my own back peeking out from behind my shoulders. First of all, my back has never “peeked out” visibly before. I was strong. I looked strong. I was shocked.

[Photo – Dori & Brynn at Refine, 2011]

I was also well enough injury-wise by then to train for a marathon. I took my training easy because I was so concerned about aggravating my hip injury. I had a training plan designed specifically for me that included just three days a week of running. I didn’t do any speed or hill work because I wanted to play it safe with my hip. And when I completed my first marathon, I blew my 4:59-predicted (and hoped for) race time out of the water with a 4:33:29.

I credit Refine. And overall awesomeness.

I was still scared to truly leave my barre roots behind, and I continued the Core Fusion Cardio and Bootcamp and even added in Core Fusion Yoga every now and then. I craved that abdominal curl position, thinking it was the only way to keep my abs. But as I learned more from Brynn and read other sources about the core and the back and how our bodies work, my back started hurting during this exercise. A lot. I don’t know if it was mental or not, but the pain felt real and I realized one day — I don’t want to be doing this exercise that I now know to be harmful.

I still took the non-barre Core Fusion variations, but Refine remained my predominant workout and I found myself preferring it to the others. So when my exhale membership ended on December 31, I thought about attempting to renew it. And then I decided it wasn’t worth it.

I gave up Core Fusion Cardio — which I loved. I thought I would miss it . . . but it turns out I don’t. I thought I needed to hold four-pound-weights high up in the air for an hour straight because without the burn I wouldn’t be strong or have muscles . . . and it turns out it that is not the case. Because now I am all-in with Refine. And I found this time that by doing these exercises that Brynn vetted and approved and studied and practiced and researched — by doing exclusively those, I’m seeing results faster than before. I’m getting even stronger than before. I took off a few months to train for the marathon, and coming back was so hard. I could barely single pushup (Brynn laughed as I flopped onto my belly) and I turned my jump-backs into less intense step-backs. I felt constantly winded. But now that I’ve been back for a couple of months, I can’t believe how quickly I reached my previous level of fitness — and then surpassed it.

I take class less often now than I used to. And I’m still getting stronger. I don’t need to work out five to six days a week to see the changes. And this time, after the marathon, I decided that I didn’t care about visible results. I’d rather spend time relaxing with my boyfriend, rather than every free second working out, and so my goals changed. I just wanted to get a little stronger again and back in shape. The clearly visible results were a by-product. An awesome one at that.

The Refine class itself has changed a few times in the last year. When Brynn learns that something can be revised or made better, she does that. The class is constantly being tweaked to adapt to new discoveries in exercise science, or small ways to make it even more challenging, while many standard barre classes are the exact same class as they were 50 years ago. They’re firm in their beliefs and don’t adapt as quickly (if at all) to new knowledge. Every class is very much the same. With Refine on the other hand, no two classes are the same. We are always working different muscles in a different sequence, so our minds and bodies don’t get bored and plateau — and no one exercise lasts very long, so you can always push through. Refine teaches you to move in a way your body recognizes. The result is challenging exercises that don’t cause physical pain while you’re doing them.

I had the opportunity to take a different barre class a few weeks ago. It was Figure 4, which I had taken once before and loved. It is different than a cookie cutter barre class; Kate, the founder, combines exercises in tandem for a more effective workout. And even though I adore Kate, I knew while I was there that this class was no longer for me. Knowing what I now know — I just don’t care for barre classes anymore.

Sure, I can push through the shaking thighs and burning pain — but why? Why would I want to be in pain, even if it’s just for a few minutes? What could possibly be THAT important to me that I force myself to accept (and embrace, as the instructors often tout) pain and discomfort for an extended period of time? A good body? Calories burned? Hard quad muscles?

It might be worth it for others. In fact, barre classes are worth it for many. I strongly believe that any exercise you can actually commit to is worth it. It once was worth it for me. But now that I know I can get a phenomenal, safe, highly effective and results driven full-body workout without the pain that is simply a part of the class, well, there’s just no going back.

Update: Please see my follow-up to this post. Thank you!


2011 DSB Year in Review

Happy new year! Last year I posted my 2010 DSB Year in Review a little earlier — as in, before the new year — but I also had a lot less going on in my life (read: I had no access to a couch in which to sit and do nothing for hours on end). I ended that post with “I am excited to see where 2011 takes us!” I sometimes lament on how I don’t understand time, and when I wrote that post I did not think for a second about writing this 2011 version, knowing exactly where 2011 took me. I’m glad to be able to say that this year was even better, which I wasn’t sure was even possible at the time.

I never could have known when I wrote last year’s recap that by the same time next year, I would have run one and two-thirds marathons, filmed an online webisode for a huge search engine, fall in love for the first time, find a great job and get quoted in the biggest newspaper in the world, to name just a few. And as always, this blog was instrumental in most of my year.

