Archive of ‘Core Fusion Challenge’ category

Core Fusion: Locker Room Brawl & Toughest Class Ever

I’m happy to say I have already completed 4 classes in my Core Fusion Challenge! As you know, I took both Core Fusion and Core Fusion Yoga over the weekend. I found out that the Fred, the co-creator of Core Fusion, was teaching on Monday night and I knew I had to take his class.

On Monday, I rushed home from work to change and hightail it up to the Upper East Side exhale studio. This was my second time at this location and like my first time, I was in awe of the lobby area with lots of gorgeous jewelry, yoga clothing, skin care, yoga mats, weights and more for sale. I touched a few things but had to stop myself from touching everything. It was all just so soft and pretty.

I must have arrived at the perfect time because I managed to get the very last locker left. There were two classes going on at the time, so all the lockers were being used. I turned around, feeling lucky that I snagged the last locker (for the time being until the other classes let out) and was faced with a mob of tight bodied women who were less than pleased that I got the final locker.

Then I realized, as these tightly toned small women stared me down, that these were the people Fred was tweeting about last month when he said “Teaching at Upper East Side. Some of these women take class 4-5 times a week and it shows!”

Yes, Fred, it does show.

While I felt a little intimidated, I had arrived earlier than they did. You snooze you lose. And now that I am taking class as often as they are, I will be prepared the next time for a locker room brawl.

Locker Room Brawl


When the classroom opened we all went in, and once I was set up I chatted with Fred a bit about the juices in the  Blueprint Cleanse. After we finished talking, one girl near me, who overheard our conversation, shouted to her friend on the other side of the room (why was her friend on the other side of the room? Missy and I stick together when we take class) and she said “Hey – wanna do a Blueprint Cleanse next week?” in a clearly sarcastic tone. The friend shouted back, “Uh, yeah, sure. Let’s start this weekend!” and the first girl replied, “Yeah, I can’t wait! Can’t wait to do our Blueprint Cleanse.” And the two girls burst into laughter.

They were making fun of me.

When something like that happens, being publicly made fun of – and teamed up, two against one – like that, I don’t confront it. I just feel ashamed and humiliated. I pretended not to have realized what was going on, but it really hurt a lot. Especially because they don’t know me, they don’t know my reason for doing the cleanse – which was to give myself a break from the constant pain and discomfort I experience. But that doesn’t matter! Who cares the reason? Who cares if I did it to look hot on New Years? So the eff what. It was my decision and they don’t know me or my situation enough to judge me.

I know, I know – these girls are nobody, all that. But still. When I got home later than night, I had an entire community of amazing Twitter friends (all bloggers!) who supported me, cheered me up and made me feel better. I love blogging and Twitter.

Ok, rant over. Back to the class!

The class started harmlessly enough, with a nice long plank. But since it was Fred’s class, I actually held the plank the entire time. I sometimes let myself collapse once or twice during it, but since it was Fred teaching and I feel like I have to impress, I didn’t do that. This set the stage for the entire class.

Pair the fact that I was trying to show Fred how great I am at Core Fusion (ha!) with the fact that he corrected my alignment numerous times throughout the class (had I been doing them wrong this entire time?!) and you can pretty much understand why this was, without a doubt, the most challenging Core Fusion class I had ever taken. As hard as class generally is, the proper alignment makes all the difference.

The moves are so much harder when you are actual in the correct position! Don’t get me wrong – the teachers do come around and correct your form during class – but it is only natural that the guy who INVENTED the class would be able to do this best. Fred is also very inspiring throughout class in everything he says and the way in which he teaches, so everyone really just wants to do their best. People work HARD in that class. And, of course, it was packed.

