Maple Glazed Pumpkin French Toast, SoulCycle Review, NYC Blogger Dinner & Puppy Shred

Big news! So a few months ago B.Healthier made a delicious pumpkin french toast. Lee at For the Love of Peanut Butter read that post and made her own version of Maple Glazed Pumpkin French Toast. Ever since seeing these amazing pictures and thinking about how delicious this sounds, I have wanted to make it for the boy and me. Every weekend something came up that got in our way — until this weekend!

I followed Lee’s recipe as best I could. I had some mishaps along the way, particularly when the Vanilla Extract shot out of the bottle at lightning speeds. The first 2 pieces were extra vanilla-y — and still tasted great! Here is a picture of that very first batch:

The first 2 pieces

I also had to adjust Lee’s recipe since I was making 6 pieces instead of 2. I admit that towards the end I got a bit lax and just started tossing a splash of this and a splash of that without measuring — and even forgot the Vanilla and nutmeg altogether for the last 2! I used Pepperidge Farm Light Whole Wheat Bread (45 calories per slice), egg whites, cinnamon, nutmeg, unsweetened Almond Breeze almond milk, vanilla extract and pumpkin butter.

While grocery shopping at Jubilee for the ingredients, I was annoyed to find out that they do not have any pumpkin puree (as Lee’s recipe calls for) or even Libby’s canned pumpkin. All they had was pumpkin pie mix. Not a big deal, since pumpkin butter is delicious and would certainly do the trick!

I melted some PB&Co Mighty Maple and drizzled it on top. Here is the end result:

Maple Glazed Pumpkin French ToastMaple Glazed Pumpkin French Toast - the final product

It looks great, but the real test is the taste test. I only drizzled a small amount of peanut butter in case the boy didn’t like it, but I kept a bowl of melted peanut butter at the table so we could add more.

We both tasted the french toast (after adding some real maple syrup!) and…. WOW. Incredible! And the boy LOVED the maples glazed peanut butter with it and added lots more! He did like the French Toast Casserole that I made once before a little more, but was VERY pleased with this — and I liked the Pumpkin French Toast much more than the other one!

A big thanks to B.Healthier and Lee for this amazing, delicious, healthy, easy-to-follow recipe!

30 Day Shred
I picked up some 3 lb weights last week and now use them for most of the Shred! Once I am comfortable with this weight for the entire 20 minutes, I will move on to level 2. It won’t be for at least another week though. I have done 9 days so far!

My mom decided to try the Shred this weekend. She called me after and said, “That was so hard! It was the longest 20 minutes of my life.”  Funny since I consider it the quickest 20 minutes of mine! The next day she woke up VERY sore! Which means it is working, so I hope she tries to do it a little more. She won’t do it every day, but I think every now and then would be a great boost!

And the boy has been watching me do the Shred and sees what a great workout I get from it, so he decided he wants to do it too! He also has a hard time waking up so he hopes this will help him get going. So starting tomorrow we will do the Shred together – I am very excited!

And another unlikely candidate decided to try the Shred – SANTANA the puppy! She blogged all about her experience Shredding, read about it for a great laugh! My favorite lines:

“However, also being a puppy, I CAN’T DO THE BUTT KICKS! Who invented these non-puppy-friendly butt kicks??”


“2) Instead of butt kicks: BUTT LICKING! Increases flexibility and it’s delicious!”

There is much more hilarity in there too – please click here and read all about Santana’s proposed 30 Day Shred Challenge for Puppies (also works for cats and the elderly).

My brother saw this in a store for those of you with a Wii:

Jillian Michaels - Wii

SoulCycle Review
On Saturday, the boy and I finally went to SoulCycle. We have been trying to go for so long but so many things kept getting in our way. This weekend we finally had our chance.

We arrived early and entered a dark, long, narrow entry way full of lockers. I asked someone if this was the entrance since it looked a little creepy and he said it was. We walked through and got to a front desk. Phew! We signed in and were offered spin shoes for rent, which we didn’t need since we have our own. I noticed a sign that said first time guests get a reduced rate of $20 (rather than $32). We paid $32 each online already, as there was no mention of this deal on the site. I asked the girl at the desk and she was very nice and credited us each $12.

We went to the narrow hallway of lockers and did our best to get ready with people trying to get past us and getting ready themselves. There are 2 individual changing rooms, but when the class before ours let out, they were taken. There were just 2 small benches to wait for our class and to get out shoes on. We opted to put on our shoes in the hallway of lockers.

