A Refined Bachelorette Party

This is a mostly fitness-related blog which evolved over the last 5.5 years as I learned about exercise, experimented with different forms of fitness, found what I love and what works for me, ran a marathon and became an indoor cycling instructor.

It’s only fitting, then, that my bachelorette party would include spending time with my favorite people at my favorite place – Refine Method.


Larry loves Refine, but he didn’t get to stay for the class.

I know it sounds crazy to many of you (it would have to me a few years ago) but there really is nowhere else I’d rather be. Refine is my happy place.


Three of my friends who attended that part of the party never did Refine before. One is very pregnant and while pregnant people do Refine often, and somehow do it far better than I, this pregnant girl wasn’t feeling 100% and sat this one out. The other one does yoga and the third is a professional dancer who was Shakira’s body double in a music video and will be leaving my wedding early to go be a nude sculpture model in Italy. She has red hair.

Another friend only tried Refine once, last year.


Lat pulldowns. Look at Emily’s muscles!

And one is a fitness blogger who you all know and has taken Refine many times!

I was very excited to have my friends do the thing I love and see what they thought of it. After, we’d shower and go get blowouts before heading to Beauty & Essex for dinner and drinks. Basically, my perfect day.

When I arrived at Refine, the Refine staff gave me a tiara and boa. My friends gave me a sash. I attempted to wear all for the workout, but the boa shed everywhere and would have gotten pretty sweaty so I ditched that.

We all wore tiaras though, which made for a visually pleasing class! When else will you see a group of girls lunging with tiaras on?


Sliding disc lunges



Sliding disc lunges with kettlebell

I was totally in my element and could not have been happier.


Cat/Cow is funnier with tiaras

My friends all loved the class. Rachel, my best friend since first grade and bridesmaid and friend-I-most-thought-would-be-miserable, told me after that she had fun and could see why I loved Refine so much!

The 90s mix was especially fun for me and my childhood friends. So many songs we sang and danced to together our whole lives! DJ Kalkutta is insanely amazing.

After the awesome class — which I basically wrote, as I sent a request list of dos and dont’s for the exercises. I mean, other than my birthday, when else can I choose my favorite exercises (ahem, mini band hip lifts) and leave out the ones I can’t stand (ahem, forearm sliding disc snow angel planks). So of course it was awesome — it was mine.

refine collage

Collage courtesy of Refine Method.

After Refine we got blowouts at DryBar, which was mostly for me since I have difficult hair. For Melissa, Rachel, Emily, Michelle and anyone else with hair that isn’t a curly, frizzy mess, this was a new thing to do. For me, it was necessary.



This will be one very pregnant bridesmaid



I find this photo hilarious



Have you ever seen a bachelorette party getting on a bus?


It was raining and cold and we couldn’t find any cabs, and we are not too good for public transportation.


The food was phenomenal and the drinks were delicious. I can’t find the group shot although I know I have one somewhere. Having so many people from different parts of my life together, getting along, liking each other and having a great time meant so much to me.

So did the Ring Pops.

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Me and Brynn, both weeks away from our weddings

My bachelorette party was perfect. Having a workout to start the festivities put us all in a great mood for the rest of the day.

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And today, I get married. BYE.



9 comments on A Refined Bachelorette Party

  1. Mallory
    June 8, 2013 at 6:23 am (11 years ago)

    Love you so much! This made me teary because I wish so badly I could have been there, but I am so glad it was a great time and I can’t wait for today!! You are going to be a gorgeous (toned!) bride! Love!

  2. Phoebe V
    June 8, 2013 at 9:10 am (11 years ago)

    You look fabulous ladies! Dori, you are beyond stunning in the blue dress. Can’t wait to see u get married today! Xo

  3. Rachel Wilkerson
    June 8, 2013 at 10:15 am (11 years ago)

    Haha perfect ending to this post!

    Your bachelorette party sounds awesome!! This would be my perfect day too!

  4. melissa@fitnessnycblog
    June 8, 2013 at 2:21 pm (11 years ago)

    Yay! It was SO MUCH FUN. Enjoy every second of your big day! I can’t wait to see you tonight!

  5. Julie @ Sweetly Balanced
    June 12, 2013 at 6:54 am (11 years ago)

    Awe! I love this!! My girlfriends asked me what I wanted to do for my bachelorette party and I told them I wanted to run a half marathon!! Some looked at me like I was crazy and said that they would not be running, but will be standing on the sidelines cheering me on! haha. And Beauty and Essex!! Definitely my favorite place to eat out! so much fun! 🙂

  6. cameo
    June 13, 2013 at 9:08 am (11 years ago)

    What a perfect day! Looks like it was so much fun…so sad I missed it 🙁

    And NOW YOU’RE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Kate
    June 15, 2013 at 6:02 pm (11 years ago)

    Do you or any of your readers want a 10 class core fusion class pass? I am selling it for $195. The first class needs to be used by 8/8, and then four months for the remaining class. It’s for nyc locations.

  8. kate
    June 15, 2013 at 6:09 pm (11 years ago)

    Do you or any of your readers want a 10 class core fusion class pass? I am selling it for $195. The first class needs to be used by 8/8, and then four months for the remaining class. It’s for nyc locations.

  9. Jessica
    June 25, 2013 at 8:27 pm (11 years ago)

    I love that you spent time at your favorite place before going out for the evening, thats what makes it personal!


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