Archive of ‘Core Fusion Challenge’ category

Tuesday’s Great Class

Thank you all for your generosity in Dori’s Shiny CHARITY AUCTION — we raised over $950 for Think Pink Rocks with this effort alone. The blog world is so amazing and supportive and I cannot thank you enough!

And on to the post . . .


It is very easy to forget the pain of this class when I’m not in it.

Why is that?! I suppose because I leave class feeling beyond happy — truly ecstatic at times. Last night, I walked home smiling and texting people to tell them I don’t think they could make it through this class. Of course I was being facetious. Kind of.

And seeing results has just been that much more motivating!

Tuesday night’s class was especially great. Tammy was teaching, and it was my second time taking her class. I thought she was great last week and this week I thought she was even better! She made a few funny comments throughout class which was nice. The music was good, too, although she hadn’t heard the playlist herself before. We used playground balls in class, which I normally wouldn’t be excited about but since I haven’t used them yet in this challenge (how is that!) I was actually pretty happy about it. I never would have thought I’d be happy to see that evil red playground ball, but the equation explains it: Red ball = different movements = happy muscles.

We did planks while squeezing the ball between our legs and I actually held my own here. I see and feel definite improvements in how long I can hold my beginning-of-class planks, although they aren’t any less painful. I think I held myself in the position longer than ever last night. I felt a great sense of accomplishment after that.

Last time I had Tammy I mentioned we didn’t do bicep curls. Well, guess what? We didn’t do bicep curls again! I miss my favorite exercise. I think tonight I will try a 4 lb weight for that exercise to make up for it! Think I’ll be able to do it?? (*Note – we do something called hammer curls which works the biceps)

We did lots of very difficult arm exercises though and I loved it. And then we did thighs and I WASN’T MISERABLE! First time since starting this challenge that I didn’t pray for a fire alarm to go off during thighs. I’m not sure what was different, maybe just the combination of exercises? I was able to do almost all of it; I think I only stood up to straighten my legs out once! In fact, thighs went so well that I didn’t push myself as hard as I could have during the last set because I didn’t expect it to BE the last set. I was holding out a tiny bit to make sure I’d be ready for one more. The entire section of class went so quickly I thought there had to be more. But don’t think that means I didn’t get a good enough workout – my legs were SHAKING just like always. Especially when I had to hold the playground ball in front of me and above me while doing the second position plies. I think the combination of exercises we did was just perfect for me.

First time that happened! Hopefully not the last . . .

For glutes we sat on the floor in a pretzel position with the playground ball under our ankles. Very hard and very good butt workout. I liked this because we don’t do pretzel very often. In a fluke a few weeks ago I ended up doing pretzel twice in two days, with two different teachers, but that truly was a fluke! So it is a nice change of pace when we do this move. My left side is still hurting from last week!

I’m especially happy to say that my C Curve is getting better! I really felt like I was almost low enough for it to be correct. I was able to hold myself in that position much longer too. The only time I really struggled was when we put our legs straight up/out in front of us with the playground ball between our legs. I couldn’t find a good position and because straightening my legs is so difficult for me (tight muscles!) I ended up missing out on the exercises as they should be. Tammy noticed though, and after class told me she didn’t have time to fix me but that next time I should keep my legs higher or keep my knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Sounds good to me. I will try that!

I also want to add that on Sunday I went back to Core Fusion Yoga with Barbara. For some reason (ahem, 4 days straight of Core Fusion) I had a very tough time doing something that usually isn’t too hard for me – side planks. Side planks are typically easier than regular planks, but on this day for some reason I really just couldn’t hold myself up on the left side. Barbara noticed my frustration and asked if I was OK. I was fine, just frustrated. We all have off days.

I ran 4.5 miles that morning and my right knee was killing me, so I had to modify my movements throughout the class as well. Class was still wonderful and I loved every second of it. The hour goes by so quickly! The class was much more crowded this time, despite the torrential rains – I think because the name changed to Core Fusion Yoga and more people are interested. I love that more people are interested since I want them to add more classes to the schedule.

Core Fusion . . . IT’S WORKING. And I cried.

