I Heart Core Fusion

Last night Missy and I went to the opening of Exhale Spa at the Gansevoort Hotel. They are offering free Core Fusion classes for the first two opening days. I love Core Fusion so I jumped at the opportunity to go twice for free! I never went two days in a row because I am usually so sore after one day, but I couldn’t pass up a free class.


The spa itself looked gorgeous. The locker room, on the other hand, was not up to par. Perhaps I am spoiled from the humongous locker room at the Central Park South location, but there were barely any open lockers. Missy and I got there early and were able to get lockers, but most of the people in our class had to pile their bags in the classroom. I was surprised to see that there was only one shower stall, since there are constant Core Fusion classes and a small gym where you can work out. After navigating through the other changing people, we discovered that there was no toilet paper. And then we discovered that while there was mouthwash, there were no little cups to put it in. I was disgusted that the hairbrushes were sitting in a communal bin and not in one of those sanitary brush things. Not that it will affect me, curly girls can’t brush their hair! (btw I am loving my curls from doing the curly girl routine)

Our class was taught by Fred and Elisabeth, husband and wife and creators of Core Fusion! They are the people in the DVDs if you’ve seen those. They both have incredible tight bodies and are really just the nicest people. Fred asked everyone to introduce themselves to him and he was very understanding when I told him about my injuries and my need to modify some exercises.

I was surprised to find that there were no mirrors in the room! I don’t mind at all, I just didn’t expect it. It was cool because it meant there was no “front” of the room. We faced different directions at different times depending on where Fred was standing. It is funny when I talk about Fred because for years and years I had a dance instructor named Fred. He also started a company, the dance company I used to go to! All these Freds.

Exhale Gansevoort

At first, Fred sounded just like he does on the video! It was strange! But as class went on he sounded more like a person than like a video voice. The carpeting was really nice. Since it was the first day of the studio, Fred was still trying to figure out where to stand and all. We started with pushups, and luckily girl pushups were allowed. My favorite CF teacher insists on long form pushups only, which I am afraid is bad for my shoulder. After the pushups I expected a long and painful plank, but that did not happen! We picked up our hand weights and did exercises using them for awhile, longer than in most CF classes I have taken. I like that, I always want to do arm weights more.

When we finished the arms and the accompanying stretch, we moved to the barre for thighs. The class was PACKED and we were squished at the bar, but it was totally doable and not bad at all. Thighs burned, as always. Here is my issue with the thigh burning:

– When my thighs are burning during these moves and my legs are shaking uncontrollably, I get frustrated. I can’t get the most out of the move and I have to keep stopping. I feel embarrassed when the instructor sees and more so when I look around the room and no one else is shaking.

– When my thighs are burning and my legs are not shaking, the workout is extremely challenging and painful. I typically don’t stop during it, and I embrace the pain. It sucks, but it goes quickly and before I know it, we are done.

What I have discovered after taking a bunch of CF classes is that it depends on the specific thigh moves the instructor chooses. Because of this, I have stuck to one instructor who I absolutely adore. While her workout is super challenging, I am always able to do the thigh portion without shaking — and feel very sore the next day.

My legs were not shaking in last night’s class. Phew.

But it was very difficult. When we finished thighs and performed the requisite stretch, we moved on to the tush. We began with standing splits, and because I’ve taken this class so much and know my body, I ran to the side of the room where I made sure to notice the yoga blocks were stored. I grabbed two and used those to support myself during this move. I am not at all flexible and cannot touch the floor on my own during this move.

We moved to the barre for a series of challenging butt moves. They were similar to others I have done, but more intense. More reps, more positions, more challenge. After that stretch it was time for abs and core. There was no clock in the room which threw me off at first because I always need to know how much time has passed and how much is left, but I got used to it since the class flew by so quickly.

