Archive of ‘Core Fusion Challenge’ category

Core Fusion Lean & Toned Review & Giveaway

It is no secret that I love everything Core Fusion. In January and February, I embarked on my Core Fusion Challenge – to really amazing results. I’d never had such success with workouts before this. But Core Fusion changed my body, changed my entire outlook on exercise (I now love and crave it) and it changed how I approach situations outside the classroom in my everyday life.

While I did my Core Fusion Challenge at exhale spa taking live classes, many of the people who participated along with me used the Core Fusion DVDs. I actually own them all myself, and I use them when I am traveling or when I feel like doing a short exercise at home. Each DVD is broken up into five 10-minute workouts that you can do all at once, or split up whenever you want.

The stars of the DVDs – Body Sculpt, Pilates Plus, Pure Abs & Arms, Thighs & Glutes — are Fred DeVito and Elisabeth Halfpapp, Core Fusion co-founders, husband and wife, and also my teachers at exhale. They actually got married the same year I was born! They’re on the screen, doing the exercises and the movements are explained with their own voiceovers. Unlike other exercise DVDs, they aren’t irritating or mean or cheesy. Fred and Elisabeth explain each exercise, any variations you might want or need to do, and the benefits of each movement. Very calm, very chill – yet the workouts are VERY tough.

So those DVDs are all awesome. Seriously, I cannot recommend them enough. But now they decided to take a new approach with their next few DVDs and make them more like a live class – like the classes I take multiple times a week at exhale spa.

So far, they’ve filmed three of these class-like DVDs – and one of them, Core Fusion Lean & Toned, comes out on Tuesday, May 4! Being the Core Fusion aficionado that I am, I got my hands on an early copy (tip: they are already on sale at exhale spa locations). I’ve seen this DVD twice so far. The first time, I watched it in bed on a Friday night like a movie. Core Fusion really is just that entertaining to me! And the second time, I did as much of the DVD workout as one could do in a tiny Manhattan apartment with no living room.

I was excited about this DVD because it is marketed as being like a live class. Even more exciting is that in the DVD with Fred and Elisabeth are three of my favorite Core Fusion teachers! So if you get this DVD, you’ll be watching the teachers whose classes I take the most.

So what did I think of Core Fusion Lean & Toned?

I liked it! I think that for someone who doesn’t have access to live classes or can’t afford/doesn’t want to pay for them, this DVD will definitely give you a good feel of what class is like. That said, Lean & Toned is not exactly like a live class as I thought it would be. It was like a compressed version of class – as if someone held a full-length class at both ends and squeezed it in.

Lean & Toned goes something like this:

Warm up (leg/arm lifts)
Reverse Pushups (tricep dips)
Forearm Plank
Weights (for biceps, triceps, shoulders, back)
Thighs  (ouch)
Abs (flat back/round back against a wall)
Abs (pretzel/curl combo)

That is a lot to pack in 50 minutes! The movements are fairly nonstop so it does work up a sweat, although the stretching in between creates a nice feeling of balance. That said, some parts did feel rushed, like the plank and arm weights sections, which were much shorter than I expected. I also never saw the pretzel move interspersed with the abs curl position, as was done here. I was confused by the pretzel (imagine sitting with one leg bent in front of you and one straight or bent to the side) being here at all since there was already a glutes section, and this pretzel was intended more for abs. Just something I haven’t seen done in class. One final difference is that in class we do glutes right after thighs. In the DVD some ab work falls in between those sections, although a little birdie told me that was a production error. 😉

All in all, this is an excellent workout DVD and you will get the idea of a Core Fusion class. If you decide to order the DVD, you will need to own a set of light weights. I’ve been doing Core Fusion for months and I use 3 pound weights. You also need a chair to hold on to for the thighs segment, and a wall with space to lean against for flat and round back abs.

Want to try Core Fusion Lean & Toned for free?

I’m giving away one copy of this DVD thanks to the awesome people at Acacia, the company that produces all Core Fusion DVDs along with many other workout DVDs (one of which I will be reviewing next week!).

You will receive one entry for EACH of the following:

  1. Leave a comment telling me what body part you want to strengthen with Core Fusion and why
    Ex) I want so strengthen my arms so I can finally open the tightly closed bottles of POM Wonderful the company sent me
  2. Tweet this contest! Copy and paste the following into your Twitter:
    Win the new #CoreFusion Lean & Toned DVD from @dysterious:
  3. Link back to this contest in your own post and let me know in the comments section. Don’t have a blog? Post it on Facebook and let me know!

I will randomly choose a winner via the Random Integer Generator on Tuesday, May 4 – the day the Core Fusion Lean & Toned DVD officially comes out!

Core Fusion Challenge: The Final Recap

Update:  I no longer take barre classes religiously. Here’s why.

I cannot believe we are almost midway through March. 2010 is really flying by, huh? It’s time for my recap of my Core Fusion Challenge!