And if you are one of the 37,000 people who found my blog this past weekend from Texgate lol, I want to say welcome and also that I was advised once to work on not getting frustrated with people who are dumb, but instead to feel fortunate that I (and all of you non-idiots) have a gift that they don’t. It is a very lovely way to think about the world. That said, please send me comments or emails about stupid people you might like to see ridiculed here.

I don’t see the world in such a lovely way.

Anyway, here we go with my 2011 DSB Year in Review . . .


On January 1, I rang in the 2011 new year with blogger friends old and new and proclaimed that my goal for 2011 was to find a career where I am writing and doing social media related to health & fitness. I actually achieved that goal (See July ) and even though my job isn’t 100% health & fitness, I am thrilled with what I am doing and there is some fitness-related stuff going on there.

Dori and Missy NYE 2011

On January 26, I felt legitimized as a blogger who happens to love fitness when I was quoted on page 2 in the New York Times article “Full-Service Gyms Feel A Bit Flabby about getting the most out of my workouts with dedicated, boutique fitness classes.


On February 1, I shared my response to that NY Times article — namely that the reason people pay so much for boutique fitness classes and even join on top of already-expensive gym memberships is because these classes produce results.

After alluding to my hip injury that was preventing me from running and taking some of my favorite exercise classes, I finally explained it to everyone in a two part series: My Hip Injury – Part 1 and My Hip Injury – Part 2

Also in February, the amazing exhale spa (home of Core Fusion classes) offered me the chance to try acupuncture to help with my hip. Naturally, I accepted.


In early March, a doctor told me I was too pale to run a marathon. This “sports doctor” orthopedist seemed very sure of himself as he chuckled at me for even wanting to do such a thing while my hue was so fair.

And he had some bad timing, since I also started writing a weekly column called Dori’s Quest for NBC New York’s GO Healthy NY website, in which my first post was called How I Got Into The Greatest Marathon in the World.

Dori running first qualifying race for 2011 NYC Marathon

The best part of March — of every March — is my favorite time of year, my birthday, at which everyone pays attention to Dori. Everyone has to be nice to me and buy me drinks and I get to be a self-absorbed asshole on this blog and post tons of pictures of myself.

Case in point:

Dori at her birthday 2011

The other best part of March? Meeting the boy who likes sitting on the couch and doing nothing as much as I do. And he actually owns a couch so really that’s why I love him.

Dori and Andy

I promise I own more than one dress.


I fulfilled my dream of attending a Wendy Williams show taping, and appeared on the show on April 12 with my blogging friend Heather (formerly of Hangry Pants fame). Here we are beside Rudy Huxtable’s real life mom:

Dori and Heather at Wendy Williams

I also published two freelance articles for the incredible

And on April 26, it was time to write a blog post but I didn’t have anything to write about. Then my friend forwarded me an email and I just had to make fun of it. Publicly. It epitomized my friend’s and my saying: What is wrong with EVERYONE?! And so the most popular post in my entire blogging career — by far — was created:

Texting and Dating, or Texgate lol 2011 

Have I mentioned how much I love the internet?


I finally made it as a blogger after a commenter called me a self entitled c*nt.

In non-texgate news, I started running again after taking six months off from my hip injury and felt like my November NYC Marathon dream might actually be possible after all.

Dori running again


On June 11, Missy and I hosted a free IntenSati class as part of the Be Fit NYC initiative on how to make NYC your gym, and even though we had to change the location (it was too rainy for Central Park), lots of people came and it was a huge success as evidenced by this photo of my ass:

Dori's butt at IntenSati

And even though I guaranteed had entry to the ING NYC Marathon, I decided to also run the race as part of the Girls on the Run charity program called Solemates because, why not? For the second time (first here), my blog readers helped me raise money for an amazing cause!


I explained why July is my favorite month of the year (it is REAL SUMMER!) and in unrelated news my roommate moved out of our 320 square goot apartment. I still do not have a place to put things. I also fulfilled my dream of being recognized for taking the best race photographs of all time and appeared on the homepage!

Dori on NYRR

On July 11, I started training for the ING NYC Marathon — a goal I had in the works for over a year, and the biggest thing I wanted to achieve in 2011.

I also accepted a job offer, accomplishing the goal I mentioned earlier of finding a career that involved writing and social media in the wellness world. Really, I am the social media manager for a number of beauty brands (such as Hydroxatone and Sarah McNamara Beauty) but I love it and I’ve got some wellness-related items in the works there too.

