If You Want To Change Your Body

Just take Core Fusion regularly. Seriously. It is amazing how difficult it is, how quick it goes by, how much pain you are in during it, how great you feel after. As you might remember, I used to spin between 3 and 5 days a week for months. I was obviously burning lots of calories. Then when I stopped spinning because of a knee injury, I also stopped constant, high intensity cardio. I tried to be as active as I could, but I didn’t work out even 2/3 as much.

I don’t weight any more now than I did when I was spinning every day. In fact, I weigh a little less.

I think the knee injury was a blessing in disguise (assuming it will get better) because it forced me to stop. It forced me to stop running out of work to make it to 6:30 spin, feeling anxiety that I would be late. It forced me to stop pushing my body to its limit — and I mean limit, as I was constantly at 95% of my maximum heart rate (MHR). It forced me to take a step back and REALIZE. Realize that I don’t need to torture myself to be in good shape. Realize that I don’t need to stop all life so I can spin for 45 minutes. Realize that I don’t need to spin 4 days a week to be skinny.

And let me tell you, I am so much happier now. Do I miss spin? Yes, but I don’t miss doing it every day. I don’t miss choosing what days to make plans based on what instructor teaches that day. I would love to spin once a week — but no more. I quit my gym membership and I feel great about it. I used it primarily for spin, but I can always go as a guest to NYSC. I don’t need to revolve my life around it. I don’t plan to ever “quit” spinning for good. I plan to resume it once a week or less. This way, I can push my body hard and reap the cardiovascular benefits of such intense exercise — but not tire myself out. I used to feel dead tired every day. Now I don’t. I no longer fantasize about down comforters and fluffy pillows when I am at work. It is a good feeling!

And spinning did not change my body. Core Fusion, on the other hand, would — if I did it on a regular basis. Unfortunately I can’t afford to join, although after last night’s class Missy and I were trying to figre out what we could cut out of our budgets to fit it in! That class works every muscle group until it burns, but you can practically feel yourself transforming during it. I hate it while I am there, but I absolutely love it.

Last night Missy and I arrived at the Gansevoort for part 2 of our free 2 days there. We were pleased to see they stocked up the mouthwash cups! Unfortunately, the dressing room was a madhouse and we couldn’t even get near the lockers, much less claim one for ourselves. We changed while crushed between lots of other ladies and brought our umbrellas, shoes and bags into the classroom.

Bar at Exhale

Remember yesterday I said there was no clock?  Well halfway through the class last night I noticed there WAS one! I’m not sure if it was there the day before and I just didn’t notice it, or they hadn’t put it up yet. My guess is the latter.

Class began with pushups and PLANKS. We didn’t do planks the day before so I was hopeful. But alas, there they were, in their evil form. I had a hard time with them because I was so worried about my shoulder but I did my best. Next we did the arm weights and it was much tougher than the day before. My arms were sore and tired from that, in addition to the fact that this instructor was TOUGH. When she counted out seconds, they were not real seconds. They were super long Missississississippi seconds. Ugh.

We did thighs at the barre. It burned. Very very painful and long. It felt like it was never going to end. I was suffering and in agony and then we were finished and I felt like I just became stronger! Oh, it hurt. My legs did shake, but not so bad as to stop me from participating. And then she said 5 more seconds and I pushed myself because I knew relief would be coming soon but WAIT! 5 seconds in her time is like 45 seconds in normal time! WHY DOES SHE COUNT SO SLOWLY? Who knew there are 15 seconds between the counts 1 and 2?? Ahhhhh!

We moved to the floor where we did more pushups, more planks. We worked our tushies while leaning on one knee, our hands forward on the floor, one leg up in the air. Butt exercises are extremely challenging in this position because you have to use your arms as well to support yourself. You also have to balance to stay in the correct position, so it works your core. The instructor was very into holding positions for a long time as well.

We did some core work in the middle of the room and then moved up against the wall. We pushed our hands above us into the barre and held our legs out straight, not touching the floor, and did some moves that way. It was SO hard! My abs were burning. And they burned even more when we went to the middle of the room for more pushups and planks and the C position ab work. It was not easy! I can never hold up my legs in the air while staying in the C.

Which brings me to another point about CF. I always talk in these posts about all the moves I can’t do. Not that it hurts so I don’t do it, but that I physically cannot do because of the limitations of my body. I strongly believe that regular CF classes are the only way I will gain any flexibility and be able to participate in all the exercises some day. (Yoga would too, I know, but it is very hard on my shoulder — and I simply don’t enjoy it!)

In addition to gaining flexibility, I am so sure that CF — along with its counterparts Physique 57, Nalini Method, The Body, etc – would change my body. (Not that I find anything wrong with my body; I’m talking in terms of toning and becoming stronger and more flexible.) I like CF much better than Physique 57. I love Nalini Method but the schedule is bare. The Body is not convenient. Core Fusion has four locations in New York City alone, in addition to one in the Hamptons and locations in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and Turks & Caicos. Everything we do in the class, all small, repetitive movements mostly using our own body weight, causes so much burn that I know my muscles are transforming. Like I said, it hurts so much at the time and feels so good after. And it burns calories! I am always sweaty and pushed so hard during the classes. I think if I did this 3 times a week and no typical cardio at all I would see incredible changes. Too bad it costs so much!