What started as a 30 day challenge — and an amazing opportunity made possible by the generosity of Fred DeVito — turned into 2 months of an experience that totally changed my life in so many ways. Back in December, Fred asked me if I’d like to take Core Fusion classes 4-5 times a week and document my experience on my blog and on the exhale website. Of course I said yes. I was struggling with my weight and body image in November and December, having actually gained a bit of weight from October to that time. I felt uncomfortable, I couldn’t fit into my clothing and I was having a hard time making any substantial changes.

Additionally, I was suffering from a chronic gastrointestinal illness that kept me feeling in pain, bloated, uncomfortable and pretty miserable most of the time. I knew things needed to change and this was my opportunity to make these changes.

I had taken Core Fusion a bunch of times, but never with any regularity. The classes are pricey at $35 a class (made less expensive with class/monthly packages and specials on sites like Rue La La) and a monthly membership is more expensive than a regular gym membership. For that reason, I never seriously considered joining. If I had to choose one thing, I figured I’d choose a gym that costs less and offers a great variety (or so I thought).

So in January I began to take Core Fusion classes regularly. But at the same time, a few other changes occurred. My boyfriend and I ended our relationship, which was stressful because I had to move a lot of stuff into a very tiny apartment – but it was like a breath of fresh air at the same time. I had more time to evaluate my goals and priorities. I took better control of my stomach problems by eating smaller portions which really seemed to help my general discomfort.

I was writing more, as per the requirement for this challenge. As a writer, this was the nudge I needed to get back into practice. I was feeling happier and more positive about everything in my life. And, the most important changes from this time:

I was doing Core Fusion almost every day — finding and learning new things about myself, my strength, my capabilities. At the same time, I was networking with a group of amazing women who were participating in the challenge with me — many from home using the Core Fusion DVDs

I know it was a combination of those things that contributed to my feeling so much better, but I do attribute Core Fusion for helping the rest fall into place. Through these classes, I found my real love for treating my body well — for treating mySELF well, really. I never “loved” exercise other than running before. I did it because I felt like I had to. And I never did any strength training. I knew it was important, but I didn’t really know it was important, you know? I knew it because people said it but it never got through to me enough to put it to practice.

So there I was in January, my life drastically different than just a few weeks before. I was pushing myself through Core Fusion classes, struggling with soreness and bad knees. It was hard but I always felt great at the end of class and I was generally enjoying myself. Then I started taking Core Fusion Yoga and found a yoga love there, which I needed in my life. And I continued to attend Core Fusion and each day continued to love it more.

The results started showing quickly. After just two weeks, a friend of mine noticed muscle definition in my glutes and thighs. After a month, I met with Catherine, the health counselor and Core Fusion teacher I’ve been working with, for measurements and photos. We took measurements at the beginning of the challenge, and I was excited to see what the numbers showed.

And oh how the numbers showed! I lost about .5 inch all over and about 4% of my total body fat in just one month. After posting these results, it came to our attention that at least one person was concerned about these numbers. What I failed to explain in my measurements post was the fact that machines like the body fat/BMI machine include a 4% margin of error. I assumed it was understood, but it appears I was wrong. Additionally, food eaten, hydration and other factors can affect this number.

That said, even if the numbers of the body fat percentage were not my specific numbers, the fact that the number decreased after one month is still valid. The margin of error is the same; the only difference is me. However, to address this issue, Catherine and I met again to do all measurements and photos a third time. The numbers were still incredible. It reported a 3% body fat loss from the beginning of the challenge — still an amazing thing for a month and a half! (In the interest of full disclosure, we did these measurements at the end of the day rather than the beginning like the 4% result). My BMI went down by .2, and I lost about 2 pounds from the first day Catherine weighed me.

However, NONE of those numbers mattered at all to me. What mattered to me was the way I felt. Jeans that I could barely get past my thighs in December, much less close the button on, were now comfortable. Beyond comfortable, in fact. I was suddenly able to wear an entire wardrobe I didn’t have access to previously. One pair of jeans, I wore it all day, through breakfast, lunch and dinner — dinner OUT. And I didn’t feel like I was going to suffocate. I felt great!

In addition to how I felt in clothes, there’s also the matter of how I felt health wise. And the answer is that I felt better than I had in two and a half years, since I first got sick. As I said, I started eating smaller portions which of course contributed. But that’s not such a constant, as the amount I eat changes every day. What stayed the same was the fact that I was taking Core Fusion. I don’t believe I would be feeling as good as I am today if not for taking Core Fusion regularly. I was considering having major surgery in April and now I am not. I’m going to ride this whole “feeling good” wave as long as I can, by continuing to do everything I have been doing that seems to be working — and that includes lots of Core Fusion.

I also have mirrors in my home. I look in these mirrors. I can SEE the differences in my body. I can feel the differences as well. I’ve got muscle definition and tone all over. For those of you who are scared of getting bulky, I’ve got none of that. Just tone and definition. I love making a muscle in my arm and seeing my bicep! And I see it when I don’t plan to, like when I’m in the curl position, holding onto my outer thighs, and I look down at my arms and — HELLO MUSCLE!