We sat against the wall under the barre and did the eksusises where we hold out legs in front of us and try to lift them off the floor. I suck at these. I can’t lift at all! Then everyone had to put their legs up and hold them and do stuff in that position, which I can’t do since my legs don’t straighten as a result of having no flexibility. I did what I do in ever CF class — hold a nice long stretch on each leg individually using the band. I always feel left out during this because I am just sitting there while everyone else is doing the exercise. It also upsets me that I am usually the only one in a group of many who can’t do it. Last night there was one guy in the room, and he couldn’t do it either.

Then we moved on to the floor and Fred told us to get into a forearm plank position, but quickly corrected himself and advised us to take our C positions instead. I wasn’t sure what was going on and why there were no planks, but I was NOT complaining! I hate planks and my shoulder hates them too. We then did a long, strenuous ab series in the C position. It was very hard but I am usually able to get through it. Next thing I knew, class was over and we were in savasana. I look forward to this moment in every class. I also look forward to using the band to stretch my leg to each side. It feels so good, it is the best stretch.

I really enjoyed my experience at the new Exhale, especially with Fred and Elisabeth. It was Missy’s first Core Fusion class and she loved it, which made me happy. Tonight we are going back for round 2! We will be sure to get there very early again to secure lockers.

Another thing I like about the new Exhale is their Wellbar selection. These are relatively inexpensive, short mini treatments. The Blemish Banish and Luscious Lip treatments sound great to me, and I would love to try them at some point. I wish my Central Park South location would offer that!

I plan to try my new popchips flavors this week, so stay tuned for my review! I just got the email about the upcoming NYC Restaurant Week, of which I always love to partake! I have been working on a professional website for myself, which has been very exciting. Between work and the website, I’ve been overwhelmingly busy. I basically completed the site though, so I am excited about it. I am just trying to make it through to the long weekend! I want to relax, eat good food (without overdoing it!), enjoy the sun (if it’s out) and attempt another run.

And now I leave you with a picture of Santana passed out on the couch in her dress. It is a very tough life, that of a puppy:

santana dress cutes

10 comments on I Heart Core Fusion

  1. Mallory
    June 30, 2009 at 1:32 pm (15 years ago)

    I always say that puppy has it so hard. It’s a shame no one loves her, huh?

    Maybe they figure people at the hotel will use the classes and shower in their rooms? And bring their own toilet paper…and lockers?

    Either way, hooray for a fun class! Enjoy your second night!

  2. Missy
    June 30, 2009 at 1:37 pm (15 years ago)

    I’m excited for later! I like ur post better haha. I’m about to look at every menu for restaurant week!

  3. Anne K.
    June 30, 2009 at 9:47 pm (15 years ago)

    That sounds like such a great class! I really liked your recap. I wish they had Core Fusion near me–I’d love to go 😀

  4. melissa
    June 30, 2009 at 10:40 pm (15 years ago)

    so glad you found something you love. amazing amazing review!

  5. melissa
    June 30, 2009 at 10:41 pm (15 years ago)

    ps excited to hear more about the new website!

  6. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)
    July 1, 2009 at 9:19 am (15 years ago)

    I just booked my Vital Juice Core Fusion freebie for a couple weeks from now, so thanks for the review – now I know what to expect! (I will arrive in my workout clothes, haha.) Sounds great! So amazing that you had Fred and Elizabeth as instructors – I woulda been starstruck. 🙂

  7. Amy @ What Do I Eat Now?
    July 1, 2009 at 10:34 am (15 years ago)

    i love your review of the class! it really sounds like a challenging workout and i would love to get the DVD too! boo about the hairbrushes… anyone whos ever been to elementary school knows that lice and bugs are wayyyyyy too easily passed through brushes.. YUCK!!!!


3Pingbacks & Trackbacks on I Heart Core Fusion

  1. […] Dori did an absolutely amazing review, so definitely check hers out.  […]

  2. […] yesterday I said there was no clock?  Well halfway through the class last night I noticed there WAS one! […]

  3. […] whose classes always fill up, but also because of the founders. Remember when Missy and I took a free class with Fred and Elisabeth, the brains behind Core Fusion (and the people you see on the video!)? It […]

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