Are Bugs a Part of Your Diet?

While I don’t want to eat pesticides, I also don’t want to eat insects. I had a little fright when I began to make my green juice this morning and discovered the only downside to organic produce (aside from the price):

Celery Bug 2   Celery Bug 1


I know that in reality I probably consume many more bugs than I realize. And I’d rather eat bugs than eat pesticides. I just don’t want to SEE the bugs and have it in my mind that I am eating them. Blech. The celery went into the garb.

I remember Ruth Reichl saying that organic produce isn’t what it used to be in the seventies when there were insects and worms crawling in the apples. But of course we have to realize that when there aren’t pesticides, there WILL be pests. My friend Melanie found me this lovely chart. Enlighten yourselves:

Are Bugs A Part of Your Diet?
Product Action Level
Apple butter 5 insects per 100g
Berries 4 larvae per 500g OR 10 whole insects per 500g
Ground paprika 75 insect fragments per 25g
Chocolate 80 microscopic insect fragments per 100g
Canned sweet corn 2 3mm-length larvae, cast skins or fragments
Cornmeal 1 insect per 50g
Canned mushrooms 20 maggots per 100g
Peanut butter 60 fragments per 100g (136 per lb)
Tomato paste, pizza, and other sauces 30 eggs per 100g OR 2 maggots per 100g
Wheat flour 75 insect fragmnets per 50g
Source: The Food Defect Action Levels: Current Levels for Natural or Unavoidable Defects for Human Use that Present No Health Hazard. Department of Health & Human Services 1989.

Like I said, I’m OK eating insects when I don’t have to actually SEE them. Moving on. 

I am so, so, so tired. It’s been quite the week at work. I apologize for the short entries. I did get my shoulder MRI results. I  hope to discuss them in more detail this weekend, along with some of the ways I have been adapting my eating habits. Oh and I am spinning again tomorrow (if I can wake up)! 

In yesterday’s Henry Day post (woo!), I realized after getting a comment asking me what Henry Day is that I should have linked back to it. Henry Day can be explained in #7 in the list here.

I had lots more to report on but my mind is a fuzzy hazy fog. My eyes are burning. I hate Excel. And also, this Michael Jackson news? Wow…. I feel very weird. It is so strange and sad at the same time.

Bye bye friends. I hope to return this weekend with more pizazz. And eyes that don’t sting when I look at a screen. And a tummy free of insects. Okay not so much the last one. Yay organic! (See how I ended on a positive note?)

11 comments on Are Bugs a Part of Your Diet?

  1. Maggie
    June 25, 2009 at 5:43 pm (15 years ago)

    I can’t believe it about MJ. Wow. Crazy. Kinda sad.

    I keep finding flies in my lettuce. Blah.

  2. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    June 25, 2009 at 7:54 pm (15 years ago)

    I am so grossed out right now, I don’t even know what to say. Really. EEEEEEEWWWWWWW

  3. Amy @ What Do I Eat Now?
    June 26, 2009 at 7:29 am (15 years ago)

    oh ewwwwww!!! i think i just lost my breakfast!!! you poor thing!

    cant wait to see what you got coming up for us!!

  4. Michelle @ Find Your Balance
    June 26, 2009 at 8:54 am (15 years ago)

    Bugs are inevitable but…I’d freak out if something that large were in my food too. Get some rest, would ya? 🙂

  5. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)
    June 26, 2009 at 1:10 pm (15 years ago)

    Re: bugs, ignorance is bliss as far as I’m concerned. If I can’t see it, it ain’t there. Gross thought though…

    Oh also, I’ve been meaning to ask how you get Twitter to update when you post to your blog – is that manual or automatic?

  6. kailey
    June 26, 2009 at 4:08 pm (15 years ago)

    EWWWWW i can’t believe that was in your celery….ugh…i kind of wish I didn’t read that list. haha oh well. knowledge is power!

  7. Amy @ What Do I Eat Now?
    June 27, 2009 at 4:53 pm (15 years ago)

    i got your comment about the hazelnut milk.. try it anyway!! lol there is only 14 grams of sugar, how bad can that be? well.. i guess if you are counting sugar grams, it might be. i thought it was much better than the rice milk i used to get- or the chocolate soy milk that had over 20 grams of sugar! yikes!

    hope you find one that is unsweetened SOMEPLACE!!!

  8. Amy @ What Do I Eat Now?
    June 27, 2009 at 10:39 pm (15 years ago)

    sorry my laptop isnt coming out of hiding until tomorrow night- so no email!!

    OH DANG about the hidden fibers!! I forgot about that! : (
    Im not sure why they add those- i tried poking around online to see about unsweetened ones and nothing! Even tried looking at oat milk- and still added gums in there.. BUMMER!
    May i suggest the unthinkable and making your own? ; ) (i dont think i would be motivated to do this myself lol)

  9. Melinda
    June 28, 2009 at 12:23 pm (15 years ago)

    I had the same thing happen to me with organic edamame- it totally grossed me out especially since it was a WORM!! Ewww!!

    After looking at your chart, I’ve suddenly lost my appetite 🙁 On the up side I guess we are getting extra protein haha just j/k

  10. elise
    June 29, 2009 at 4:53 am (15 years ago)

    yum. bugs.

  11. mrs. v
    June 29, 2009 at 10:35 am (15 years ago)

    yea, i agree with dori. as long i don’t have to see them, i guess i’ll have to put up with it. i just block them out of my mind while enjoying my food. It’s kinda of like blocking out of your mind what could be going on in the kitchens of restaurants you eat at. Ten-second rule, anyone?


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