The Best Class You’re Not Taking

Missy and I went to the Nalini Method today. We went in not knowing what to expect; all we knew was that it was a Lotte Berk method based class, as Physique 57, Core Fusion and The Body are. I read the wonderful testimonials and was impressed. But, these testimonials were on the Nalini Method site. There are no reviews on Yelp or City Search — although I might just have to change that.

Class description, from the site:

Voted top workout by the NY Post and featured in VOGUE, OPRAH, and FITNESS magazines, Nalini Method is a proven, challenging, and dynamic workout that delivers an enviable long and lean physique. You’ll enjoy the rapid results of a private trainer within an energized group atmosphere.Influenced by Western and Eastern practices, including Ballet, Yoga, Pilates, Lotte Berk, and resistance training, Nalini Method promises:

• A sculpted and stronger physique
• Longer and leaner muscles
• Enhanced flexibility and balance
• Improved endurance and energy
• Stronger core muscles
• Increased bone density
• Increased body awareness
• Improved posture and alignment

This unique mind-and-body conditioning takes place in an hour-long class that utilizes mats, resistance bands, weights, ballet barres, and exercise balls.

Needless to say, I was excited to try this! It is located on the Upper West Side on a quiet block right off Central Park West. I was turning on to the street the class is on when I saw Missy turn on to it right before me! After I yelled her name for the second time she saw me. What perfect timing! We were chatting about the class we were about to take as we started to walk in to the studio and someone came up behind us and asked if we were there for Nalini Method. We said yes and it turned out that was Rupa, the founder of the company! She was so warm and welcoming. She said she saw us and knew we must be there for her. She walked us in and gave us forms to fill out, all while talking to us about the class and asking how we found out about it. Honestly, I have never felt more welcomed into something new in my life!

The forms specifically asked about injuries, with a checkbox to check what body parts might cause a problem during the class and more room to write what the specific injuries are. I checked the knee box and drew in my own box for shoulder! I wrote that I have bursitis and bone marrow edema, and as I spoke to Rupa while giving her my form I told her that I just put a freeze on my gym membership and am looking for something that will give me a good workout and build strength without causing stress to my knees. She told me that she would help me during class and to let her know if anything was bothering my knee.

After we filled out the forms Rupa gave us a tour. The studio is actually a place with a few dance rooms. While we were filling out the forms, we heard a kids tap dance class and we walked by what looked like an adult ballet class. Rupa showed us a little closet with the supplies for her class and advised us to take weights, ankle weights, a mat and two yoga blocks. She brought us into the classroom and said we could just put our stuff down anywhere and take a spot. She also went around the room dropping off stretchy bands for each of us.

I just need to point out here that part of the marketing and allure for the other classes we’ve taken (Physique 57, The Body, etc) is the gorgeous, carpeted classroom and cute couches and pretty walls. There was none of this here. The room was bare. The floor was not carpeted. We used thick mats that said Nalini Method on them and were very comfy. Some people wore socks (required in the other studios) and some were barefoot. This class is not about presentation; it is about results.

About Rupa, from the website:

Rupa’s entrepreneurial vision, Nalini Method, was born at New York University’s Stern School of Business. After receiving her MBA, Rupa further cultivated her teaching style and passion through intense fitness training, most notably at the Lotte Berk Studio, Yoga Works, Yin Yoga, and Baron Baptiste.

Called a “pint-sized guru” by VOGUE Magazine and the “Rachel Ray of Fitness” by the New York Post, Rupa has and continues to foster a solid knowledge of specific teaching and exercise techniques that reap the best results. Her signature Nalini Method class combines her enthusiasm and experience within a challenging and results-driven atmosphere.

Known for her attention to detail, Rupa is extremely focused on each client’s form, providing instruction and hands-on guidance throughout the hour. Like a personal trainer, her continuous feedback and attentiveness enables each client to achieve his/her individual goals. Rupa’s unique personal teaching style, energizing atmosphere, and small-class size ensure an informative and truly rewarding experience for her clients.

Sounds good, right! So while Missy and I were getting out stuff together, she presented me with the free shoes she got from work. I tried them on and they fit perfectly and looked amazing — but they are SO high! As I was modeling them and going on and on about their height a woman who was there to take the class told me they are really cute and look great on me. So nice!


By the time class started there was a nice sized group, but not at all overcrowded. There were two women in front of me who seemed to be in their 40s, with the most amazingly toned bodies. They were both clearly regulars, which made me excited that this class can make people look like THAT.

We started with the usual arm/opposite leg lifts and then went on to upper body. I took both 3 and 4 lb weights because I wasn’t sure if we needed a heavy set and a light set, or just one set. I picked up the 4 lbs and we started working on arms. And kept working on arms. And arms. And arms. Meanwhile, I was still holding the 4 lbs and while it was hard and I was struggling, I wasn’t unable to do it. So I did it. I could have switched them out for 3 lbs, and believe me I was tempted to. But I made it through all of arms (including shoulders & back) with 4 lbs! I regretted it after since it contributed to some pretty intense shoulder pain. Next time I will use 3 lbs.

