Part 1 of 2

Welcome to Part 1. I don’t have enough time for an entire post, so I will leave you with some mysteries!

The weekend, while long, was still way, way too short. I needed at least a few days more. Then it would have been a perfect long weekend.

Luckily, I made the most of the time I had. On Friday the boy and I went to the gym, out to the diner for breakfast and then to see his family and eat at one of the Top 11 American Restaurants , Nicholas. Having heard so much about Nicholas, I was very excited to eat there! It was fancy and by fancy I mean they served the food with plate covers and all the waiters gathered round the table to remove them at the same time. For some reason this reminds me of Kermit the Frog. I have a clear memory of him eating like this on Sesame Street, but I can’t find any information to support it. Do you know what I am talking about?

Plate Cover   Kermit

A waitress served bread to each of us. There were three choices and I selected the cranberry pecan bread. There was also a sunflower seed flax bread and a sourdough I believe. Very good! My appetizer was DELICIOUS: Seared Day Boat Scallops, Yukon Gold Potato Salad, Grilled Peach BBQ Sauce. That sauce was special! For my main course I had the Nova Scotia Lobster, Caramelized Watermelon, Grilled Scallions, Almond Foam. The watermelon is what made it! I love lobster, but lobster WITH watermelon is a unique experience! Dessert was a sampling of these FOUR:

MANGO BRÛLÉE & CARROT CAKE, Cashew Brittle, Spiced Caramel Ice Cream

ALMOND CREAM BRIOCHE & POACHED PEACHES, Peach Puree, Almond Ice Cream, Sesame Tuille

MILK CHOCOLATE & ALE SEMIFREDDO, Praline Crunch, Ginger Caramel Sauce, Coco Nib Crumble

and the BEST one,


After all that, there is nothing more to say than WOW. And they gave us an entire loaf of freshly baked BANANA BREADto take home. When I woke up on the 4th of July, I attacked the bread. There is no better word for it. I forced the boy to have a bite while it was still there, but that entire loaf was my breakfast. It was MOIST and heavenly. And reminsicent of the time I ate banana bread out of the box on my way home from the post office that Mallory made me one year.

After devouring a loaf of bread, the boy and I set off for errands. Since we were going to my apartment, we decided to go to the Verizon store, where I got my BlackBerry! Read about that here.  By the way, here are some things I love about having a BlackBerry (76 hours in):

– It shows who your voicemail is from
– A blinking red light every time I have a message

There is more that I really like, but right now those are the things that I love. I have already been scheduling things into my calendar! In part 2 of this post I will tell you about some exciting things I have scheduled! Hint – they are WORKOUT related!

After Verizon we made a quick stop in to Bloomingdale’s where the boy bought a gorgeous Canali suit! How random! Of course, when we were at my apartment I held the Bdales coupons in my hand and said, “We don’t need these right?” The boy shook his head and into the bin they went! He still got a great deal, I love 4th of July sales! Next up was Best Buy for a TV stand. After analyzing everything in the store, we fell in love with the most expensive one, natch. After a lot of debating, discussing, phone calling, leaving the store, going to the farmer’s market, going to Brooks Brothers and coming back to Best Buy, we decided to go for it!

And then they told us they don’t have any, no Best Buys have any and they can’t sell us the floor model because then no one will know it is for sale.


We are trying to GIVE THEM A LOT OF MONEY. No one else can buy that. They don’t HAVE it. How do they expect to profit off the TV stand if they won’t let anyone buy it?

Needless to say, the TV is still on the floor.

We went to the small farmer’s market that is on a little triangle in the middle of a NYC street. Most of you healthy bloggers emerge  from your farmer’s markets with loads of fresh fruits and leafy greens. Not us! We walked away with…. check back in Part 2 for the answer! Feel free to venture a guess.

By the time we got home and rested and worked out, it was already close to 9:00 — and fireworks began at 9:20! What did we do??? I will post more on that in Part 2!  This is fun!

The next day my roommate called me and asked if I ordered Japanese food when I was in the apartment the day before and left before it came. Ummm. What?

When she got home on Sunday, there was a bag of food from a Japanese restaurant along with a receipt taped to our door! She called the restaurant and they kept yelling at her, telling her someone ordered food to our apartment and saying she owes them $18! She tried explaining that they must have gotten the address wrong, but they wouldn’t hear it. Strange! Also, they take down your phone number when you place the order. Didn’t they try calling that number? I  feel bad because now they hate us… I guess I won’t be going to that restaurant anymore. Too bad, since it is right around the corner from my apartment.

So to recap what will be coming in the next post:

– New workouts scheduled
– What I bought at the farmer’s market
– What I did for 4th of July fireworks (and pics!)


7 comments on Part 1 of 2

  1. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    July 7, 2009 at 10:18 pm (15 years ago)

    OMG your killin’ me! I love farmers markets & fresh produce/fruit!

    can’t wait for the pictures!

  2. Anne K.
    July 7, 2009 at 10:55 pm (15 years ago)

    Ooh you’re a tease! 😉 I can’t wait for part 2. Those desserts sound fabulous!

  3. Amy @ What Do I Eat Now?
    July 8, 2009 at 10:25 am (15 years ago)

    ohhhh i could picture you walking away with fresh baked bread from a farmers market!! what else do they have there? i havent been to one in so long. my friends mom used to go to one in Boston and come home with crates and crates of bananas and tomatoes. it was so funny!

    Nicholas sounds AMAZING!!!!! those desserts! the entrees! wow- i am drooling over here!

  4. Mallory
    July 8, 2009 at 12:09 pm (15 years ago)

    I need to send you more things to eat straight from the box!! Any requests?? Maybe I will send some home with your mom for you!

  5. Santana
    July 8, 2009 at 12:10 pm (15 years ago)

    This blog post is suffering from a severe lack of adorable ball-shaped puppies who love to sleep!

  6. Jen
    July 8, 2009 at 2:10 pm (15 years ago)

    making me hungry


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