Archive of ‘Core Fusion Challenge’ category

What Exercise Taught Me About Myself

On January 2, 2010 my life changed. Sounds dramatic, I know, but it’s true. That is the day I began the Core Fusion Challenge. That is  the day I became a person who actually enjoys exercising. That is the day

Over these last two years, I’ve learned a few things about myself that I’m not sure I would have known otherwise.

I am stubborn
I think I sorta knew this before, but the extent did not show until I got into exercise. When I started doing half marathons, I slacked on my training because I didn’t want to give up any classes. I loved the workouts and I loved the results and I loved being so comfortable there and knowing exactly what I was doing. And then when I injured my hip last year (read about it here and here), I kept taking Core Fusion even though a few exercises in that class made my hip hurt more. I had worked so hard to get where I was that I just couldn’t imagine stopping and losing all that. It was incredibly stupid.

I am lazy
OK I already knew this. But what I didn’t know is that I could simultaneously be both an exercise addict — and by this I mean I spend an inordinate amount of time on the Refine, Core Fusion and now FlyWheel schedulers planning and figuring out which classes I can take and at what time, I take class almost every day, I push myself hard in these classes, I train for a marathon — yet I am also so lazy that when I am in bed and want to read, I don’t. Because my Kindle is in my bag. On the floor.

That is the same reason I never wear my glasses.

I am an underachiever
Contradictory to what I said above, but it’s true. I mean, look at my marathon. I had it in me to run a 4:33 marathon but I didn’t ever train very fast. I didn’t think I could. I thought I was a relatively slow runner, and I nurtured that. I do the same thing in my classes too. I think something will be too hard for me so I half-ass it or take some easy way out. Then after, I realize I could have done it or I should have tried.

Dori finishing Richmond Marathon
[Finish line at Richmond Marathon]

I like pushing myself
Despite being an underachiever, it turns out I do also like pushing myself. Contradictory but true. I never thought I was someone who wanted to test her limits. Until I started Core Fusion (and eventually Refine) I truly believed I was happiest in comfort. The comfort of the couch, the comfort of the bed, the comfort of coming home after work and doing nothing. Turns out I was wrong. There is absolutely nothing like the adrenaline rush of pushing myself in a class, and the rewarding feeling that comes when I see progress and improvement. The day I could hold a plank for the entire time in Core Fusion was nothing short of amazing. Same goes for the day I officially switched from modified knee pushups to real, straight-leg pushups.  Or the day I stopped using two-pound weights for good in Core Fusion. (And now I no longer pick up threes). And I wasn’t even happy to call it a day there –these achievements made me want to push harder. The more I improved, the more I wanted to improve even more.

Dori in Core Fusion
[At Core Fusion]

I am tough on myself
Ridiculously so. Let’s say I am in a class doing a set of exercises. If when we finish I realize I could have pushed myself harder, I  get mad at myself. I mentally beat myself up. I go home and continue to lament on dailymile. Then I forget about it and the next day the cycle resumes.

Dori at Refine Method
[PhotoAt Refine Method]

I like routine
I actually never realized this until working out became part of it. Part of the reason I thrived so much (seriously, I became like a different person) once these classes became part of my life is because of the routine and structure they gave me. Exercise was a constant, something I automatically included in my day. I loved it.

Have you learned anything about yourself through exercise?


I’m Quoted in the NY Times!

Today is an exciting day for me, which is why I’m posting on a non-Tuesday (the last time I did this was for the Naked Chef Challenge).

I was quoted in the New York Times!!!!!!!!!

I knew this might happen when the Catherine Saint Louis contacted me about my Mojo post, which was all about finding my exercise mojo. We chatted on the phone and then I played the waiting game.

Game over!

I am quoted on page 2 of Full-Service Gyms Feel a Bit Flabby.  You can also find my blogger friends Jess and Theodora quoted as well, which came as a surprise to me.

I did want to clarify that the two months free of Core Fusion mentioned in the article was from my Core Fusion Challenge last year. For those who are new to DSB, I got two free months of membership to exhale in exchange for taking Core Fusion 4-5 times a week and documenting my experiences and results here.

Clarification over. Back to excitement! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

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