Marathon Dreams

I had a dream last week that I signed up for a 5K, and there was also a full marathon going on there too. At the end of the 5K, I was feeling really good so I decided to just run the rest of the marathon course and run my first marathon. I got a little concerned during it that because I wasn’t registered for the marathon my results might not count but I figured since I was wearing my DTag timing chip from the 5K it would go through. I was also having some reservations because I had wanted the NYC Marathon to be my first and only marathon, and running this one would obviously change that. But I decided to do it.

I was doing really great and along the way a coworker who I’ve never met in person but who I chat with about running (he sticks to treadmill only) was next to me; he was running the race too! Only he was trying to trip me with his feet. He didn’t want me to beat him and he was sure that I would. So he was trying to take me out of the race.

Even though my colleague slowed me down, I guess I got away from him. I had heard a rumor that even though the course was USTAF certified, it was actually only 20 miles. But THEN the marathon ended at what I thought was 15! But I finished and I was so happy that I finished an impromptu marathon with no training!

I even ended up placing 2nd in my age group because so few people ran!

Any dream interpretors? Besides the obvious, what do you think this means?

Update: Last night, after setting this post up, I had another dream that I had to leave work on a rainy gross day at 2:30 to make it to my 3 pm MARATHON. Obviously I was cutting it way too close and then there were airport (??!!!) issues. Crazy!

Don’t forget to enter my Core Fusion: Lean & Toned DVD giveaway!

6 comments on Marathon Dreams

  1. MelissaNibbles
    May 3, 2010 at 7:26 am (14 years ago)

    I’m going to state the obvious and say that you want to run a marathon. Or maybe you’re running away from something? Probably the first though.
    Quick question, how much do you run while doing Core Fusion? Do you run in the morning and take Core Fusion at night or do you run at night and do Core Fusion in the morning? Do you do only running on certain days and Core Fusion on the off days? I’m trying to figure out how to supplement the Core Fusion with my running. Any help you can give me would be awesome. Thanks. Holla!

  2. Christie {Honoring Health}
    May 3, 2010 at 7:36 am (14 years ago)

    I am big into dreams and can tell you they rarely mean what the dream is actually about. They often indicate a strive for balance from the sub conscious as well as a interpretation of a struggle or an expression of feelings. So, it may mean that you really want to run a marathon but if I had that dream, I would think that the marathon represents a goal that you want to forge ahead with, perhaps at work, but someone is getting in your way (probably a male). It could also mean that you are struggling to find balance in your everyday life and your feminine nature (yin) wants to forge ahead but your masculine nature (yang) is fighting the idea and doesn’t want to let your yin nature be expressed.

    I have written a lot on my blog about the balance of yin/yang and really think it often plays out in our dreams. Like I said, it could also just mean you want to run a marathon but I always thing they mean more than what is on the surface.

  3. Ilana
    May 3, 2010 at 11:27 am (14 years ago)

    I’m thinking, you have some percieved goal (be it the marathon itself, or possibly something entirely unrelated) that you want to achieve but you have major reservations about going for – you might not even be aware of it. Obviously you’re afraid that the people in your life, particularly those who are close to you, might get in your way. Finally, I think that you perceive the mystery goal that your subconscious is focusing on to be a LOT more difficult than your capabilities (which is probably why you’re having reservations about it in the first place), but your subconscious is trying to tell you that it’s not as hard as you think and you can do it,

    Dreams are funny. I think they tell us a lot about our innermost desires and fears, but I can rarely remember mine!

  4. Alison Foster
    May 3, 2010 at 8:19 pm (14 years ago)

    All my dreams lately have been horrible waiter dreams. Let’s hope I see you in a marathon dream in the future. Just watch out for your coworker!! 🙂

  5. Kim @ LEO the lion says GER
    May 4, 2010 at 5:54 pm (14 years ago)

    Maybe you’re feeling some kind of pressure at work? Or maybe your goals are closer than you think.

    Man, now I feel all new age.

  6. Lindsey @ Eat, Read, Run
    May 10, 2010 at 11:43 am (14 years ago)

    My question is – do you have any desire to run a marathon? you might have covered this in a previous post, but I’m just curious. I think the part about your co-worker trying to trip you is hysterical. Maybe with that, part of you feels that he is secretly in competition with you? Dreams are so tricky.


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