
2009 archive

I’ve been tagged – FAIL!

My blogger friend has once again “tagged” me in a game — which is fine by me since I have nothing else to write about today, so it provides me with some content! The game is to go to the 4th folder on my computer where I keep photos and choose the 4th picture in this folder, post it and describe the story behind it.

Since I am not on my home computer, I only have one folder with pictures, so I will just select the 4th picture from the only folder instead.

Fail Blog

This is a funny one! My friend Jonathan introduced me to FailBlog, and sent me a very funny entry which I had saved– and here it is at number 4!

Mrs. B wrote to an advice column to discuss a problem in her relationship. After coming home unexpectedly due to her car stalling a few minutes into her trip, the woman found her husband dressed in her underwear, high heeled shoes and makeup. As it turns out, he has been doing this for 6 months and has been very depressed about losing his job. The woman wants some advice on how to handle this awful situation.

Miriam of “Dear Miriam” clearly only skimmed the very first paragraph of Mrs. B’s letter — her response was all about why Mrs. B’s car might have stalled after such a short distance and what to do about it!


Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this little gem. And you can find more hilarity at http://failblog.org/.

To keep the game going, I am tagging Heather from HeatherEatsAlmondButter!

Chobani Yogurt: My Official Review

Awhile back, Tiffany at Chobani sent me the following flavors to taste and review (all 0%): Plain, Vanilla, Peach, Blueberry and Strawberry.


Until this point, the only Greek yogurt I was eating was Fage. I was excited to try these out because I had heard so many great things about this brand.

I received 2 containers of each flavor, so a lot of tasting was done! Here are my thoughts:

Plain: Good, thick and creamy! Much creamier than Fage. Similar in taste, but this one tasted better.

Peach: Delicious! Big peach chunks really made this flavor a great one!

Blueberry and Strawberry: Lots of fruit, great taste, but I liked the peach better. It had more of a real fruit flavor.

And, saving the best fot last…

Vanilla: Omg. This changed my yogurt-eating life! This is seriously my PERFECT yogurt. Thick, creamy, smooth, vanilla-y and just DELICIOUS. Ever since  I got these samples (a few months ago already) I have been regularly buying all the Vanilla they have at the boy’s local supermarket (mine sadly does not carry Chobani). I literally go there and buy every single Vanilla Chobani on a weekly basis.

Vanilla Chobani

On a daily basis, usually for breakfast, I will mix a Vanilla Chobani with Bauman’s Pumpkin Butter. It tastes exactly like pumpkin cheesecake! I crave this combination upon waking up and don’t stop thinking about it until I have it. I love it — and it is also a fantastic pre-gym snack! And it does not bother my stomach which is key — plus, the active cultures can only help.

Here is some info:

Vanilla Flavored Nonfat Greek Yogurt

  • All Natural
  • Live & Active Cultures
  • Great source of protein
  • Perfect way to increase energy
  • Rich smooth creamy texture
  • A great mid day snack
  • Helps prevent the risk of Osteoporosis
  • Includes (3) active probiotics
  • Gluten free

    Note: I have tried the Honey 0% on my own as well. It is good, but I’d rather just add my own honey to plain. I have not tried any lowfat or original versions of Chobani.

    Chobani Vanilla is officially my favorite yogurt! A big thanks to Tiffany for introducing me to Chobani — and an apology to those who visit Jubilee grocery store on the Upper West Side and find that their entire inventory of Vanilla has been depleted. That would be my fault.

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