I found out that when the class does plies and we raise our toes off the floor, I was never actually raising my toes high enough off the floor. What a big different when you just get a little higher. It was really, really hard. And then, out of nowhere – HOLY LEG SPASM. My entire right leg was cramping. I often get foot cramps in class, but this was the first time it was my entire leg. I think I pushed myself a little too hard my first time in this position. And the next day my right calf was hurting badly. I emailed Fred and he said I probably pointed my foot a little too hard and strained my calf musles. He gave me some great advice: massage Capzasin or Tiger Balm into the calf muscles and gently stretch by flexing my foot. I had never even heard of Capzasin but I went right to Rite Aid, bought a little bottle and did what Fred said. WOW. That thing is a miracle. The pain practically disappeared.  Lesson learned – take it slow, kids. Good thing I had two days off from class to rest up.



When the class holds their legs straight up while sitting against the wall, I cannot do this. My legs just don’t go straight. Instead, I have to take a strap and stretch my legs while everyone else is going the movements. I tend to get very frustrated because I always feel like everyone can do this thing and I can’t — and why can’t I? Why is this something so many people, all shapes and sizes, can do. And I can’t. Sometimes I get upset.

Fred came up to me and told me to look around. “See,” he told me. “You aren’t the only one stretching during this part. Look at all these other people.” And it was true. There were a few other people in the same situation as me. It did make me feel better, but it still feels like a weakness on my part — even though it is obviously not my fault. I can’t even bend down and touch my toes. I took dance from kindergarten grade through senior year of high school and I have never been able to touch my toes. Or put my legs straight up un front of me as I sit low down against a wall.

It gives me something to work on.

As tough as thighs were, as difficult as butt was, nothing in the world can compare to abs on this day. In abs, we sit in a C curve. I always do it, hold myself up, hold my arms up when we are instructed to, trudge along. But on this day, Fred repositioned me and I found myself inches lower than I usually am. And suddenly the exercise was a zillion times more difficult. When the class started raising their arms and all that, I just had to grip my legs as tight as I could to maintain that position. I have never felt a burn in my abs like that. Wow. When I got up, the mat was soaked in my sweat. I almost never sweat in Core Fusion, and especially not like that.

The next day, I went to another Core Fusion class. I couldn’t decide between Core Fusion and Core Fusion Yoga, but I thought I would only get to go once more this week so I went with Core Fusion. My triceps were so sore, I could barely bend my arms during reverse pushups. My quads were so sore, I was pretty much unable to stay in the plies during thighs. It was actually pretty frustrating, as I had to stop and stand a few times. During the butt section, my right leg with the bad calf was spasming and I couldn’t hold it. Even though Fred’s class the night before was the most challenging, this class was physically the toughest I have ever taken. I figured the teacher either thought I was there for my first time or a major slacker. And since it was clear it wasn’t my first time (I know to keep yoga blocks next to me and to stretch with a strap while everyone else raises their legs under the bar) I was worried she thought I was an awful student. While I admit to slacking sometimes, it is never that blatant. So after abs were over (I wasn’t able to get myself that low again like Fred got me – how do I get back there??) and class ended, I went up to the teacher and explained myself. “I took Fred’s class last night,” I said.

She understood.

And now you all do, too. I took the next two days off from class to give my body a much needed rest after four straight days of class. And I am feeling great and ready to get back into it. I’ve got two more classes this week (turns out I was wrong about only being able to go to one more!) and I am ready. This is my first week of taking so many classes, so it is natural that my body is reacting. I do feel ready for more now. However, if Friday’s class bothers my calf, I will take it easy and definitely cancel Saturday. Always listen to your body! I am only going to class on Friday because I genuinely feel better.

I am loving reading my Core Fusion Challenge participants blogs and tweets about their experiences. I am so happy so many people are really sticking to the guidelines and working to improve their core strength and flexibility. If you are participating and haven’t updated me on how it is going, please let me know! I’d love to hear it.

I will report back next week! OH and I have a HUGE announcement about the NYC Half Marathon!!! I don’t need fundraising ideas anymore — I know exactly what I am going to do and I already have lots of people signed on to help! More info coming very soon!

Core Fusion YOGA + Bendie Bag Review

Before I start this post, I wanted to give everyone one more chance to join in the Core Fusion Challenge. One perk of the challenge that I did not mention earlier is that you have the opportunity to engage in weekly check-in/Q&A session conference calls with Fred DeVito, co-founder of Core Fusion and Catherine Hesse, Health Counselor & Core Fusion teacher. You can ask them any questions you have – such as if you are doing a movement correctly that you saw on the DVD. Please let me know if you’d like to join!

