Never Bored, Never the Same

Last week I went to Core Fusion on Monday morning to take Erin C’s class for the first time. Monday mornings at 7 am are hard. I was so tired and kept yawning, but it was still a great class.

It’s funny, it seems like there are trends in Core Fusion that determine what exercises we do. Until the week before I’d never done butt exercises at a 90 degree angle. This is when we stand with our arms straight ahead of us gripping the bar, bent over at, well, a 90 degree angle. We then lift our leg and do the glute work that way. And here I was, just three days later, doing it again. Is this, like, in style right now or something? Not my favorite glute move because I am too concerned with being in the right position and making my sure my arms are straight, and not concerned enough with making sure I’m working my butt enough. I feel pretty uncomfortable in this position, but maybe people like it!

The music was especially great in this class. When I heard Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy” I was so happy! I also heard a bunch of fun hip hop songs that I recognize from my limited knowledge – I guess the more “pop” ones. The music definitely helped motivate me.

I could have gone to class Wednesday but I thought I had a 7 am call at work. Turns out I didn’t, my Outlook calendar was just screwed up. Ugh! I missed Tammy’s class, one of my favorites.

I wasn’t able to get back to class again until Thursday evening, when I took Jamie’s class for the second time. I remembered really enjoying her class the last time, and once again it was fantastic. The music was also exceptionally good!

So, you all know by now that the thighs section is my least favorite part of the class. To narrow that down more, chair pose is especially the hardest. OW!!! That hurts. But I guess that means it works, so I can’t complain too much. Can I?

I really liked abs because Jamie had us wrap the strap around the bar twice and lay down on the mats. We held the strap with our hands and did abs movements this way, by lifting up off the floor using our core. I really love when we do this in class. I feel such a good burn. And the fact that it is rare makes me appreciate it that much more when we do it.

I love how each class is a little different and I never know what to expect. Some people might think taking the same class all the time gets boring, but there are so many variations it really never does.

4 comments on Never Bored, Never the Same

  1. MelissaNibbles
    February 10, 2010 at 10:17 am (15 years ago)

    The glute work sounds like the glute section in the dvd I have. It’s so tough! I can’t bend over that long (hurts my back) so I do it on my knees on the floor. I can still feel the burn so I’m assuming it’s still working 🙂 The abs sound tough. Tough, but fun!

  2. Missy Maintains
    February 10, 2010 at 10:24 am (15 years ago)

    I noticed that too about the trends! That one week I used a block like 3 classes in a row! The next week we did butt like you said. I feel like they the teachers take class with Fred and copy what he does each week or something!

  3. Lindsey @ EatReadRun
    February 10, 2010 at 2:31 pm (15 years ago)

    Oh good old Mariah’s Fantasy!! I love flashbacks like that – I loved Mariah’s “Always be my baby” too. I enjoy variety as well – in my music and in my workouts. Sometimes it gets tough with running – i need to get more creative.

  4. Chika
    February 10, 2010 at 7:55 pm (15 years ago)

    I don’t like the thigh work, either! I don’t like waterski (I have callouses on my hands from gripping the bar too hard). But I know what you mean with the exercise trends in class. I keep thinking the classes are going to start feeling repetitious, but they never do. It’s amazing.


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