Finally, it was time to go into the class room. We walk in and can barely get to our bikes on the other side of the room — there was simply no walking space. Every bike was practically on top of the next. We squeezed and shimmied our way through and saw that our bikes were against a fan, a speaker and a corner. We were able to switch bikes since the class wasn’t full and we moved up a row.

The bikes themselves were different than the Spinner bikes I’ve used in every gym I have gone to. Setting them up was different and I wasn’t familiar with the numbering system. I set it up the best I could, albeit with a bit of apprehension. Then I noticed there was no computer. For a studio that costs $32 a class, a studio where a set of 5 classes is the same price as a full month of my own gym membership, a studio where they specialize in a workout where monitoring heart rate is pretty important, I would have expected computers on every bike. No biggie, I could always look at my watch to track my heart rate. And I guess RPMs don’t matter here. I also noticed that there were water bottle holders in places sticking out of the lower part of the bike, rather than on top.

I hop on the bike and attempt to snap my shoes in. Right, snap! Left, no snap. Tried again with the left foot. Wouldn’t go in. Kept trying. Class began. I was still trying to get my left shoe in. Keep in mind that I spin almost every day and I never have this problem. I am getting upset and the boy, whose shoes snapped right in, suggests I try another bike. I was scared that another bike would have the same problem, and I was determined to make this one work. I keep trying. Keep struggling. The teacher, I need to note, didn’t care.

At my gym, most of the spin instructors will come and help you if you’re having a problem with your bike. I remember this being the case at my old gym as well. But not at SoulCycle. The teacher just kept on going, ignoring the fact that a paying customer was not able to participate in the class. Finally, after getting so agitated and upset and fighting with the pedal, I decided to move to another bike. I couldn’t move the knob to adjust the next bike I chose, so I used the one in the very corner, the bike that was touching the fan and directly under the speaker.

I adjusted it, got on and finally started pedaling, 15 minutes after the 45 minute class began. And I burned over 100 calories by just fighting with the bike and being stressed! Remember how I said there were water bottle holders and other things sticking out of the bike? Well, those ended up being the real death of me there.

Bang. OUCH. I hit the part of my thigh right above my knee on a piece of bike. Kept  going. OWWWWWWWW. Banged my knee HARD against a piece of bike. I stopped pedaling and re-adjusted my seat so I was further back. Keep in mind that (1) I spin all the time and know how to adjust a typical bike, these were not typical and (2) even when I am too far up on a typical bike, there are no pieces of water bottle holder and other random crap to bang into me! The worst that happens on a Spinner bike is that my tush hits the seat a little while standing. No big deal. But I never, ever got deep, dark, painful, raised BRUISES like I now have from the bike at SoulCycle.

Here are pictures of my thigh bruise and my knee bruise.

Thigh bruiseKnee bruise


Once I moved my seat back it got better. And by better I mean less painful. Except that other problems arose. I look up at the mirror and it is ALL FOGGED. Can’t see a thing. Now, as I have said, I have taken many a spin class… and this has never happened. A studio that specializes in just this one thing should have some proper ventilation, don’t you think? As a result, I couldn’t breathe. I feared for the boy, who has asthma. I looked down at my Polar F7 Heart Rate Monitor and saw that I was at 195 even though I wasn’t pushing myself that hard — that is just how hot and suffocating the room was.

What I did like about the class was that it wasn’t focused on hills as much as the classes at my gym are. It was more about getting up, sitting down, leaning forward and backwards, and using 1 lb hand weights. I really enjoyed this change of pace and the time did fly once I got started. I would like it if some classes at my gym were structured more like this one. It was nice not to be told what percent of my max hear rate I should be at, how many RPMs I should be at and how many minutes the next hill will be. That being said, it took my experience at SoulCycle to realize just how good I have it at The Sports Club/LA! There is room to breathe, room to walk in between bikes, a mirror you can actually see in, and air that is quite breathable!

My heart rate remained in the 190s throughout the entire class. Too high for such an extended period in my opinion, but I am not an expert so who knows. I did burn a lot of calories — and if I didn’t miss out on the first 15 minutes, I would have probably burned close to 550 calories for the class, which is unheard of for me. But it wasn’t worth it. Not for the price.

SoulCycle is expensive, but you certainly don’t get what you pay for. I would think a company who does just spin and nothing else, and charges a high price, would offer a top-of-the-line experience. SoulCycle did not.

