Spinning, SmartPilling, Restaurant Weeking and Seattling

Yesterday I did spin for the 4th day in a row! Everyone is right — it really is addicting, even though I hate it while I’m there! For some reason I can’t wait to go back and do it all over again. I’m especially glad I did this last night, since it was a teacher I never tried before and it was seriously the best spin class of my life (I have taken spin a bunch of times at a few of the gyms I have belonged to. Last night when my heart rate got to the 190s, it wasn’t because I was pushing myself, it was because I was having fun. It made me think about why this instructor was so much better than the others. In other words, what makes a good spin instructor?

1. Happy to be there – this guy was HAPPY to be teaching this class
2. Cameraderie – he was friendly with the students and knew the regulars well
3. Interaction – throughout the class he was walking around the room interacting with us. He saw my HRM and said “Very good!” This made me happy! Another time he came up to me and told me to relax my shoulders (something I always have a hard time doing). I enjoyed the personal attention.
4. MUSIC – SO important. It was obvious he carefully selected his playlist and each song fit what we were doing at the time. During a particularly fast sprint, the music was a fast drum-beat that made me want to go FAST. During climbs the music became more motivating, and, well, climb-like. Downhill, same thing with the fast beats. I was disappointed on Monday when the playlist was the same as the Sunday one – since they were different teachers! This guy brought a little Macbook with iTunes open and obviously cared.
5. Motivating – he was so motivating in everything he said, he really got the class excited and involved
6. Not boring – Instead of three 6-minute hills, he split it up into hills of varying lenths
7. Pushed us to work harder – Instead of instructing us to lower our resistance after each hill, he instead encouraged us to NOT touch it at all! I didn’t typically follow this, but it was nice that he was pushing
8. Funny – he was a funny guy, using intermittent spanish words
9. Helpful – before class started he asked if anyone needed help with their bikes, pedals, etc. Normally when I approach a teacher before class to ask for help they are less than friendly about it. This guy actually offered help! But now I know to sign up for the bikes with foot saddles on, so I was all set. Good to know for next time though. 
10. Really seemed to care that we all have the best spin experience possible

Overall, a really great class! And no wonder — look at the instructor’s website!

“Pablo Toribio was featured in New York magazine’s Best of New York issue as the Best Spinning Instructor in NY 2005. He also was featured as a top instructor in Time Out New York magazine and Resident magazine and appeared on NY1 News, ABC Prime Time Live and other features.”

Sara over at EatFabInNYC also had a great spin teacher last night at her gym! The teacher really makes a difference.  Now I can’t wait to take his class every Tuesday! I am leaning more and more towards getting spinning shoes.

In other news, I brought the SmartPill monitor to the doctor yesterday. It only takes the doctor a few minutes to upload my results and read them, but I don’t know how busy he is and when he will actually get around to doing it. His office told me a week, but I really hope it’s sooner – I am DYING of curiosity. I do believe this test will provide some insight.

On a brighter note, it is NYC Restaurant Week! Tonight I am going to Japonais and tomorrow to China Grill. Very excited… just hope my tummy is okay… always a worry. But, I will enjoy myself and avoid the foods I know will bother me the most.

I am going to Seattle to visit my brother Matt Matt, his girlfriend Mallory and their puppy Santana in a few weeks! I am very excited about it because ever since my brother moved to Seattle to work for the Man I don’t get to see him much (and by the Man, I mean Bill Gates. Obv.). The last time I was in Seattle, Santana hadn’t moved in yet. She was taking a long holiday at Mallory’s parents, so I am VERY excited to play and cuddle with her! My brother belongs to a really nice gym, but I don’t think I will get to go because of time constraints. Maybe if it isn’t too cold out I will attempt my first outdoor run?

9 comments on Spinning, SmartPilling, Restaurant Weeking and Seattling

  1. sara
    January 21, 2009 at 12:41 pm (15 years ago)

    Yay for restaurant week!!! Japonais is SO good you have to try the “rock beef” if you so indulge in red meat. I forget what it’s called but it’s LITERALLY heaven on earth. I am heading to Oceana for dinner which I am definitely psyched about. I hope your stomach holds up too!! Do you live in the city? I forget!

  2. sara
    January 21, 2009 at 3:46 pm (15 years ago)

    thought of you when i read this post this afternoon:
    don’t know that I believe it but it’s interesting…(as per your stomach issues). Fingers crossed they can figure them out but I figured maybe some food for thought/research?

  3. Jennifer
    January 21, 2009 at 4:40 pm (15 years ago)

    I used to spin regularly in CA because my instructor was good looking and played awesome music. He knew he was good looking and usually had a flock of blond milfs that would attack the sign-in sheet 1 hr before class to ensure strategic positions around instructor. spin is addicting and gives your ass a whooping (in a good way). i might just have to resurrect my shoes and take another class. i dont like the instructors @ my current gym though. any results from the smart pill?

    • Dori
      January 21, 2009 at 5:02 pm (15 years ago)

      I just dropped off the test yesterday so it will be awhile before I hear back. I didn’t know you have spin shoes – you are hardcore! Do you suggest I get a pair?

  4. sara
    January 21, 2009 at 5:12 pm (15 years ago)

    Here’s what it said:

    “Some of yall have been asking for more details about my doctor’s appointment yesterday. Without getting into tooooo much specific to my symptoms, here is some information on food incompatibility that I found incredibly interesting. It basically goes again everything we were brought up to do….if you stick to a strict ayurvedic diet you would need to follow the following guidelines, although its noted that individuals should do what they can and not stress about it. This list is only a guideline and not incredibly comprehensive. Read this as the first item should not pair with the second item/items.

    Fruit—-with any other item

    Mangos—with cheese, yogurt or cucumbers

    Milk—banana, cherries, melon, meat, fish, yogurt, bread containing yeast

    Yogurt—milk, meat, fish, eggs, hot drinks

    Eggs—fruit, yogurt, cheese, meat, fish, beans

    Honey—never boiled

    Grains—fruit, tapioca

    Beans—fruit, cheese, milk, yogurt, eggs, milk

    Take it for what you will, but combining these food items is said to lead to toxins known as ama that spread from the digestive tract through all the body. This leads to IBS and a variety of other indigestion and tummy problems. Yuck!”

  5. Mallory
    January 21, 2009 at 7:49 pm (15 years ago)

    We are an apartment full of bloggers!! Even Santana!

    Hopefully it warms up before you come…it is super cold this week because this fog has settled and doesn’t lift at all during the day!

  6. robert
    January 30, 2009 at 2:19 pm (15 years ago)

    what gym is this?
    i have a good one too at noon on tuesdays at the nysc on 51st and lex.
    there used to be another who would teach on thursday’s that was also great. he seemed jewish and he would sing to shakira’s song – very funny. i haven’t seen him in weeks though.
    i dislike those instructors that are not too inventive – they basically make you sit and spin for 15 minutes, then climb for the next 15, then sit again. ugh… i just dont show up to their classes or i just go to the elliptical machine and work out on my own.

    • Dori
      January 30, 2009 at 2:22 pm (15 years ago)

      Robert – I go to the Sports Club/LA on 61st between 1st and 2nd. I completely agree with you on the teachers who suck – I was shocked when I found two not great ones who used the same playlist of songs of basically the same speed and style. Where’s the motivation?!


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