After class my legs felt like jelly. I hard a tough time making down the subway stairs! But I felt my usual post-Core Fusion high and was in a great mood the rest of the evening!


I have a Kombucha question. Every time I open a bottle, it explodes. Even if it is sitting on a shelf for hours. I NEVER shake them. But here is my question:

Look at these two bottles. One says shake gently and one says do not shake. What if someone read the one flavor and shook, and then bought a different flavor, assumed they had to shake it, but it was one of the “no shake” flavors?! And why would this instruction change from flavor to flavor? Because of the way the juices absorb? I don’t know! Do you?

kombucha 002    kombucha 003

And regardless of whether or not you shake, they ALWAYS explode anyway!

And one more question.  A nut butter question. I can never mix the oils in well enough and by the time I get to the last third of the jar, it is a hard, unappetizing, difficult to get out rock. Any advice on mixing it better? I try my best but it is never good enough!

And I am loving my curls! They are looking nothing like the old fro now that I do the Curly Girl method! They are spirally and corkscrew like. Here are some pics from today. (I’m not yet good at distributing product evenly, excuse the lack of definition in the back!)

    hair 006   hair 004

14 comments on If You Want To Change Your Body

  1. Jen
    July 1, 2009 at 12:20 pm (15 years ago)

    I wanna try core fusion :-/ I’m intrigued and interested thanks to your posts.

    • Dori
      July 1, 2009 at 12:23 pm (15 years ago)

      Jen!!!! Next time you are in NY I will take you!

  2. Missy
    July 1, 2009 at 1:11 pm (15 years ago)

    I want to join soooo bad. I’ve been thinking about it all day! Why do I make no money! Haha at least I’ll have the week and then the 2 DVD passes!!

    My Kombucha alwayssss explodes. I try to not shake it till after I open it now but it still manages to get all over me. Who knows!

  3. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    July 1, 2009 at 1:12 pm (15 years ago)

    oohh..that class sounds so fun! (Fun in a “kick my ass” sorta way, I guess!)

    I have no clue what Kombucha is but I am so loving your curls! Ok, off to google Kombucha

  4. Holly
    July 1, 2009 at 1:49 pm (15 years ago)

    I want to take these classes so badly! Too bad we get things 5-10 years after NY does. 🙁 Have you done the CF DVD’s?

    Your hair looks beautiful!! If/when I make it back to NYC, I want to go to that place you went to.

  5. Anne K.
    July 1, 2009 at 1:57 pm (15 years ago)

    Great post! I really want to try Core Fusion. It sounds like NY has the best fitness classes!

    I’ve never heard kombucha so I can’t help you there–that’s so weird that it explodes, though! Now I’m curious why…

    Cute hair, too! 😀

  6. Melissa (fitnessnyc)
    July 1, 2009 at 2:32 pm (15 years ago)

    I love this post. I get so excited when people find happiness through exercise. They are opening an exhale with CF in Miami in a couple weeks.

  7. Maggie
    July 1, 2009 at 3:49 pm (15 years ago)

    I totally agree about the exercise thing – I don’t need to bust my butt to be skinny. But I’ll definitely enjoy those crazy classes when I can take them 🙂

    As for the nut butter – have you tried storing it upside down (before you open it, or after too I guess)? That way when you turn it right side up it’s easier to mix. This works for me at least.

    • Dori
      July 1, 2009 at 4:05 pm (15 years ago)

      Maggie – I never tried storing it upside down! I will definitely be doing that now, thank you!

  8. HangryPants
    July 1, 2009 at 10:25 pm (15 years ago)

    Kombucha – the same thing happens to Mark. In fact, Sunday we took pictures of this phenomenon. I am sure he will post about it in approx. 3 months.

    Nut butters – stir like every day and flip the jar over and stuff. But if you flip it over, you have to flip it back in a few days or all the oil just goes to the other side ya know? It’s a pain and some brands don’t require stirring. Naturally Nutty and Barney Butter are fancy ones and Teddie’s Peanut Butter is just a regular old brand .

  9. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)
    July 2, 2009 at 10:57 am (15 years ago)

    I haven’t had too much trouble with Kombucha actually, but I know what you’re talking about. I never “shake” them, but typically before I open it I will turn it upside down once or twice, just to get the sludge off the bottom.

    As for nut butters, the same thing happens to me, so I don’t have a great answer, but I try to leave them outside the fridge for a while before I plan to use it, then really dig around with the knife. I know there are like, official contraptions for this, though – you can buy a curved crank thing to really get it stirred top to bottom!

  10. Amy @ What Do I Eat Now?
    July 6, 2009 at 8:53 am (15 years ago)

    ive never tried that komucha drink- its too pricey for me, im afraid i’ll hate it and have wasted my moolah!
    your hair looks SO good! love it!

  11. Phoebe
    January 9, 2010 at 2:29 am (15 years ago)

    Dori, Core Fusion sounds cool – I will see if there’s a corresponding DVD online. Since I’m in South Bumble Jerz, it’s highly unlikely I will ever be able to make a CF class in person! 😉


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