
2009 archive

10 Facts About Me (Includes theft, pancakes, grammar and Henries)

A blogger friend of mine tagged me in a little game going around the blagosphere (and a longer version on the Facebooks) where you write 10 facts about yourself to people can get to know you better. Perfect, since I have been infiltrating the blagoblags lately and must seem like something of a GI suffering, spin class obsessing, hyena laughter hating weirdo.

Here are 10 facts about me that you might not know!

1. I absolutely adore my sweet little mushy brother who is a baby even though he is 23. He says I’m a nudge.
2. I have an obsession with bags. When I get it in my head that I want one, I will obsess nonstop until I get it. Then all is calm until the moment strikes where I want another.
3. One of my fondest memories from middle school is playing a joke on the principal with my friends that ended in him yelling “MOOOOOOOOO” at the top of his lungs in his office.
4. I graduated college in 3 years. Not because I am great at school, but because I am sagacious.
5. IHOP is my favorite restaurant. I love breakfast foods so, so, so much. I can never resist pancakes or french toast.
6. I have a Master’s degree in Corporate Communications. I work in Corporate Communications. I still cannot describe what Corporate Communications is.
7. I invented a holiday called Henry Day. Every now and then I will wish people a Happy Henry Day. Henry Day occurs fairly often, but there is also National Henry Day (rare) and International Henry Day (rarer). And, we are currently in the Year of the Henry! (Celebrated on Rosh Hashanah).
8. I know it says it in my About Me, but I would like to reiterate to those first reading that I favor abrupt sentences and em dashes. I also enjoy an appropriately placed semicolon every now and again. I strongly dislike the serial comma.
9. My apartment was broken into by an employee of my landlord’s management company who conveniently used our keys and even locked up when they finished taking my most valuable posessions. Read more about the management company here.
10. I sleep with my doll Nicole. When my mom was pregnant with my brother, she told me that if it was a boy he would be Matthew and if it was a girl she would be Nicole. I thought this meant that there would be a boy and a girl, so when only Matthew was born, I cried and asked, “Where’s Nicole?” My grandma ran out and bought me Nicole. She will be 24 in July.

Following suit, I will tag Sara and Body Mind Soul to participate in this little exercise.

That’s all for now, kids. Have a very happy Henry Day!

Help oppose the NY State Health Club tax.

My gym sent an email to its members about the proposed tax that would impact health club memberships and personal training sessions. In economy, people can barely afford their gym memberships to begin with — imposing a tax will surely cause some to cancel their memberships and convince others to not bother joining at all.

As it says in the letter, We strongly believe that our Members should not be taxed for living a healthy lifestyle. I couldn’t agree more. I am outraged.

Here is the rest of the message:

    Dear Member,IHRSA (International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association), The Sports Club/LA and Reebok Sports Club/NY need your help with opposing the proposed New York State Health Club dues sales tax! As the Regional General Manager in New York and a member of IHRSA, I wanted to share with you that, due to a $15 billion budget deficit this year, Governor David Paterson is proposing an expansion of the sales tax to include health club dues and services such as personal training sessions. We strongly believe that our Members should not be taxed for living a healthy lifestyle.

On behalf of our Clubs and IHRSA, I encourage you to speak out and exercise your right to continue your healthy lifestyle. For more information and to voice your opposition to the tax, please log onto the healthclubs website.

Um, way to increase the obesity epidemic Governor Patterson. Woo hoo?

This is where you can click to speak out against the health club tax. 

And Sara made a good point – they should instead double the tax on fast food! THAT will send the right message.

What do you think about a tax on those who choose to live a healthy lifestyle? Are you outraged as well?

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