Core Fusion Lean & Toned DVD Winner

Wow! Thank you all so much for entering my Exhale Core Fusion Lean & Toned DVD giveaway. I am beyond amazed by how many people wanted this DVD. The post itself got 119 comments which made me feel very special and like a real blogger, and so many of you shared the love on Twitter, Facebook and your own blogs. I was especially surprised to see how many commentosr aren’t bloggers — I think this really attests to the power of the Twitters as I had some help from the Exhale Twitter accounts!

If you live near any of these areas, consider following the Exhale Core Fusion location near you for special offers and general great information: New York, Santa Monica, Dallas, Florida, Chicago, Boston, Venice.

Before I announce the winner, I want to let you know that Core Fusion Lean & Toned officially went on sale today on So even if you didn’t win, I recommend trying the DVD yourself. It costs less than an actual class and actually comes with a pass for a free class inside!

I used the Random Integer Generator to select the winner.

The winner is #22 (this includes comments and the other ways to enter) and was a Twitter winner — @alihoffer!

Congratulations Ali!  Please send me your address and I will get the DVD to you!

But here’s an interesting fact — Ali was not the original winner. At first, this was the integer that was chosen:

Yeah, I like it too

So I went to my Excel list of entrants to see who won. And then I cracked up.

The Queen of 69

For those of you not familiar with Rachel’s blog Shedding It and Getting It, you should check it out because she is intelligent, honest, hilarious and real. But a few things made me burst into laughter here:

  • Rachel is obsessed with Core Fusion DVDs! She participated in my Core Fusion Challenge in the beginning of the year and took it up a notch by continuing it (after seeing amazing results) with variations of all the Core Fusion DVDs. She just started her Core Fusion Challenge 3.0 by mixing it up even more. She was holding out buying Lean & Toned because she wanted to see if she won this contest.
  • The number is significant. Rachel’s blog is about Shedding It (ie, Core Fusion DVD) and also Getting It (hence the significance).
  • And the real kicker is that Rachel just secured herself a copy of Lean & Toned yesterday.

As soon as I chose the winner, I BBMd Rachel to tell her the news. I had to tell her, it was too funny. Of all the entrants she would happen to be 69 and that 69 was chosen?? You can’t make this stuff up. After a good laugh, Rachel graciously offered her prize back up for selection. She did win fair and square, and could have used this extra copy as a gift for someone else, but Rachel decided that one of my readers deserves it — although she is honored to have been number 69. So Ali — it’s actually Rachel you have to thank!

Rachel’s also hosting her own Core Fusion giveaway so check it out. Also, do yourself a favor and watch every episode of Shed Theater — be prepared to laugh.

3 comments on Core Fusion Lean & Toned DVD Winner

  1. Rachel @ Shedding It
    May 4, 2010 at 8:56 pm (14 years ago)

    OMG I’m still laughing at this. Like out loud, just giggling hysterically. Go team #69!! And Ali, I am sure you will LOVE IT!!! CF rocks!

  2. Ali
    May 5, 2010 at 10:04 pm (14 years ago)

    I don’t know what is more exciting…winning this contest or getting a shout out on your blog. Thanks so much Dori!!


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  1. […] Lean & Toned giveaway because I really, really wanted to win. Please go to her blog to read the hilarious story of how I actually did win (but didn’t take the prize). I’m still giggling over this […]

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