NYC Blogger Dinner
We had a really great night at the dinner! I met some fantastic girls and ate wonderful food at Planet Thailand. I drank the Iced Green tea Lychee Lemonade (it was alcoholic — and VERY strong!) and split Chicken & Shrimp in Chili Sauce and a Tiger Roll with one of the other girls. I tried keeping Bethenny’s advice in my mind and not go overboard and I think I did a great job! I strive for this every day now – and hopefully I will start to see a difference. I will blog more on this another time.

Iced green tea lychee lemonadeChicken & Shrimp in Chili SauceTiger Roll

Some of the bloggers brought goodies!

A big thanks to Tanya from for the wonderful Lean Cuisine Lunch Bags! I used mine today to carry all my Chobanis to work! And another major thanks to Melissa from FitnessNYC — she not only organized the event, she also gave every one of us a goodie bag that included free passes to Physique 57 – which I am dying to try, and a free pass to Kinespirit! I love trying out new work outs! She also included yummy treats and gripping ponytail holders for exercising, menus for great restaurants and more!

I had a great time and it was so nice to talk to other girls who write health and fitness blogs. I learned about some new blogs that I’m getting started on reading!

It is on Friday, March 27. Each session is an hour. I am going with Melanie and Missy at 6:30 AM. It benefits Muscular Dystrophy. I am very excited!

The boy got me one this weekend, along with a mat for the Shred.

22 comments on Maple Glazed Pumpkin French Toast, SoulCycle Review, NYC Blogger Dinner & Puppy Shred

  1. melissa
    March 16, 2009 at 11:40 am (15 years ago)

    Wow, your bruise is crazy! I seriously can’t believe your soul cycle story, how do they have such a following? weird!

  2. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)
    March 16, 2009 at 12:09 pm (15 years ago)

    I’m so glad we got to meet! Isn’t the Shred great? I’ve been using it for months and I love it.

    And you can feel free to make me French Toast ANY time. 🙂

  3. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    March 16, 2009 at 12:29 pm (15 years ago)

    The meetup looks like so much fun! Were there a ton of flashes from everyone taking pictures of their food? I wonder what the servers were thinking?! HA!! I saw more pictures over at Missy Maintains – I think I’m flying out to NYC to spend the weekend w/ you and Missy. Yep, I totally just invited myself!

  4. Missy (Missy Maintains)
    March 16, 2009 at 12:29 pm (15 years ago)

    Omg your bruises are awful! So horrible! Your french toast looks AMAZING! I really want to get a Wii so I can get that Jillian Michaels game!! I am working on it haha.

  5. Tanya
    March 16, 2009 at 12:31 pm (15 years ago)

    Glad you liked the lunch bag. The logge dinner was a lot of fun and I’m having a great time reading everyone’s blog (when I should be doing work :0) Sorry about the bruises 🙁

  6. Danielle
    March 16, 2009 at 12:33 pm (15 years ago)

    Ouch those bruises look painful! Hope they heal quickly! I did the shred for the first time on Friday and although it went by quickly it definitely was tough!

  7. Mallory
    March 16, 2009 at 1:13 pm (15 years ago)

    Great post! I’m glad the meetup went well, but sad that soul cycle did not live up to its hype 🙁 At least you can appreciate the normal spinning at your gym that much more!!

    Did the boy have bruises or trouble with the soul cycle??

  8. Elsa
    March 16, 2009 at 3:36 pm (15 years ago)

    Hi Dori! Nice meeting you at the blogger dinner. I had a great time and I loved getting your take on Bethany’s book.
    P.S. Ouch to those bruises.

  9. sara
    March 16, 2009 at 3:43 pm (15 years ago)

    omg look at that bruise! you poor girl! so nice to meet you, sorry I didn’t get to talk to you more!!

  10. matthew
    March 16, 2009 at 11:43 pm (15 years ago)

    Dori, if the bicycle you are on is hurting you I suggest: STOP!


  11. Melanie
    March 17, 2009 at 11:51 am (15 years ago)

    haha snuggie! i find that avoiding getting cramps when you run is all in the breathing – they’re usually brought on by taking quick, shallow breaths, it’s important to take long, deep breaths (this also keeps your heart rate from shooting up).

  12. Heather McD (Heather Eats Almond Butter)
    March 17, 2009 at 2:20 pm (15 years ago)

    Those bruises – ouch my friend. Thank goodness for the Sports Club/LA gym in your life. I’m so glad you can go back to your own gym and NOT get bruised on the bike. At least you enjoyed some parts of the Soul Cycle class. I like how they incorporated hand weights. I’ve never been to a spin class that did that.