Update– Melissa told me that Core Fusion workouts are free on FitTV if you have it.

And I am excited to announce that my Core Fusion challenge experience can now be found on the exhale website! The posts are similar to these blog posts but edited to be appropriate for their website. So if you hate me but like Core Fusion, you can now read about the challenge there. But everyone else should check it out too!


On Sunday, the second day of my Core Fusion Challenge, I decided to try the Core Energy Flow class. Actually, it appears on the website that the rumor I heard is true and the class has been renamed Core Fusion Yoga. I like that name even better!

Here is a description of Core Fusion Yoga:

Developed by Elisabeth Halfpapp, one of the innovators of Core Fusion®, Core Fusion® yoga is yet another transformational experience efficiently programmed into a 60-minute class that is fueled by music.

Designed to shift your energy and improve overall wellbeing, Core Fusion® Yoga inspires guests with a combination of yoga asanas that raise the body’s heat and increase cardio endurance, intense core functional training to strengthen and tone the core, Qi Gong circular movements, and stretching to move energy and produce a state of inner calm and balance.

I was very nervous going in to this class. I’ve mentioned this on my blog before, but I have taken a few yoga classes in the past few years and never liked them. I felt bored and I felt like I struggled and was unable to do many of the poses. I forgot about yoga for a couple years, but lately I had been feeling a strong urge to try again. I took a Yoga – Level 1 class at Exhale and actually enjoyed it for the most part. I did a couple 20 minute yoga workouts on ExerciseTV onDemand, two 10 minute ones from Yoga Is Yummy and then I bought two Rodney Yee Beginner Yoga DVDs from Gaiam. I decided to try and like yoga.

But still, I was nervous for this class. I wasn’t worried that I wouldn’t enjoy it so much as I was worried it would be too hard to me and I would feel lost and embarrassed.

So I made Missy come with me.

Before leaving, I rolled my brand new Aurorae yoga mat that you might remember being given away on a bunch of blogs last month (see, blog marketing DOES work!) into my brand new yoga Bendie Bag!

Bendie Bags are being improved and relaunched in March, when they will start appearing in stores and be available for purchase on their website (also relaunching).

I had been wanting a yoga mat bag and Melissa and Gena have both written about Bendie Bags. I was really happy when I was offered a bag to review.

There are lots of colors to choose from and I love the color I chose, a medium/dark green with light green dots (color A_03 on their website for better pictures). Inside is even better, dark purple with light green dots! There are two external zipper pockets, one on either side of the bag. There are also pouches inside the bag on each side for further storage.

The bag is a very soft quilt material and I was so comfortable holding it on my shoulder. I surprised myself – I looked like a real yogi carrying this bag!

I’m very excited for the official Bendie Bag launch in March because there might be a little giveaway here for you!

Anyway, back to Core Fusion Yoga.

I specifically wanted to go on Sunday for my first Core Fusion Yoga class. This is because one of my favorite Core Fusion teachers, Barbara, was teaching. I knew that she would be perfect for my first time because Barbara is so friendly and understanding of any limitations or anything people are unable to do. I love her teaching style in Core Fusion as well, and she explains the exercises and the reasoning behind doing them in really interesting ways. I always come out of her class having learned something in addition to having gotten an incredible workout!

In fact, when I took my Humor Writing class from September through December, I was really disappointed that the class was on Wednesdays, the evening that Barbara teaches Core Fusion. Her Wednesday classes are always packed, so if you decide to take one sign up in advance! I was really happy to be taking Core Fusion Yoga with her because she already knows my strengths and weaknesses during Core Fusion (particularly my poor flexibility and knee injury).

I got to Exhale Spa early. I used to always say I would never join a gym I had to take a subway to, but going by subway to Central Park South has been so quick and easy. I don’t mind it at all, even on these freezing winter days. Since I was early, I was sitting on a bench in the locker room reading my BlackBerry when Barbara walked in. She came right up to me and started talking to me! She asked if I had my yoga mat (I did!) and I told her this was my first time taking this class. She was so sweet and started explaining things to me, and she asked me if I was there alone and I told her Missy would be there too for her first time.

