Core Fusion Themes

After last week’s Core Fusion class with Erin, I was excited to take her class again on Saturday. We did a similar crazy planks sequence, without any stopping between a forearm plank, two sets of pushups and a straight arm plank. By the time we finished my heart was pounding! Planks always get my heart rate up!

For the last set of thighs we did something I had never done before – we did the small repetitive movements in a lunge position. I actually really liked this because this is a stretch that helps my leg muscles loosen up for running, so doing thigh work with the stretch felt really good. And it burned like the other thigh exercises, so I felt like it got 2 jobs done.

Erin was so helpful with my position when we did glutes moves at the bar. I love being corrected and knowing I’m getting what I should be getting from the workout. Abs were abs. Painful. Brutal. But when I stick through it I feel so much better after than when I let myself take breaks. I used to give up when it became too hard but lately I’ve really been sticking it through. I think my abs have gotten stronger so it is slightly easier to not give up.

And then class was over. I loved being done on Saturday morning before noon with the rest of my day open!

I did want to touch upon something that happened before the class. The locker room was completely packed and I got there early enough to snag myself a locker (I would). Missy arrived to take class with me and I told her she could share my locker. We were getting ready, putting out stuff in the locker, when a lady came up to me and asked if she could have my locker.

Have it? Like.. share it? Or did she want me to take my stuff out of it? I told her that Missy and I were already sharing and she went off in a huff. Ummm. Not sure what that was about.


I had the day off work on Monday for Presidents Day, so I was able to take a daytime class. Marnie was teaching and I’d had her once before, but wasn’t able to give her class a fair review. That’s because it was during the first or second week of the challenge and it was the day after I took Fred’s class. Needless to say, I was extremely sore and wasn’t able to get the most out of class.

Let me just say I am glad I went back! I loved Marnie’s class. Now that I can hold myself up during the entire plank, I’ve been focusing much more on my form. As a result, I have been getting stronger in my core! Amazing how all the little victories add up and turn into a big one.

Arms were especially hard! We did something I had never done with the arm weights and I had a tough time keeping up. I love being challenged, although I kinda wish I had lighter weights for that part! For the last set of thighs, we did the LUNGES again. I had never done them before Saturday, and then I have them two classes in a row? AND Missy did them again that same week in Kate’s class! Is there a theme?

I’ve actually noticed themes before. I don’t know if this is on purpose or coincidence, but let me give you a few examples.

  • Before the challenge started, I took class for the first time in a long time and did the pretzel pose for glutes for the first time in my life. Two days later, I took class again, and we did it again!
  • We usually we use a red ball as a prop during class, or no prop at all. We rarely use the block. But for one week, almost every class used the yoga block!
  • On a different week, we always did glutes work on our hands and knees. That is usually rare, and I have only done it once since that week!
  • Is it just me, or has every teacher been using the song “Hey Soul Sister” during leg stretches after thigh work?

Others people have noticed themes as well. I wonder if this is planned or if it is random!

*Update – I received confirmation that this is, in fact, random

Also – how do the teachers get the music timed so perfectly?! That continues to astound me.

Moving on. I really did enjoy the lunges for thigh exercises because I ran 8 miles the day before, and this was a much needed stretch. For glutes we did pretzel under the bar, holding onto the bar. I hadn’t done pretzel in awhile so I really enjoyed the painful burn as much as I could. I did notice that because my right side is so much tighter, I had a hard time getting that leg off the floor to do the movements as well as I did on my left. Have to keep stretching and working on that.

Abs was very challenging but I like the variation of moves we did. And then class was over and I felt so pleased with my decision to not spend my day off in bed as I had originally planned and instead to do something productive and take Core Fusion. I never regret taking class.

3 comments on Core Fusion Themes

  1. RunMelNYC
    February 18, 2010 at 11:55 am (15 years ago)

    Hi Dori! I think your blog is great! I was always baffled by how well-timed core fusion music is too but then I learned that core fusion has pre-made mixes that some teachers use (I don’t know if it’s a majority) I think that definitely helps. I love reading about your core experience. I’ve been going for a couple years and the ab stuff still kills. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who struggles. I’m also training for the half and I’m so impressed you can do that and the core fusion challenge! What do you think of a reader/blogger big pasta party before the half? Oh and thanks for recommending Catherine, I took her for the first time and she’s amazing!!!

  2. Andrea @
    February 20, 2010 at 12:23 pm (15 years ago)

    I really want to do the CoreFusion class! I read about you doing it with Meghann a week ago and felt really inspired!

  3. Lindsey @ Eat, Read, Run
    February 23, 2010 at 2:39 pm (15 years ago)

    Hey Dori – how’s everything going?! I just wanted to let you know that i nominated you for a blog award on my blog post today. I’m not sure if you already received this one – if not, have fun! 🙂


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