
So I have a little medical announcement. I decided to see a surgeon and made an appointment for October 7. I have been feeling worse again lately and have been suffering.  I’ve been forced to work from home more than I’d like and I feel like the improvements over the last few months have all disappeared and I am back to square one. Of course, that might not be the case — but that is certainly how it feels now, with no end in sight.

What I am paying for with this surgeon is actually a very expensive opinion. This guy does not take insurance. He is basically the very top doctor in a highly specialized field and from what I have been told by my other doctors, his opinion is worth the money.

So thanks to my mom and maybe my grandma, I have a consultation with this doctor. As I’ve mentioned before, I already decided not to have invasive surgery that is impossible to reverse. But I am curious about the following:

  • The doctor’s overall assessment of my problem. While I have seen quite a few gastroenterologists in the last 2 years (5 to be exact), and 2 of the 5 are familiar with situations like mine, I have yet to see one who sees ONLY cases like mine. Until now. This is all this surgeon does. I need his opinion and thoughts! Particularly because while we generally have my issue isolated, some tests show additional issues that I’d like resolved if possible.
  • Less invasive, reversible surgical options. The last doctor I went to mentioned some uncommon, new-ish surgeries that have been tested in situations like mine. She didn’t know very much about them, how often they are done, what they entail, if they are even being done — but this doctor WILL know. Maybe one will be right for me and help give me my life back in one-stop, rather than the weekly expensive treatments I have been undergoing. Which I do plan to continue, but hopefully not quite so often.
  • Doctor recommendation. The surgeon works in a hospital specializes with transit problems like mine, while the hospital I currently go to specializes more in IBD patients. I’d love to get some recommendations of doctors who I could work with going forward who might be able to help me more.
  • His opinion on pain relief. Right now, when I am feeling intense upper abdominal spasms, there isn’t really anything I can take. My doctor just wrote me a prescription for a muscle relaxer that might help, but I couldn’t use that during the day because it will put me to sleep. I’m curious to hear if the surgeon has any suggestions.

I carry this big folder of all my test results to every doctor and it is a mess. I am always losing parts of it and stressing myself out all the time. Every time I have a doctor’s appointment, I feel so much stress because of these stupid medical records. I am going to go to Kinko’s and make a few 3 ring binders with all the information so it is organized and difficult to lose.

Eventually, I want to scan it all onto the computer so I have a digital file, but Kinko’s doesn’t offer an easy option for this, so I will look into it further when the time comes.

belly pain

The way it is now, I haven’t been able to exercise much (other than my AWESOME 4 mile run, luckily) and any hopes of working out at all are far diminished one I’ve eaten anything at all. I’ve had to work from home, racking up cell phone minutes because my job entails nonstop conference calls throughout the day. When I am not near home and I start to feel sick, I feel such a sense of hopelessness and become stressed and agitated, which happened yesterday while running errands. I am unable to keep social plans and making any kind of decision about something becomes a question of “Will I be able to follow through with this? What if I don’t feel well enough?” — which is the case with the Humor Writing class I signed up for. Praying I am able to sit through 3 hours of class a week . . . or even make it there at all. They have a pretty good refund policy so I can change my decision if I have to. I really hope I don’t have to though! And then there are my races. I signed up for 2 more races this year and I joined New York Road Runners with hopes of signing up for more next year. These races cost money and I’d like to know I will be able to get up on the day of a race and run in it. Of course, anyone can wake up sick on any given day, I know that. But there is a greater likelihood of me waking up unable to run than the other runners I know — and that is enough for me.

So my decision to finally see a surgeon could not have come at a better time. It has been over 2 years since I got sick and I am ready for some real answers. Sure, I might be getting my hopes up . . . but in this case, I finally feel like I am seeing someone who can give me some kind of answer.

Sorry this was such a negative post. I am trying to be more positive and find something good to write about with every negative post so this doesn’t turn into a whining and complaining blog. Today’s good news is that it is my 1 year anniversary with the boy! I can’t believe it has been a year because I really feel like we just met. Last year on the day we met, it was the very last 85 degree day of the year and I spent my day laying out on my old gym’s roof deck. The weather of the day we met is something I will always remember — how funny is that! Anyway, it has been a really great year with the boy despite my medical problems and I don’t even know how I would have handled all this without him. He has curly hair. I am very lucky.

In honor of our anniversary, let’s all enjoy this Binary Heart:

Binary Heart

11 comments on Decision

  1. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    September 21, 2009 at 10:55 am (15 years ago)

    I’m so glad you have an option to go see another surgeon, to get another opinion but how horrible that he doesn’t take insurance. I hate that about our healthcare, that our health is dictated by some silly policy instead of just our well being. I’m praying for you Dori!

    AND, I love the heart! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope today is full of kisses & hugs! 🙂

  2. Leslie
    September 21, 2009 at 11:23 am (15 years ago)

    good luck with the surgeon! i hope you feel better soon. keep us posted on how everything goes! and congratulations on your anniversary with the boy!

  3. Missy
    September 21, 2009 at 11:41 am (15 years ago)

    Good luck with the surgeon! Happy Anniversary! I really can’t believe it’s been a year already! That went by so fast.

  4. Maggie
    September 21, 2009 at 12:52 pm (15 years ago)

    Aw, congrats 🙂 Happy anniversary!

    Good luck with the surgeon!

  5. Elina
    September 21, 2009 at 1:50 pm (15 years ago)

    I think seeing a surgeon is a great decision. I hope he is able to provide you with some real answers so you can get better soon.
    Happy anniversary. Love the binary heart 🙂

  6. emily
    September 21, 2009 at 2:20 pm (15 years ago)

    I think that is a wise decision, you deserve to feel good! Good luck!!

  7. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)
    September 22, 2009 at 12:40 pm (15 years ago)

    Sounds like you have finally found the ultimate opinion! I sincerely hope he can provide you with the relief you need.

    Happy 1-year! <3

  8. melissa
    September 22, 2009 at 7:19 pm (15 years ago)

    oh doll! i am glad you are at least having a consultation, it can’t hurt. we are all wishing you the best. such a beautiful person should not have to suffer so much, especially so young. my heart goes out to you. xo

  9. A@ Please Don't Eat Me!
    September 22, 2009 at 7:36 pm (15 years ago)

    im glad you are seeking a second opinion you definitely need all the knowledge you can get when it comes to your medical problems.. : )

    happy one year anniversary!!!

  10. One Gillian Reasons
    September 23, 2009 at 10:06 pm (15 years ago)

    Best of luck with the doctor. I hope you get better soon! We should run a race in NYC when you get better – Im considering signing up for the NYRR as well. Happy anniversary!

  11. Jen
    September 24, 2009 at 8:19 pm (15 years ago)

    Happy Anniversary….a bit late 🙂

    I hope you feel better and this doctor helps you out. At least you are able to run and feel healthy otherwise.


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