I finished the month with a surprise PR in the Queens Half Marathon — my first half marathon post-injury and one I did not train or plan to run my fastest half marathon at 2:06:27 in. Because I learned I can run a sub-10 minute mile half marathon without great training, this race inspired me to do train correctly and do even better in the half marathon distance next year. I have an ambitious goal for 2012.

Dori Queens Half Marathon


I revealed the secret video shoot I had been alluding to on my blog for almost two months with my Bing: Friends Matter webisode filmed at Refine Method (founder Brynn Jinnett appears in the video), The Gym at Chelsea Piers and Central Park. This was all about how our friends influence our decision, and exists because of Bing’s partnership with Facebook.

While I was in the best shape of my life during that shoot (which happened in June), in August I started feeling run down and — for the first time since I fell in love with exercise in January 2010 — burnt out.  Goes to show that everyone, no matter who they are or how strong — goes through periods where motivating to work out is hard.

Luckily before that happened, I ran a strong 14 miles — the longest run of my life to date, and the first time I ran farther than the half marathon distance. And it was just a week after my half marathon PR!

Dori at 14 mile run

And in response to a reader’s question about how I stay in shape, I also explained why I don’t tell you what I eat.

Also in August I was the subject of an interview with my friend Ben Waldman of Motivate Your Ass for NBC New York for his column called Extraordinary Motivation.


I ran 15 miles for the first time in my life, and I ran it by myself, which is highly unusual for me with crazy long distances.  I also decided to stop writing for NBC New York’s GO Healthy NY blog because I had less time with my new job.

I ran the 18 Mile Marathon Tune-Up — a race I ran past the year before and knew it would one day be me — where it would appear I outran death:

Dori and Masked Runner    Dori and Masked Runner 2


Surprise! I ran 20 miles for the first time — and felt great — on a day I had 19 on my schedule.

Dori's first 20

And then I ran my planned 20 miler!  With no route planned, Z and I ended up at LaGuardia Airport and Riker’s Island. Those two 20-mile runs both went so great, and I felt so strong both during and after, that I knew I could run 26.2. All doubt about the distance vanished and I felt confident.

20 miler route


After a year of qualifying through the NYRR 9+1 program, four months of training, lots of anticipation, excitement and anxiety, and thinking/talking about nothing else for months, it was finally time for the ING NYC Marathon on November 6. Like many things we plan, the race didn’t go as I expected. After suffering indescribable, freak upper-GI pain for a good nine miles, I made the extremely heartbreaking, difficult decision to leave the race at mile 18.

Dori running ING NYC Marathon

A week later, I surprised most people when I announced that I finished the SunTrust Richmond Marathon in 4:33:29! I completed my first marathon on November 11, 2011 – a good 20 minutes faster than I thought I’d finish. I was so happy and thankful that everything worked out the way it did.

Running that race was the greatest four hours of my life and I still wish I was back inside of it.

Dori at Richmond Marathon    Dori finishing Richmond Marathon

On November 22, I announced I was axing Tuesday Blags and instead going to blog when I felt like it. So far, I’ve failed miserably. Happy Tuesday!


On December 6, I reflected on what my two years of loving exercise has taught me about myself, which may all have canceled  each other out by points such as “I am lazy” and “I am an underachiever” juxtaposed with “I like pushing myself” and “I am tough on myself.”

I went to my new(ish) job’s holiday party on December 8 which validated my decision to accept said job when I saw they brought in both a caricature artist and a photo booth.

Dori and Andy caricature

My last post of 2011 was a long-winded explanation of my workout goals for 2012. The short-winded version? I’m only going to take classes I know are excellent or actually want to take, and I am not going to try new classes (either out of curiosity or for review) unless I really, really want to.

And lastly, in December, I received the most thoughtful, meaningful, best present of my life when my brother and sister-in-law sent me this word cloud from my own blog to commemorate my marathon finish. It looks like a sneaker and is fascinating:

So, yeah. I’d say 2011 was pretty great. I ran 585 miles, took more Refine Method and Core Fusion Cardio classes than I can count, ran a marathon, fell in love with a sweet boy with a couch and got an amazing job. I’m in worse shape physically than I was at this time last year, but now that I’m back into taking classes I think things will turn around. And throughout this past year — especially after I was a wreck from my DNF in the NYC Marathon and after I was elated from completing the Richmond Marathon — the support from your comments and emails helped me get through everything. When you’re happy for me, I feel happier for myself. When you commiserate with me, I feel better knowing I’m not alone.

I could not have achieved many of my 2011 accomplishments without this blog and without your support.

I still don’t know what will happen with DSB and my posting frequency, but I can’t imagine not having this record of every month of my life so I’m sure I’ll figure something out. I’ve got great things coming up in 2012 and as always, I’m excited to share it as it happens here.

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