I am stronger. Much stronger! I can now do long form pushups (!!!!!!!). I can use a heavier weight for upper body than when I started. I can hold planks for a really long time!! My knees don’t hurt when I run anymore — and I just ran 11 miles on Saturday! My legs don’t shake as much when we do thigh work at the bar. I can get much deeper into the curl position during abs and feel my abs burning more. And of course, there is the issue of my flexibility — being that now, I HAVE SOME! My new favorite part of class is round back against the wall, just because it means I get to show off my newfound flexibility to everyone in the room. Yes, my legs shake the entire time. No, I can’t let go of my calves and put my hands under the bar if that is what the rest of the class is doing. But I CAN DO IT. I can get my legs straight up and stretch them in a new way and look in the mirror and admire how straight they are and feel like I made amazing progress. And I have no doubt in my mind that after a couple months of stretching like this (maybe less?) I will be able to lift my hands off my calves and keep my legs straight up without holding on. It will happen.

In the second month of this challenge, I reaped even many more benefits than the first. This is when I noticed my body begin to reshape, which is something exhale boasts but I needed to see for myself. My body truly is a different shape. For the first time in a long time, I don’t hate my body. I hate to sound so negative, but I have struggled with body image issues for a very long time. Now, I look in the mirror and see all the hard work over the last 2 months. Am I as “thin” as I was a few years ago? No. Do I feel even more confident and happy in how I look and feel than I did a few years ago? YES. I don’t go on the scale because I don’t want it to ever be about the scale again. It is about how I look and feel. I look and feel strong. I look and feel great. My confidence has improved greatly.

And, another friend noticed that my arms are muscular and complimented me a couple weeks ago. Validation is always nice. 🙂

One more thing I wanted to cover in this very long recap (sorry!) is the social network support I’ve received throughout this time. When I started the Core Fusion Challenge, I opened it up to anyone who wanted to take part, at class or with the DVDs. I expected some people to follow along but I didn’t expect anything like what I got. I met so many amazing women, all striving to be their best, to work hard, to achieve results. They gave me so much support, encouragement and motivation throughout this time. And they still do now, as I remain in touch with most of them! I even made friends through this! I’ve taken Core Fusion classes with some new people as a result of my challenge who I now hang out with and talk to regularly. How amazing! And I know that every time I write a post or need an opinion, I have a support group ready to hear about my Core Fusion experiences and willing to offer their advice and guidance.

And of course, there is Fred, Catherine and the wonderful teachers at exhale spa who I got to work with this entire time. I was so lucky to have Fred to offer support and answer any questions I had. If something hurt, he gave me expert advice and within a couple days I was as good as new. Catherine has been a rock for me throughout this time as well. I went through some very tough times during the last 2 months — a close friend passed away, I had to adjust to moving back to my tiny apartment after a breakup, another friend betrayed me in a horrible way — and Catherine has been there for me every step of the way, doing all she could to make sure I was okay. If anyone ever needs a health counselor (or to take a great Core Fusion class), I cannot recommend Catherine enough.

The other teachers at exhale have also been incredible. I tried taking as many different teachers as possible during this tim. Every one was fantastic and they all have something special to offer. Exhale does a spectacular job at training these teachers (16 week training program!) and as a result, we get teachers who know how to teach well, correct our form, push us harder and make us want to be better with each class.

I tried taking as many different types of classes as possible. Core Fusion was the main goal here, to be supplemented with the other class offerings at exhale.  As a result, I tried Core Fusion Yoga, Music Yoga Flow, Yoga – Level 1 and Core Fusion Cardio. I continue to take Core Fusion Yoga and Core Fusion Cardio about once a week each, as well as Core Fusion a few times a week, and I just love every class. I crave them. As soon as one class ends, I want to go back for more. It is addicting but not in an unhealthy way. It is simply fun. I’m not trying to lose weight, I am trying to be the best version of me I can be. This challenge helped me realize how I can go about this and gave me an amazing starting point.

While my Core Fusion Challenge has officially ended, my Core Fusion experience is far from over as I continue to take class just as much as I have been. The results, the positivity I feel, the calmness and peace at the end of each class — I am not willing to give any of this up. I can tell you with certainty that Core Fusion simply works. It is worth the price because a gym membership won’t get you these results – especially if you are like me and don’t bother with strength training. I brought a few friends to try Core Fusion and they are all hooked. The experience is much more enjoyable than what a gym could give you. It is hard to motivate yourself but the teachers at Core Fusion do the job quite well!

I hope you try it out if you haven’t yet. If you are a brand new student, you can try a week of unlimited classes for just $40. The DVDs are all affordably priced as well on Amazon as well. The brand new DVD which is more like a real Core Fusion class is called Lean & Toned and comes out in May. I will be reviewing it here closer to then and I am very excited about it.

Thanks for keeping up my entire challenge! The Core Fusion Challenge came into my life at the perfect time. I am so happy you got to share it with me.

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