Organic Avenue LOVEdeep: Day 1

This morning was the first of my Organic Avenue five dayLOVEdeep and I have to say, the timing could not have been better. My stomach started hurting yesterday after breakfast and the discomfort hit me so hard I had to just go to sleep. When I woke up 2 hours later, I was feeling a little better but definitely not 100%.

This morning I woke up early feeling so uncomfortable, so much pain, that I didn’t know what to do. I felt like tiny Ringo Starr in Shining Time Station was standing inside my stomach practicing the opening chords of A Hard Day’s Night.

Ringo Starr - Shining Time Station

At that moment, I knew without a doubt that I made the right decision to lay off the foods for 5 entire days. Food causes a tiny drum player to practice his art in my belly. Food – at least right now – is not my friend.

When the boy opened the door, the case of juice was sitting right outside. How nice! I thought I would have to go downstairs to get it. The sight of the juice excited me out of my Beatle-induced lethargy, and I jumped out of bed to examine the contents.

I had received a menu via email last night, so I knew what was coming my way. My menu for today was as follows:

  • LOVE deep #1. (approx. 8/9am) Chlorophyll Elixir: FYI: Chlorophyll is what absorbs energy from the sun to facilitate photosynthesis in plants. Chlorophyll to plants is like blood to humans. It is important in many plant metabolic functions such as growth and respiration. (read article)
  • LOVE deep #2. (9/10am) Fresh Pressed Pear Juice: FYI:Pears are one of the most fiber-rich fruits available, weighing in at 5.1g of fiber per serving, which increases satiety and promotes health. They also contain potassium and vitamins B and C, which help regulate blood pressure and may reduce the risk of high blood pressure or stroke. (read article)
  • LOVE deep #3. (11/12pm) Fresh Pressed Young Love: (Cucumber, spinach, celery) Cucumbers are a natural diuretic and can support the health of the liver and pancreas. (read article)
  • LOVE deep #4. (1/2pm) Masters Tonic: (Lemon/Lime, Purified Water, Yacon, Cayenne)
    FYI: Lemon water helps unblock stagnant and clogged chi in the body. Chi needs to flow effortlessly and harmoniously if the body is to be in a healthy state. Lemon water is a good morning drink to start the process of removing impure chi in the body.
    (read article)
  • LOVE deep #5. (3/4pm) Raw Green Soup: (Cucumber, onion, avocado, lemon, garlic, cilantro, parsley, cayenne) FYI: The mild acids that fruits (such as avocado) contain dissolve unwholesome substances, cleanse tissues, and stimulate metabolism in the human body. (source: The Hippocrates Diet, Ann Wigmore)
  • LOVE deep #6. (5/6pm) Fresh Pressed Veg 8*: (Swiss chard, spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, romaine, carrot, tomato, green apple, lemon, lime) FYI: Kale’s sulfur-containing phytonutrients prevent cancer, several researchers point to the ability of its glucosinolates and cysteine sulfoxides to activate detoxifying enzymes in the liver that help neutralize potentially carcinogenic substances. (These detoxifying enzymes include quinone reductases and glutathione-S-transferases).
  • LOVE deep #7. (7/8pm) Coconut Water FYI: Because the short-and medium-chain fatty acids of extra virgin coconut oil and coconut milk are easily and quickly assimilated by the body, they are not stored as fat in the body like the long chain triglycerides of animal products. Studies have shown that populations in Polynesia and Sri Lanka, where coconuts are a diet staple, do not suffer from high serum cholesterol or high rates of heart disease. (read article)

Lots of great information here!

I couldn’t stomach anything at the moment, so I brought all the juices to work with me with the exception of #7, which I left at home for my evening meal.

On my way into work, I walked past someone with food in her hands. I hated her. “Doesn’t she know how good she has it,” I thought. “Being able to eat whenever she wants and not feel sick?” Sorry. I was feeling a bit bitter. And hungry.

When I got to my desk, I started with #1, the chlorophyll elixir. It came in a tiny glass bottle and I was not sure if I was supposed to take it as a shot, mix it with water, drink it slowly? I decided to take a sip and determine the appropriate next step. I braced myself and put the little bottle to my lips. I took a sip . . . and I was pleasantly surprised! Chlorophyll tastes like seaweed salad! Yum!

I drank it slowly, had some water that accompanied it in an icy water bottle, and headed to the bathroom. Thank G-d I didn’t stop and talk to anyone on the way. What Organic Avenue doesn’t warn you is that chlorophyll turns your lips, tongue, teeth and in between the teeth a dark, murky green.

I am so relieved that I saw myself in the bathroom mirror before anyone else did, because I had no idea! I would have brought a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss had I known! I got to work with a wet paper towel and did the best I could. There are still some slivers of green in between teeth that I need floss for. Gross. I decided that tomorrow morning, I will not be drinking the chlorophyll first, as recommended, being that I have a dentist appointment at 10 am. I did buy emergency floss before meeting up with Melissa for a fitness class.

