Archive of ‘DSB Review’ category

Wedding Stuff + Refine Resolution Learnings + Ellie Workout Clothes

There are three parts to this post.  Wedding Stuff + Refine Resolution Challenge Learnings + Ellie Workout Clothes. I’m sure you could have figured that out.

Since all I’ve been doing is my modified version of Refine a few days a week (and a nice long walk with pup this morning) I don’t really see much of a reason to share my weekly workouts.  This leads me to…

Part 1

I’m really stressed about my injury; with just three weeks until my wedding in a dress that is even more see-through now that the seamstress removed the lining (on purpose), I want to be able to work my hardest! Instead, I’m modifying and going easy so I don’t make my neck worse.

It will be fine, I’m just in crunch time and stressed. I don’t enjoy wedding planning so I haven’t been doing it. That means that now, with only three weeks to go, I have to DO ALL THE THINGS. I’m not exaggerating. When I tell people how much I have left to do they usually interrupt me and say, “You really haven’t done anything yet!”

Just to give you an idea of what I still need to do: Contact and make an appointment with a florist, select the menu for appetizers and buffet, hire an alcohol vendor and beer vendor and determine how much to buy, contact vendor who does chairs/napkin colors, tablecloths/etc, create and print programs, log on to the DJ website and fill out all the song info (including dislikes, any specific songs that should play at certain times, etc), purchase and put together all decorations, put together gift bags for hotel guests and one other project that I’ll share after the wedding. And that is just what I can think of right now off the top of my head. I know there is more.

Dori's wedding tweet

So, there’s that.  In addition to wedding and injury stress, I’m also dealing with work, signing a new lease and moving, and a few other things. It’s an exciting time in my life so I’m not too negative about anything for the most part. I just am really looking forward to the wedding being here already and then being done and then being on a beach in Bermuda where I will forgo all technology except my Kindle and daily check-ins on my pup.

Part 2

The Refine Resolution Challenge changed the way I exercise. When I moved to Jersey City, I continued taking Refine classes. It was easy, one short train ride to Union Square, 30 minutes door-to-door. When that studio closed after Hurricane Sandy I figured I was out of luck. I made the trek to the Upper West Side on weekends, either one or both days but no more. The Resolution Challenge, however, forced me to take class at least three times a week. That meant I needed to get to UWS either before or after work at least once a week.

Through this, I learned that the two-train trip wasn’t really THAT bad. I learned that I am happier and less stressed when I can take more Refine. I learned that the social aspect of Refine plays a large role in what makes it to special. I got my muscles and my shape back after losing them from my extended break. I learned that I feel most like myself when I’m taking Refine classes. I learned that a closer in distance workout, like CrossFit Jersey City, isn’t worth it if I don’t love it.  I learned that I love Refine so much it’s worth two trains that don’t even connect with each other. I learned that I don’t ever want to take an extended break from Refine again if I can help it. I learned that I feel more confident in all aspects of my life when I get to take my favorite class throughout the week. I learned that I can, in fact, have abs.

Photo of Dori's abs after Refine Resolution Challenge

I took this photo in March and have had countless internal debates about whether to post it. Stomach-baring on the internet is scary.

I also learned (well, I already knew, but this reinforced it) that Refine is my happy place. So much that I am having my bachelorette party there tomorrow! (There will be drinking after. I’m not THAT crazy).

And my fiance even completed the challenge! Remember when we were the Refine Challengers of the Week? I am so proud of Andy for taking so many classes. He doesn’t find them fun the way I do. He seems miserable the entire time. I did not even ask him to do this; Refine owner/genius Brynn did. Andy has improved so much from when he first started – he can do more pushups, improved his ability to do lunges and can even bang out a series of jumpbacks (much to his chagrin – he HATES those!).

Andy Gray finishes Refine Resolution Challenge

My next post will get more into the details of the challenge — the perks, the rewards. That program got me my wedding shoes! More on that soon.

Part 3

In other news, I owe you an update on Ellie workout clothes: As you might remember, I was a pvBody ambassador. The service used to send members a workout outfit each month. Then there was some controversy as they changed their business model and became Ellie. Instead of receiving an outfit from different brands, members now receive an outfit from their own dedicated brand. Members can also buy the clothes directly from their site. Membership is $49.95 a month which gets you a full outfit — top and pants — each month. You take a quiz with your personal preferences when you join to ensure you get the type of clothing you like! You save 20% of this price by signing up through me, and I get $10 for every new member.

Of course, the question is, why would you sign up to get clothes from a new brand?

I’ve had a couple months now to test out the clothes myself and I can assure you they are fantastic. They fit me better than most other brands, are flattering, functional and comfortable. I’m picky with tight pants that touch my skin because I get really itchy and I haven’t had any issue with two of three crops I’ve received from Ellie. That is impressive for someone who can’t even wear most brands’ regular leggings, or any stockings or tights at all.

The tops — particularly the gray tank top, called Truth or Dare Carbon — fit me far better than any of my Lululemon tops. It’s also more moisture-wicking and comfortable.  I’m wearing it tomorrow to the Refine Method portion of my bachelorette party!

My favorite pieces so far are Truth or Dare Carbon tank top and the Heartbreaker Capri, which are so comfortable.

