My Oiselle NYFW Experience [Guest Post at Bella Moda]

Spoiler alert: I ran the Portland Marathon on Sunday as a long training run and had a little PR as well. It was amazing and exciting and I’ll post a full recap (along with my weekly training recap) later this week!

Today I’m here quickly to let you know about my guest post at Bella Moda: Oiselle show at NYFW by guest blogger, Dori (of Dori’s Shiny Blog).

Because I am a spectacular person (slash happening to have a husband who happens to run a swimsuit model website) I snagged an invite to the NOLCHA Oiselle show at NYFW — where they happened to be debuting their own swimsuit line. Fate!

Dori and Andy at Oiselle NYFW show

The two people who most belong at fashion week

I don’t normally care about fashion week, but I do love Oiselle clothes for both running and lounging. Like, a lot. Like, it is all I want to wear ever. I can’t even wear any running shorts other than Rogas because they are just that amazing.

Anyway,  I figured if I wore a Oiselle tank to the show, it was acceptable to wear Birkenstocks on my feet. I am certain I was judged by many at this show (I happened to be in the front row) but really, at what other fashion show could I do that and not be escorted out by security?

Dori's Birkentsocks

Birks FTW

This was clearly the only fashion show for me. And I was enthralled throughout the entire six minutes of it. I tweeted the many photos I took at the show and  Bella Moda — an actual fashion website — saw my tweets and asked me to guest blog about my experience.

And guest post I did. I decided to leave out the part where I met the amazingly inspiring Oiselle CEO Sally Bergesen for the very first time in the restroom before the show because she told me my skirt was tucked into my underwear.

I figured I’d try to maintain some semblance of dignity for this fashion-loving audience.

But I know you guys would appreciate it. Head over to Bella Moda and read about this non-fashion girl’s experience at the NOLCHA Fashion Week Oiselle  Show!

NOLCHA Oiselle Fashion week

My favorite outfit at the Oiselle show. I WILL own this.

Thanks Bella for the opportunity!

5 comments on My Oiselle NYFW Experience [Guest Post at Bella Moda]

  1. Kathleen
    October 8, 2013 at 5:24 pm (11 years ago)

    Hi Dori –

    That’s so funny you posted a photo of those Birkenstocks. I just bought a pair last month (used to have them awhile ago) because they are the most comfortable sandals ever and feel so good on my feet after running. But also saw they were all over fashion week this year! And are predicted to be the IT sandal for this spring!
    Here’s my post:
    and here
    Looks like such a cool event to go to!

    • Dori
      October 8, 2013 at 5:33 pm (11 years ago)

      Really??! I was making fun of myself but that is AWESOME. I wish I could wear mine year round, they’re the only shoes that are good for my feet. I did buy the closed toe ones but it’s just not the same.

      • Kathleen
        October 8, 2013 at 8:35 pm (11 years ago)

        You got the clogs? Are they as comfortable even with socks? I hope that Birkenstock partners with some designers to make some awesome new styles. I agree – I’m sad the weather is getting colder and Birkenstock wearing days are fewer. I did get the Toms booties last week and they are surprisingly comfortable but not in the same Birkenstock way. 🙂

  2. Emily
    October 8, 2013 at 6:41 pm (11 years ago)

    I love the post! And I was so happy you were posting pictures since I clearly couldn’t be there 🙂

  3. Stephanie
    October 9, 2013 at 7:41 am (11 years ago)

    So very cool and fun!!! What an opportunity! And congrats on the PR!


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