Once the mess was taken care of, I got started on juice #2 – fresh pressed pear juice. Sounds yum, right! And I love pears. But it wasn’t as great as it sounds. It took me a long time to drink this one, but I might have just been full from the chlorophyll or still having stomach aches from last night. At the same time, I also searched far and wide on my floor for a working water cooler. I was freezing from these cold juices and wanted some hot herbal tea. The combination of the tea and the juice likely filled me up quickly as well.

When 12:00 hit, I was reminded of something I learned during Blueprint Cleanse – just because it is “lunchtime” does not mean you have to eat. Eat when you are hungry, not when the clock tells you it’s time. I was not hungry at all and even though the clock said lunch, my body did not crave food as it usually does at this time.

# 3 on the list was fresh pressed cucumber, spinach, celery. LOVED IT. It tastes just like the juices I make at home each morning. I hate celery in real life, but hidden away in a juice is fine by me. The cucumber – which I love – had the dominant flavor. This juice went down nicely and easily. If only I could say the same for the next one…


Juice # 4 was the ever popular masters tonic. Think Master Cleanse. BPC had this on their menu as well and I was never once able to finish it. One time I didn’t even start it. Unfortunately, the same will be the case this time around. As much as I want to drink this lemon cayenne blend, as much as I know it is good for me, I simply cannot finish it and retain the glorious feeling of not being nauseous.

I was also starting to seriously miss chewing. I knew this would happen. It sucks.

All throughout the day I just kept telling myself, “Today is almost over, only 4 days left. One day down, just 4 days left. 4 days is nothing, it goes so quickly. After tomorrow, it will only be 3 days left.”

The strange thing is that I am not hungry. I feel nourished and full, but I miss and crave actual food. That is the hardest part of this. Not hunger, but wanting to eat. I think I will be strong enough to make it through this week. I hope. It is not easy but when I think of quitting I remind myself that I am doing this for my health. I am doing this to try and feel better.

And when that doesn’t work, a quick glance at my pregnant-looking tum usually does the trick. This is for my health. I want to feel good after this week is over. I want to feel good for a long time. I want to eat cleaner and improve my health and maybe, hopefully, be able to eat salad and oatmeal again one day.

I want to not be sick. I want to be able to make plans. I want to not cancel on people, I want to attend weddings, I want to have vacations and I want to wear clothes to work without feeling a sense of dread at wearing clothes.

Juice #5 is a really delicious raw green soup. I am loving it.

Raw Green Soup - Organic Avenue

It is already 9:00 pm and I don’t plan to keep drinking much more, so I’m not sure if I will try #6, Fresh Pressed 8 and #7 coconut water. Just goes to show you that I haven’t been starving. I’m generally not a fan of coconut water, so there is no love lost. I am curious about Fresh Pressed 8 though. Maybe I will substitute today’s for tomorrow’s lemonade.

Speaking of tomorrow — the menu just arrived in my inbox. Tomorrow’s menu has lots of new facts for you. I love how the menu varies a little each day! It makes this so much less monotonous. I’ll go over tomorrow’s juices in the evening, but let’s just say I am VERY excited for the soup.

Be back tomorrow with another recap. For now, take my survey so you can win a Physique 57 or Core Fusion DVD!

8 comments on Organic Avenue LOVEdeep: Day 1

  1. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    October 5, 2009 at 10:42 pm (15 years ago)

    SOOOO Interesting!

    Do you feel any different besides missing the actual chewing sensation? I can’t wait to hear about tomorrow!

  2. Janna (Just Flourishing)
    October 5, 2009 at 11:11 pm (15 years ago)

    I really hope this week of cleansing helps you out. It does not sound like fun to have stomach issues.

    I’m not sure if I could ever do a cleanse. I would definitely miss eating. But I definitely commend you for doing this for your health!

    On the other hand, I do want to check out organic avenue and maybe try a couple of their juices or smoothies… that mint chip one sounds good! Maybe I’ll head over there this week!

    Keep strong!

  3. Megzz @ Megzz Wins At Life
    October 6, 2009 at 9:30 am (15 years ago)

    Really interesting Dori.. I think it is great that this works for you and is helping your stomach issues.. I am not sure I could do it.. but if I was in your situation I am sure my view would change… Keep up the good work! Are you going to the meet up on friday?

  4. Missy
    October 6, 2009 at 10:39 am (15 years ago)

    I loved reading all of the facts and benefits about each juice! Very interesting. Hope it helps you!

  5. Katherine
    July 9, 2010 at 11:44 pm (14 years ago)

    Like Seriously, this juicing I saw when I went to Norma Kamali on 56th street. They had Physique 57 stuff and these juices in back at the Wellness Cafe Bar. I want to try but I was not sure. Im so tempted.

  6. chlorophyll tablets
    March 27, 2014 at 9:05 am (11 years ago)

    We love the chlorophyll tablets ideas on this site.


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