I’ve got 4 classes to update you on! But first, a housekeeping note — when you Tweet about the Core Fusion Challenge, please use the hashtag #CFchallenge. Thanks!

On Thursday at 7:30 pm, I took Jamie’s Core Fusion class for the first time. The class was PACKED. A packed class is usually a sign of a great teacher, and that certainly was the case! We did this series of side planks unlike anything I have ever done before, with all different movements and really staying in the side planks for a long time. It was a nice change of pace!

Thighs was also different, with a series of leg lifts that felt great but was still hard. Of course, the rest of the thigh series burned like usual. I do like when we do some thigh work in second position, which we did last night (with our legs a bit wider).

Butt was harder than ever (until the next day  — getting to that soon). We did butt moves with our hands and knees on the floor. While we worked on our right side, my left was BURNING. Even more so when we turned out right leg out. OMG THE BURN. I’ve never felt burn in my butt like that. The other side was tough too, but my left side still hurt much more than my right side of my butt. I think that Wednesday’s standing pretzel really did a number on me!

Abs went pretty well, I think I am getting better in my C Curve. A great class! I felt so fresh and rejuvinated after, and it was such a gorgeous night in NYC (a scorching 40 degrees!) that I walked home! I felt so great walking home after class.

I also felt extra great because I was still riding on the high of my friend noticing that I was more muscular. The classes, while still just as hard, all seem a little . . . better now that I know there are results!

Those words made me more motivated to do my best in class. So Friday morning I went at 7 am (after just having gone at 7:30 the night before!) to take Kate’s class. There was a pregnant woman in the class — due in a few weeks. Good for her!

I told Kate before class about my knee injury. She took one look down at me standing there and said, “I see why your knee bothers you.” She noticed the same thing my physical therapist noticed last year — valgus. My left knee bends inward when I stand, walk, run, spin, etc. I thought Kate was wonderful for being able to see it right away — to see the same thing it took physical therapy to diagnose me with. As a result, she helped me with my form during thighs which was perfect.

I am getting better at planks. Even better, my arms are getting stronger. I was able to use 3 lb weights for so much more of the arm section today! Usually, I use 3 lb for biceps and 2 for all else. But today I held on to the 3s much longer and felt strong! I love how this is an improvement I can easily see. I am getting stronger!

Thighs were brutal. I struggled and had to stand a few times. I just don’t enjoy this section at all.

And then butt. As I said above, my left butt muscle was killing me. Today we did butt with our hands and knees on the floor again but the movements were different. Kate said she was trying out something that another Core Fusion teacher just taught her.My left side was hurting so much from yesterday, and I kept pushing through, and it got harder and harder and my face crumpled up and then I was crying. Yes. I CRIED during glute work today. Only for a second but WOW. It hurt so bad. Yet so good.

The right side was slightly easier since I didn’t strain it as much last night, and luckily no tears were shed. It was still hard though!

Abs were also challenging. I decided on this day to forgo trying too hard to get into the low C Curve and instead focus on getting some ab work done regardless. My abs felt like they got a tough workout.

And that was that. Class ended and I felt awesome for the rest of the day. I FELT STRONG!

On Saturday I went to two classes at exhale! My first was with Catherine, the health counselor who is working with me throughout this challenge. She is so motivating to be in class with! I pushed through and did my best. My left butt muscles was still hurting but I took it a bit easier on that side. Abs were especially hard, and Catherine got behind me to get me in the proper C Curve. I did my best but wow it burned. Then I went right to a Yoga Level 1 class and I really enjoyed it! It was my first time having Diana (yoga Diana, not CF Diana) as a teacher and she was absolutely wonderful. Yoga was such a wonderful stretch immediately after Core Fusion. I didn’t feel out of place at all and the time actually flew by. I was not bored during yoga!

All caught up! Today I’m off to Core Fusion Yoga! I’ll update you on that and my half marathon training runs soon — including today’s KathEats blogger meetup run!  I’ve also been having some thoughts on the gym, as a result of the Core Fusion challenge, that I want to discuss very soon.

Please be on the lookout on Tuesday when I post the amazing list of auction items I have set for you all to bid on Dori’s Shiny CHARITY AUCTION. The auction will be on Thursday, January 21. Items and rules will be listed on Tuesday!

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