
Back in 2006, I read the book that initially changed the way I ate. This was Ultrametabolism by Dr. Mark Hyman. As a result of this book, I switched to omega 3 eggs, quit drinking soda (I used to drink LOTS of diet coke), started buying nitrate, antibiotic and hormone free deli meat and upped the nut consumption.

Now that I know so much more, it is probably worth it to take a look at the book again through clear eyes. Anyway, Dr. Hyman wrote this blog on Huffington Post and I wanted to share it with you:

Are You Also Being Deceived Into Eating Frankenfoods?

Dr. Hyman was privy to some trade information of the food industry. Some of the most compelling points:

– The advice to the food industry was clear: Modify packaging and ingredients in food just slightly to give the impression of health, while continuing to provide poor-quality, nutrient-poor, calorie-dense foods.

– In this journal, I also learned that one company cleverly labels their chicken as “produced without antibiotics that impact antibiotic resistance in humans,” meaning they did use antibiotics — just not ones that cause problems in humans.

– Another article documented a company who said that innovation in the food industry will continue in areas of “perceived” health and wellness, convenience, and ethnic products.

Read that carefully.

“Perceived” health and wellness — not actual health and wellness.

As long as you make people think they are getting something healthy, that is good enough — even if it is the same old junk food.

This means a lot to me after reading In Defense of Food (which Dr. Hyman refers to in his entry). Just because a package boasts a health claim does not necessarily mean you will get said health claim from consuming the product! The best way to get the health claims of the product is to eat the foods that naturally contain whatever it is they are boasting — ie, beta-carotene in carrots. Not beta-carotene in diet coke.  It is the nutrient working with the other nutrients in the whole food that give the food its health benefits. As of now, scientists that remove one nutrient from a whole food and inject it into processed foods do not know the repercussions. What we do know is that the health benefits are NOT the same.

If you can eat the whole food, eat the whole food. Much more on this when I finally have time (SO busy lately) to review In Defense of Food. But I feel very strongly about this.

Just read labels. Be aware of what you are buying. Beware of processed foods that boast health claims.

Speaking of being ware (ware?), a friend of mine read about my positive experience on the Blueprint Cleanse and, as she has an interest in living a healthier lifestyle as well, decided to give BPC a shot herself. She chose Level 1, the easiest/fruitiest level, and got through Day 1 with no problem. She woke up the next morning, however, feeling very sick. Nauseous, shaking, diarrhea. She didn’t know what she should do. Stick with her expensive juices, or eat real food. If she eats real food, what could she eat? She emailed BPC and asked. After she didn’t hear back, she called me and explained her situation. I immediately emailed the amazing Gena, knowing that she would know what to do. Gena advised my friend to make a blended salad and try some puffed kamut cakes. My friend blended up a salad and felt 100% better. All her symptoms went away. Gena explained that this is exactly why you shouldn’t start a cleanse without talking to someone (professional) first. Point taken.

My friend, who still didn’t get a response from BPC in her email, decided to call them. She got a message that said the entire company was out all day at a conference. And they left no one to cover the phones?

Eventually she received an email back. Six hours later. After she already, clearly, had to make a decision on how to proceed. Blueprint Cleanse told her that her that her symptoms sounded like a flu/virus and are probably not related to their product. They advised her to keep drinking the juices, no food except their approved “cheat” foods, because juices are the exact thing that would make her feel better.

I don’t know about you, but I never heard of the flu being cured by a blended salad. Clearly, she was reacting to a full day of all juice and no food. She is going to try and reintroduce the juices slowly, mixing them with blended salads, to see how she feels. Right now she is doing great! Just a little warning to anyone wanting to try a cleanse — get professional advice first. I had a great experience, and many do. But it can only help to make sure you go through the cleansing experience prepared. I wish I made that note on my original entry, but I am making it now!

In happy health news, I stumbled upon this gem of a shop on my way to the doctor this morning. Even though I wanted everything in the store (hello vegan banana cream pie and brazil nut milk) I settled on my daily shot of wheatgrass instead. Sadly, I live so far from there and will probably not see Bean of a Green for another year, when I revisit the doctor.

