
Hi all. Last Tuesday, I went to Nalini Method at its new home at Pure Yoga. I just have to say: Wow. I will go into much more detail next week when I have the time to give this class the attention it deserves. I spent this past week working out, going to bed early, running errands and spending time with friends.

Over the weekend while I was gallivanting about at bars and eating fancy brunches in Manhattan apartments, I got an email from my friend. She said, “I’ve become so freakin lazy. Feel like I’ve lost my mojo.”

My first thought was: I can’t imagine losing my exercise mojo. My second thought was: Wait, I used to lose it all the time.

Key words: Used to. A couple of years ago, I belonged to a very expensive gym next door to my apartment. There would be full weekends where I’d be home all day right next door and was not able to muster up the energy to go over there. There would be weeks at a time where I barely went to the gym, even though I was spending more than I could afford on it, because I just didn’t feel like it. Before that, I belonged to another nice gym next to my office. I even had work friends who also went there. And even then, I could take it or leave it. Sure, sometimes I’d have a streak where I went to the gym a few times in one week. But it was just as easy to completely lose my mojo and not go back for a month after that.

I felt like exercise was something I should do, so I did it. Sometimes. But I never enjoyed it and certainly did not automatically include it in my day.

This all changed for me when I participated in the Core Fusion Challenge last year. At first, I was working out almost every day because I felt a responsibility. A responsibility to Fred DeVito, the Core Fusion creator who was generous enough to give me the opportunity to take Core Fusion for free on the terms that I take class 4-5 times a week and write about it here. A responsibility to the 15 ladies who read my blog and decided to take part in the challenge along with me, most of them with the DVDs at home. A responsibility to my blog readers, who I told about the challenge and were expecting to learn more. And most importantly, a responsibility to myself. I had just gone through a breakup, a move and a chronic illness; it was my responsibility at that time to not feel sorry for myself, to not get overwhelmed about all the crap all over my tiny apartment that did not yet have a place, to not to worry about being alone and wonder how long that would last, to not let my stomach problems continue to control my life and prevent me from seeing my friends, and to not fall into the same rut I had been in for years.

It was time to turn my life around and Core Fusion gave me the chance to do this.

I know that my situation was unique. Most people do not happen to get offered a free month of exercise with motivation and support from the company’s founder and teachers. I was extremely fortunate in this case. But really, I was inspired — and ANYONE can be inspired. You don’t need a fancy membership for this.

Find people who inspire you. I am inspired by very close friend Missy, who tried a workout called IntenSati where they shout affirmations as part of exercise sets. After an initial period of not taking part in the speaking aspects of class, she started to feel more comfortable and began to shout the affirmations. Then she began to believe them. She overcame her public speaking fears and is now a certified IntenSati instructor herself (and a damn good one). I am inspired by Ashley who runs ultramarathons and marathons and does Iron Mans what seems like every weekend. She might be at the back of the pack, but she DOES them and has fun. I am inspired by my friends on dailymile who all make it a point to get their runs in.

And I am inspired by readers who send me emails like this:

Happy New Year Dori!
I follow you on Twitter and your daily Core Fusion musings. I have been a Lotte Berk and Core Fusion devotee for years who has ‘fallen off the wagon’. Well this morning I have recommitted! Look forward to being part of your Core Fusion Challenge committing to 4-5 classes each week.

When I have some free time in my day, you will often find me on the class scheduler for Core Fusion and Refine Method examining what classes are at what time and determining which I can take each day. I consider my schedule and register for classes based on what I have planned for each day. For example, on Wednesday night I am going out to dinner with my friend Jackie, so I am already signed up for 6:30 am Refine. On Saturdays I love me some Core Fusion Cardio with Bergen, and you bet I’m already registered for that one. I don’t even consider not scheduling my workouts. It is automatic. It is actually fun! After seeing the incredible results from the Core Fusion Challenge — both the body AND the mind results — and after finally experiencing the unmatched feeling of contentedness after a real workout, I can’t imagine not doing this. I take a couple of rest days a week, but I rarely take two rest days in a row because I so enjoy the feeling of getting my body moving. I no longer like lounging for so much time. It doesn’t feel right to lay around and do nothing when I could be doing something amazing. I love finishing a Refine class at 7:30 am and having that energy carrying me through my day.

So when I read that email, I realized that while I could once relate, now I cannot. Exercise has become so ingrained in my life and has truly become something I love. Exercise has become a priority and a given.

To my friend who wrote that email, you will get your mojo back. You just need to figure out what exercise you actually love and you need some inspiration. I hope I can be the one to give it to you.

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Another way to get your mojo back?

Register for a marathon.

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Ever lose your mojo? How’d you get it back?

21 comments on Mojo

  1. michelle
    January 11, 2011 at 8:46 am (14 years ago)

    I needed this more than you know. Thank you.

  2. Nicole @ Making Good Choices
    January 11, 2011 at 8:56 am (14 years ago)

    Great post Dori! I’m so grateful you introduced me to Core Fusion and I got to experience it! I fell in love too, even if I can’t get to the studio all the time I still do the dvd and online workouts!

  3. MelissaNibbles
    January 11, 2011 at 9:21 am (14 years ago)

    This is such a great post Dori! I’m constantly inspired by other bloggers like you and Missy. I like that everyone does something different, but is just as passionate about their chosen activity. you know I love my Core Fusion and Physique 57!

  4. Eliz@The Sweet Life
    January 11, 2011 at 9:26 am (14 years ago)

    Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Nalini and how it compares to Physique, Core Fusion, and so on!

