Refine Challengers of the Week: Dori, Andy and Larry

You know how I mentioned yesterday that I somehow convinced Andy to commit to four Refine classes this month? That was so we could become the Challengers of the Week! Check out our interview on Life: Refined about how we are committing to the Resolution Challenge to guarantee we are at our best for our Big Day.

larry and brynn - Refine Method - Dori's Shiny Blog

Larry has been to Refine to see Brynn twice already. Jersey City to the Upper West Side is a big trip for a little dog. Talk about commitment!

Refine Challengers Of the Week: Dori Manela, Andy Gray and Larry

Refine Method Challengers of the Week - Dori, Andy, Larry

And, my friend Ashley Runningbun was last week’s Refine Challenger of the Week!

7 comments on Refine Challengers of the Week: Dori, Andy and Larry

  1. Angela
    January 15, 2013 at 10:21 pm (11 years ago)

    That’s awesome! I’ve been lurking you and Refine for a while and meaning to go (I live in Jersey City too!) but it’s so far from here that I keep using that as an excuse. 🙁 Granted, it was harder when the path was out of service. Anyway now I’m thinking about trying their Resolution Challenge to get my butt up to their UWS studio sometime this month!

  2. Mariell
    January 21, 2013 at 1:38 am (11 years ago)

    Larry’s interview totally stole the show.

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3Pingbacks & Trackbacks on Refine Challengers of the Week: Dori, Andy and Larry

  1. […] came with me to Refine on Saturday, finishing up his fourth class and first month of the Refine Resolution Challenge! It was a tough class (and I am so glad he didn’t come Sunday instead because that ended up […]

  2. […] I get 10 days of rest into a seven-day week? Much less a seven-day week right in the middle of the Refine Resolution Challenge and teaching spinning. I may be laughing at myself for thinking I might up my challenge for March […]

  3. […] my fiance even completed the challenge! Remember when we were the Refine Challengers of the Week? I am so proud of Andy for taking so many classes. He doesn’t find them fun the way I do. He […]

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