Look at those vegan desserts!

Note to self and others: When new to wheatgrass, it is best to NOT attempt a “doubleshot” as I learned this past Saturday. Beware of the doubleshot!

In other news, my good friend Jen at is only a few days away from a very special anniversary. August 1 will be 2 years since she decided to change her unhealthy lifestyle and turn her health around. Jen’s  goal is to have lost 100 pounds total by her anniversary — and she only has 2.5 pounds left to go! Click here to enter a giveaway for a free copy of the Eating Well Diet and cute apron. But don’t enter, because I want to win the book. I am trying to cook more now that I am too picky to eat at most restaurants thanks to all this information I am learning about food.

I thought I had plans tonight but they were actually next week. I thought about making other plans but decided to go home, do the apartment gym elliptical, make dinner and watch my guilty pleasure, NYC Prep (I love how they ask “What grade are you in?” when they are flirting!) As life gets more stressful and summer still has not actually arrived (UGH), I decided to take a 3 day staycation from work next week. I am REALLY looking forward to this because it is the last few days off I will be able to take in a long time. I plan to do the following, in no particular order:

Read a novel (not a food/nutrition book)
Lay out in the sun on water by apartment
Take a Core Fusion class during the daytime hours
Watch The View
Go to pool/beach with best friend
Check work email (message overflow upon return is stressful!)
Go for a run outdoors

Best. List. Ever. I can’t wait! I will likely be neglecting the blog during this time, but who knows. Just a heads up in case I do disappear.

9 comments on Be(a)ware

  1. robert
    July 28, 2009 at 4:28 pm (15 years ago)

    haha… oh my god. i also check work email in my vacation to avoid overflow on my return. i’m currently on vacation (last day of five off days) and i’ve been deleting them in the morning and at night. i thought i was the only one who does this as none of my friends do this. i’ve been getting about 60-80 emails per day and 95-99% of them can be ignored. it relieves me from looking at hundreds of emails when i get back.
    the only exercise i do is walk for a while in the beach – i cannot be in a room doing exercise and so i do not go to the gym then.
    have a great staycation!!

  2. Maggie
    July 28, 2009 at 5:38 pm (15 years ago)

    I think a staycation is a great idea. I have a bunch of books out right now from the library that have NOTHING to do with food/nutrition. I’m psyched 🙂

  3. melissa
    July 28, 2009 at 5:55 pm (15 years ago)

    you so deserve a staycation. I love full weekdays in the city to pursue the museums or go to the cloisters.

    enjoy lady!

    Green Bean is awesome. Katherine took me there!

  4. Brown Man
    July 28, 2009 at 6:43 pm (15 years ago)

    Staycationing is the one vacation where you don’t have to worry if you do the local activities or not. Slept in? No worries! Good call 🙂

  5. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    July 28, 2009 at 8:38 pm (15 years ago)

    I wonder, is ignorance really bliss? I mean, if we are making no attempt to really know and understand anything and everything we can about what we are eating and choose to continue living as we are, is it really bliss? Or is it denial? BUT…on that note, after seeing Food, Inc over the weekend I am so much more convinced there is so much we should be doing and just have to start somewhere. Thanks for the reviews & reminders that we are each responsible for our own lives, for our own decisions.

    AND THANKS for the support & encouragement over the next couple of days. The more I try to concentrate on really living the healthy habits I thought I knew, the louder it seems the ice cream is calling.

  6. Michelle @ Find Your Balance
    July 29, 2009 at 2:49 pm (15 years ago)

    Staycation, hooray! And it does my heart good to hear you talking about yourself and friends looking to live life a little healthier. The cleanse thing is interesting…makes for a good product with the promise of quick results. But I think a good, clean diet is the best detox you can ask for! You are dead on about packaged ‘health’ foods. Eat REAL food 🙂

  7. melina DiPaola
    July 20, 2010 at 8:18 pm (14 years ago)


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