Missy arrived and we both went to the yoga room. I love the Core Fusion room because of the openness and the skylight in the ceiling and I love the yoga room because it is warm and dark and has a fireplace! Barbara told us to lay our mats in the front near her and then she sat with us (it was still pretty early) and went over the way the class works and some of the poses we do during it. After she walked away, I turned to Missy and said, “And this why I wanted to take the first class with Barbara.”

Class began and I enjoyed it from the beginning. I felt flowy and stretchy and strong. Barbara was very clear in her instructions and I never felt lost. Of course, there were a couple of moments, particularly when we had to balance on one leg with no hands, that I was unable to do it, so when I put my hands back down on the yoga block Barbara would say “Good, Dori. That’s right.” I loved the positive reinforcement. That’s not to say I didn’t keep trying to balance; I did my best!

But for the most part I was able to do every movement! Remember in my last Core Fusion Challenge post when I said I despise pushups? Well, let me tell you something. We definitely did more pushups in Core Fusion Yoga than we do in a Core Fusion Open class, but I didn’t mind them at all – in fact, I enjoyed them. Not only did I not mind them and enjoy them, I actually did them full out. In Core Fusion, I do “girl” pushups, with my knees on the ground. That is because we do so many in a row that I just can’t support myself with my legs extended.

The reason I was able to do the pushups full out in Core Fusion Yoga is because we only did FOUR at a time before moving on to something else. We came back to the four pushups many times throughout the workout, but because we only did four at once, I was able to do them without putting my knees on the ground.

I LOVED THIS. Four pushups is not a big deal, and thirty pushups are not a big deal if they’re not all done in a row (for me). I felt so accomplished and happy about this! Maybe I will improve by the end of this challenge and do the pushups full out in Core Fusion as well? That wasn’t a goal for initially since I don’t usually like pushups and didn’t care one way or the other if I got better at them, but maybe it is something I should rethink.

We went through lots of different poses in a flowy way, repeated the same sequences a number of times. Lots of downward facing dogs, some upward facing dogs, some warrior and warrior two. I loved all of it. I really need to stretch like this more. The music was perfect as well, it really kept me going.

I was SWEATING. This class is cardio! We were moving the entire time without stopping. I’d love to incorporate this class into my routine to get a mix of strength and cardio in one.

We did some poses that made my thighs burn and was reminiscent of Core Fusion, such as holding a chair pose, only this time with our hands in prayer. We did some strengthening moves in our seat as well that I was all too familiar with – in fact, Barbara even said to me during the class “See, you already know this!” since she has taught many of my classes. Further encouragement. Love.

And, like any good Core Fusion class, we ended with abs. Abs were SO HARD. We used a heavy yoga block and held it on front of us while maintaining a boat pose and C curve and doing other movements while in this position. We raised and lowered the block. We moved it around. We put it between our thighs. The block made it so challenging. But before I knew it, we were done! Time to rest in savasana. I earned it.

I truly loved this class. The time went by quickly and I felt confident in my yoga abilities, something I have never experienced before. I was able to follow the class easily and so many of the movements felt so great, stretches I really needed.

After class, Barbara complimented me on my lilac Aurorae yoga mat!

I want to take Barbara’s Core Fusion Yoga class every Sunday, but unfortunately this coming Sunday I won’t be able to make it. Every Sunday after that, though, I will be there! Since I can’t make Barbara’s next week, I scheduled the class with another teacher for a different day, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I can’t believe I actually love a yoga class – I feel so excited about this.

I found out today that they filmed a DVD for Core Fusion Yoga — and it is coming out some time this year! I can’t wait to get myself a copy and try it out. I hope you all decide to get it too, because this was the yoga class for people who think they don’t like yoga.

I have three more Core Fusion classes this week. Wish me luck!

And oh yeah — I love having a place to wear my Bendie Bag to.  🙂

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