I’ve also seen people at Refine in Ellie clothes (like Laura who writes a hilarious blog where she reviews fitness classes) and they always look great. I didn’t expect to love this brand, but they assured me beforehand that the clothes would be high quality and flattering, and they are right.

I’ve even gotten a Refine instructor ordering the Electric Love Capris!

Has anyone else been wearing Ellie? Has anyone attended a bachelorette party that included a workout? Has anyone waited until three weeks before their wedding to begin planning?

DSB Review: Work It Out – Hoboken Boutique Fitness Studio

Two to three times a week, I cross state lines to work out.

I live in New Jersey. The best workouts I knew were in New York.  Somehow, though, I came across Work It Out, a boutique fitness studio in Hoboken, New Jersey. I live just one town over in Jersey City, of course trying this studio became a priority last fall. Their website alone enticed me to come in.  It appeals to women like me on many levels. It’s inviting, informative, friendly and not intimidating — which is the perfect way to describe this studio.

Their classes intrigued me: with class names like “Sweata Weatha,” “Riding High,” and “Core Disc-O” I knew this studio would be right up my alley. Finally, after lots of scheduling issues, I got to try my first class there. I opted for the Riding High spin class:

Take your upper body along for the ride. This 50-minute WiO Ride spin-off incorporates upper body light weights and high reps so your legs don’t think they’re in it alone. They have feelings, too, you know.

I happened to try my first class on the same night as their two-year anniversary party. There was a lot of fun stuff going on like custom t-shirts being made and Baked by Melissa cupcakes. But the best special event of the night was the LIVE SAX PLAYER in the spin room. During my class.

work it out bikes

Every spin class should have a saxophone player. Seriously. He was able to add to every single pop song and make it seamless. The energy in the room was incredible, and I had more fun in that spin class than I’d ever had up until that point.

The pink bikes didn’t hurt my excitement either. This is a studio that knows its way to a girl’s heart.

The next time I went to Work It Out was for their 90-minute Turkey Burn event. I recruited Ashley and Laura because this sounded too much fun to experience on my own.

The first annual Turkey Burn was a 90-minute combination of an outdoor run, a high-energy Riding High and Sweata Weatha, their circuit-style workout:

You look hot! WiO’s 50-minute power sweat class makes temperatures rise by combining weights, body bars and cardio for an intense, nonstop, full body workout designed to cleanse, challenge and change your body in any weather.

We started with a run outside and around a small park. I don’t know how long the run was, but Ashley and I had a lot of fun trying to make sure we were among the first seven ladies to finish so we could be in the first spin group. I don’t know why, but I REALLY wanted to do spin first. I think that’s because when I imaged the workout in my head, spin was always first. The class was fantastic — like, really, really awesome — and the time flew by.

work it out waiting are

We switched rooms to the slightly-bouncy floor (they do gymnastics there!) of the main exercise room. Surrounding the entire room were the circuits. We started by doing every circuit for one minute, with 30 seconds of burpees in between. Each circuit worked a different muscle group, and there were always two weight options to accommodate different levels.

work it out floor -

This bouncy floor makes you feel like a kid.

The second time around we did each circuit for 30 seconds. By then, I knew what I was doing and could push harder knowing I didn’t have to work for as long.

When the other group finished spin they joined us in the room and we all stretched and cooled down together. We also got a great a reusable Work It Out purple tote as part of our participation in the Turkey Burn.

I loved that we ran outside. I didn’t know ahead of time we would be running, and it was a really nice, refreshing surprise that got me excited for the rest of the workout. I also loved the  Riding High portion, and I realize that pink bikes (saxophonist optional) automatically put me in the right state of mind to ride. As for the Sweata Weatha, while it was a very tough workout I wished the instructor was walking around the room helping us with our form and making sure we understood the exercises. I didn’t in some of the cases because I don’t normally take classes like this, but the instructor was busy actually being the boxing circuit.

work it out bathroom -

This is their bathroom. SO NICE.

During the second round, we didn’t box so she was available to help, but by then the majority of the class was over. I expressed this concern to Work It Out after and they were very receptive to my feedback – they also had come to the same conclusion themselves. So, no hard feelings. I expect the class will only get better from here.

If you’re near Hoboken and you like pink and purple, DEFINITELY give Work It Out a try. The staff is welcoming, the workouts I’ve tried are great, the classes are interesting and varied, and the bikes are pink. They offer fun events for their members, and the studio, bathroom and waiting areas are immaculate.

work it out reception

As for me… sigh. It’s actually easier and quicker for me to get from Jersey City to Manhattan than it is to get from Jersey City to Hoboken for Work It Out. I wish it was easier; it SHOULD be easier. For now, I’ll have to rely on Andy to drive me there every now and then to take a class. They’re by far the best option for spinning in this area, and they’re the only boutique studio in this area that offers such a great variety of classes.

I mean, I’m now a certified spin instructor and so I am very important and knowledgeable when it comes to indoor cycling bikes, yet I still can’t keep it in my pants when I think about Work It Out’s PINK BIKES.

I’m glad that studios like this are become more prevalent. A big gym won’t get women like me to exercise, but a place like Work It Out absolutely will.

And if you do decide to take a class there, let me know!

If you live outside of the NYC area, do you have any great boutique fitness studios near you?

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