My Brain is Mush

Lately, my brain has been mush. I just can’t remember anything anymore! In May, I forgot to go to jury duty. Just totally slipped my mind. When I realized, I got very scared that I would be hauled off to jail. I called the jury place and they were very nice and let me choose any month from August to January to go back to jury duty. I selected September.

I can never find anything. If I need something on a given day, I have to tear apart entire rooms to find it. I get very stressed.

When I have something important and expensive that I will obviously need to use, like a camera battery charger or a new Airport router, I know exactly where it is. That is, until, I decide it would be better to move it from the spot where I know it is to a new, “safe place.”

And then I never see these items again. Sure, I tear apart the entire apartment looking, but the safe place is just that safe. And all along I am mad at myself for not just leaving these expensive items in their places, when I always knew exactly where they were.

Attending Core Fusion? Great! Core Fusion socks? Ummmm. Time to tear the room apart again.

I got a BlackBerry thinking this would solve my brain forgetfulness problems. And it certainly helps . . . when I remember to actually use it. For my next jury duty appointment, you can be sure that will go into my calendar. But sometimes I don’t set reminders for myself, even though I should. Like today.

I have an appointment with the immunologist later to test for food sensitivities. Note: I do not actually have any food allergies, nor are food allergies or sensitivities causing my GI problems — but I am just curious to see what this test will show. For my own peace of mind. Some of you have suggested elimination diets. Well, I’ve tried them all. Problem is, when your body simply does not work properly, you always feel awful, regardless of what you are or aren’t eating.

When I made the immunologist appointment, I was told to not wear anything scented on the day of my appointment. No scented soaps, perfumes, deoderants, etc. I woke up today. Showered. Put on my rose deoderant. Put on some perfume, wanting to smell nice for my dinner with Melissa tonight. I knew I was going to the doctor today, but my mind simply did not make the connection.

I could should have set a reminder in my BlackBerry for last night or this morning to remind myself. But I didn’t. My brain failed me yet again.

I tried scrubbing my wrists and neck in the bathroom at work, but I don’t think this is good enough. I believe the only solution is another shower. So I now have to leave work even earlier than I planned so I can go to my apartment and shower before my afternoon doctor’s appointment. I really don’t like missing work or having to ask to miss work, since I do it all the time. And next week is my staycation, so I feel even worse about having to leave extra early today. But it is my fault. My brain is mush.


8 comments on My Brain is Mush

  1. Maggie
    July 30, 2009 at 9:13 am (15 years ago)

    I am the same way. I renewed my car registration a few months ago, got it in the mail, and have NO idea where it is. I got the freaking stickers and I can’t put them on the car because I lost them. Where could they be?? I remember having them in my hands… and now they just disappeared. And now I keep forgetting to ask for new ones.

  2. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)
    July 30, 2009 at 11:06 am (15 years ago)

    I hate that feeling. My coworker calls it “CRAFT”. As in, Can’t Remember A F**king Thing. LOL! I love that and it always makes me feel better when I’m having brain farts left and right.

  3. She-Fit
    July 30, 2009 at 11:20 am (15 years ago)

    I am in the same boat as you. I totally understand your frustration. I have to write everything down and post it around the house in order to not forget

  4. Missy
    July 30, 2009 at 11:41 am (15 years ago)

    I feel the same way! I forgot socks every single day this week for the gym! I think about it in the morning and then just completely forget to put them in my bag! It is not fun spinning with sweating feet!

    Yes let’s figure out a spin date!

  5. matthew
    August 1, 2009 at 5:55 pm (15 years ago)

    You mush

  6. melissa
    August 2, 2009 at 2:07 pm (15 years ago)

    aw dori, i just read this. It happens to all of us, I can’t tell you how many pairs of CF and p57 socks I own because I can’t find/forget the pairs I already own and have to buy new ones.

    I’m glad you didn’t forget about our dinner 🙂 enjoy the staycation!

  7. Esther
    January 11, 2016 at 10:06 am (9 years ago)

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