    Your French toast looks like it turned out amazing, and the boy had better like the maple glaze peanut butter! People who don’t like peanut butter frighten me. 🙂

    How cool you got the whole family doing Shred. I love it, and the blogger meet up in NYC looked like so much fun. I think that is so cool that all of you live close to one another in such an amazing city.

    Hope you’re enjoying St. Patty’s Day!

  13. Kelly Turner
    March 17, 2009 at 2:37 pm (15 years ago)

    jealous of the meet up!

    i want a snuggie!!!

  14. Selena
    February 1, 2010 at 3:15 pm (14 years ago)

    The maple glazed pumpkin french toast recipe sounds great! Could you please send me the secipe or a link? I have not been able to find the recipe. Thanks so much!

  15. embee
    April 7, 2010 at 5:24 pm (14 years ago)

    I do not believe that you got those bruises from soul cycle. I have taken their class (from the sound of it you went to their west side location). It is physically impossible as the cup holders are BELOW the knee height. Again I spin there EVERY DAY! I will admit they do let it get hot in their (on purpose) for effect of a good sweat but it also is good to prevent you from tearing anything! so while I do think somestimes it is too hot it is often for my own good.

    Before you go bashing a place, learn how to properly adjust your seat. I ASSURE THAT YOU WILL NOT BRUISE IF YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING.

    • Dori
      April 7, 2010 at 7:39 pm (14 years ago)

      Hi Embee,

      Thank you for taking the time to comment. I actually did get the bruises from Soul Cycle, as the pain when my legs hit the bike was intense and the bruises showed immediately after. I used to spin at the Sports Club/LA every day and they used Spinner brand bikes. They use different adjustment setting than the brand they use at Soul Cycle. My issue was actually with the fact that the teacher at Soul Cycle was not helpful. At any other fitness club, the teachers are happy to help students adjust their bike for the best fit and workout. At Soul Cycle, no one helped me. I arrived very early with plenty of time and was unable to receive any assistance, and the issue was exacerbated when the teacher saw me struggling and ignored it.

      I do not believe it is my responsibility to research bike brands and their adjustment settings before attending a new studio. A good studio would be happy to help. I agree, I would not bruise if I knew what I was doing — which is why some help would have been great!

      Also — it is unclear if you do not believe I got my bruises at Soul Cycle as you first say, or if you do believe I got them there as a result of not knowing how to adjust their bikes as you say later.

    • Lindsey @ Sound Eats
      April 7, 2010 at 8:08 pm (14 years ago)

      wow embee, classy – why take the time to comment and basically call Dori a liar and insult her intelligence? Instead of leaving disrespectful comments like this, try leaving helpful tips, like maybe how to properly adjust the seat.

      Also – while it may be physically impossible for you to hit your knees on the cup holders, we are all different sizes and shapes and have different lengths of limbs. That plus the combination that Dori couldn’t adjust her seat makes your impossible situation possible. just sayin’.

  16. eatdrinkandbemerrynyc
    April 8, 2010 at 10:20 am (14 years ago)

    Hard to imagine having the time to write such rude posts to people. It would take me a lot of time to craft something that unnecessary and obnoxious? I think it’s not a good sign when you’re paying $30+ for a class and the instructor is unwilling to help you with adjustments. A bruise isn’t the end of the world (and Dori is by no means making it out to be) but I would like to know of that possibility before I drop a lot of money on a class there and I would come prepared to make sure to get my adjustments made to the bike even if it meant speaking to a manager. No one wants to leave with unsightly bruises if they can avoid it. Embee, be nice. You could have said exactly what you said in a really different way and no one would have been offended. 🙂

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3Pingbacks & Trackbacks on Maple Glazed Pumpkin French Toast, SoulCycle Review, NYC Blogger Dinner & Puppy Shred

  1. […] make conversation, but after a delicious Sangria I felt better. I also met some of the girls at the dinner last week which […]

  2. […] in studio cycling I become, the more curious I get about how class is at other gyms. Hence, my SoulCycle experience. I’ve wanted to go with Missy to spin but we never can find a good time.  So I was […]

  3. […] They wanted to work more parts of their bodies. In some spin classes (like the one I  took at SoulCycle but none at my gym), the instructor will have the class bend forwards and backwards while standing […]

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