  5. melissa
    January 11, 2011 at 9:50 am (14 years ago)

    Great post, very inspiring! I must try Nalini!!!!

    I don’t know if I have ever lost my mojo for exercise in general, but I definitely get bored if I do the same thing over and over, and sticking to challenges is tough for me!

  6. Amber
    January 11, 2011 at 10:00 am (14 years ago)

    This is one of my favorite things you have written – and not just because it felt like you were reading my mind! Very inspiring – as you always are. I have lost my mojo more times than I can count but now that I have found Core Fusion I would be surprised if I ever lost it again. And for that, I thank you!

  7. Burgess
    January 11, 2011 at 10:41 am (14 years ago)

    I started reading your blog when I was trying to find out more about Core Fusion. Your enthusiam inspired me to go for it. I have all of the DVDs (no Exhale where I live) and have been working out with the DVDs 4-5 times a week with amazing physical and mental results! I missed the challenge last year, but have been doing my own challenge since November. Now it’s a part of my life and I look forward to it every day. Elisabeth and Fred are very inspiring even on the DVDs. I hope to make a live class at some point, but for now I’m comitted to the DVDs. Thanks for your blog Dori. You too are an inspiration.

  8. Dorry
    January 11, 2011 at 2:46 pm (14 years ago)

    I love this! I’m definitely in a place now where fitness and workouts are priority. It is part of my lifestyle. The people closest to me know this and they understand and support me. Like you said, registering for a race is one way to get motivated! When I look back the last 10 or 15 years, I’ve had ups and downs in my fitness routine, but now that it’s a passion, I don’t see any way around it. 🙂


  9. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    January 11, 2011 at 3:27 pm (14 years ago)

    LOVED this post – I loved your thinking, your positivity and the fact that to each our own. We have to continue to search for what it means to our self.

  10. Ashley
    January 11, 2011 at 4:57 pm (14 years ago)

    CONGRATS on getting into the NYC Marathon!!!!!

  11. Jolene
    January 11, 2011 at 8:17 pm (14 years ago)

    This is SUCH an inspirational post and such good motivation for me! I am so excited to do my own version of the Core Fusion Challenge in the next few weeks (with my sis Jess). We’ll chronicle it together on her blog, I think. And you are definitely a huge part of why! I loved your story and the new DVDs I just got are AWESOME! Love them!

  12. Missy Maintains
    January 11, 2011 at 10:44 pm (14 years ago)

    I love this!! So happy to hear I inspire you because you inspire me too with all that Core Fusion/Refine/running!!! I remember the days when we talked online and reallllly didn’t want to go to the gym (and spin class) and made ourselves or else we would feel guilty. I am so happy we both found workouts we actually enjoy doing. So excited for your marathon! Hope your hip heals (thank you DailyMile)!

  13. Erica Sara
    January 12, 2011 at 1:56 am (14 years ago)

    I’m lucky to have friends like you cause when I lose my mojo, you remind me where I put it 😉 I also find it really helpful to create new goals so I have something to work for

  14. andi
    January 12, 2011 at 3:29 am (14 years ago)

    THANK YOU for this post. I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately (and, um, I have a 25k to train for!), and this post was so motivating. I loved it. congrats also on the NYC marathon. 🙂

  15. Jess
    January 12, 2011 at 9:51 am (14 years ago)

    Great post, girl! It is SO awesome how inspired you are now that you’ve found a workout you truly love. Because that is what it’s all about, right? Finding something you love that keeps you healthy and fit and happy.

  16. Chika
    January 12, 2011 at 3:40 pm (14 years ago)

    I have totally lost my workout mojo, so this post is very timely for me, even with the New Year’s resolutions of getting healthy. Following you on twitter has definitely kept me from totally sliding back to slothdom. You are an inspiration to so many, so please keep doing what you do. I’m looking forward to when it becomes as natural for me as it has for you to keep exercise and fitness as an everyday part of my life.

  17. Jess@atasteofconfidence
    January 12, 2011 at 7:22 pm (14 years ago)

    I loved this post! Great job. 🙂 I tend to lose my workout mojo around the holidays, so this one really hit home:)

  18. Lindsey @ Eat, Read, Run
    January 13, 2011 at 11:35 am (14 years ago)

    Yay for the NYC Marathon 2011! I officially registered the other day as well. How exciting – we can do some training runs together. I love reading about how Core Fusion has changed your life and outlook on fitness. Marathoning has definitely done that for me as well. 🙂

  19. Amanda Z
    January 14, 2011 at 5:35 pm (14 years ago)

    Great post Dori. You’re a major inspiration! And so is “Healthy Ashley” – She’s awesome. I wrote her an email telling her so a couple of months ago and she responded with the nicest email.
    Your core fusion exprience sounds amazing and I love the passion that’s apparent in your writing whenever you mention that time. I find that biting the bullet, putting in a little time and seeing some results really helps me get my mojo back. The Refine Method has helped me get back into my groove. It’s fun, fast-paced and effective. I’m even willing to get up at 4:30am a couple times a week to make the class. 🙂 And oh, I cancelled my membership to Pure, yes already! I value Refine over anything else right now and I can’t commit to another couple treks into the city when there’s an abundance of studios in my area and elsewhere that don’t require such a commitment.


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jessica Sutera and Dori Manela, Dori Manela. Dori Manela said: A little blog post about exercise mojo: […]

  2. […] to wake up.  I was so lucky to have this option and keep exercising, because as I explained in my Mojo post, I can’t imagine NOT exercising. It is such an important part of my life, a priority, […]

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