And then we did a plank. I despise planks. They’re just so difficult and uncomfortable!  I don’t like discomfort in any way. Rupa said we were going to hold the plank for 1 minute and I was nervous. But during that minute we did some movements by alternating each knee down which broke the time up a bit. Then we did pushups. Only they were real pushups. I do not do real pushups. I do girl pushups. Girl pushups were not an option at this time though! Rupa said even if we can only go down a tiny bit, just do it. But do it.

I know that I CAN go down farther than a tiny bit, but by this point my stupid shoulder had started hurting from weights and then the plank on top of it. So I went down just a teeny bit because of stupid bone marrow edema, whatever the hell that is and however the hell I even got it. Whose shoulder just starts to hurt out of the blue one day?! Sigh…

Then we did forearm plank, which I prefer to regular plank. We did a variation move during that minute as well, which really helps. Although I remember the last time I went to physical therapy for my knee, a year and a half ago, they made me do planks and hold them for as long as I could. I remember holding them so long they told ME I could let go. Wonder what happened since then!

Then we did some girl pushups – yay! We rested our elbows on two yoga blocks which I liked. Of course, my shoulder was still hurting so I wasn’t able to do my best at this point. Honestly, I felt like I had a major decrease in my range of motion with my left arm because of my shoulder. I really couldn’t move it!

We also did some of those backwards pushups, where you put your arms behind you and hold yourself up and bend and straighten your elbows. We put hands on the yoga blocks. Normally, I love these and am good at them. But by this point, my shoulder was hurting SO badly that I could barely bend my elbow. I did my best, but my shoulder was killing me! I need to take it easier on my poor shoulder next time. With all the current hype about my knee I tend to forget about my shoulder injury.

Then Rupa told us to put on our ankle weights. ANKLE WEIGHTS! None of the other classes I’ve taken have used these babies. I had no idea what to expect.

(Not me pictured below)

Ankle Weights

We went to the barre and faced the classroom and did some leg extensions. When it starts it feels easy. No big deal. But then you keep doing it. And repeating. Small, targeted movements. And then you feel the burn. And it is the best kind of burn, the burn that feels so good because you can literally FEEL your legs toning.

I absolutely loved it. It was, without a doubt, my favorite thigh eksusize I have ever done. For one, there was absolutely no way it could bother my knee. And like I said, the burn was a good one.

We moved so the barre was on our left sides, and then facing the barre, and did thigh work I was more familiar with, such as putting the playground ball between our legs and squeezing. It burned. I felt it working. But — we didn’t do it to the point of fire. What I mean is that when I took Physique 57 and The Body, I had to stop and stand up a few times during the thigh work. My thighs felt like they were on fire. Last night, on the other hand, was more about correct form and making sure we were doing the exercises correctly. Rupa went around the room constantly correcting us. I loved it. As soon as she moved me into the right position, I felt the burn so much more — without feeling the breaking point of needing to stop. Rupa reminded us that going down far does not necessarily mean you’re working harder! Get the right posture and positioning, and that is how you get the maximum workout. Thighs was exponentially better here than the other classes. And with my knee, I didn’t want to bend down as much as I could. But I felt the burn, so even my modified moves were enough!

Then we moved on to tushie. We got down on the mat and put a resistance band over our thighs. This is another thing that the other classes do not use! And it is another thing that really made ALL the difference in feeling the workout. Rupa gave the class the option of keeping their ankle weights on for an extra challenge, but advised Missy and I to take ours off since it was our first class. And I am so glad I did! Butt work was more challenging than it ever has been. We were laying on our sides, legs bent on front of us, bands over our thighs and raising the top leg and lowering. I was doing it incorrectly at first and Rupa came and helped me to get it right. We did a number of variations in this position. In the other classes, during the butt portion, sometimes I don’t always feel it the way I know I should. In this class, I felt it in the side of my tushie. I felt it bigtime. It burned. We pushed into a weight in front of us to really feel the exercise. We did one move that involved extending the top leg forward and bending it in. After we finished, Rupa came up to me and asked if it bothered me knee. So nice! I told her it was my good knee on that side, so I was able to do it all. Then we moved to lie on our left sides and did it all again. When we go to the point where we straighten the top leg and bend it in, I didn’t straighten it. I kept it bent and did very small movements that didn’t really make my knee move. And even though I was doing a modified version, I felt the burn SO much. So just a note to everyone — if you have a knee injury you can still get a good burn from this! I love that I felt it exactly where I was supposed to. But that is because Rupa makes sure of it! She really cares that everyone is getting the most out of her class.

Thigh resistance band Nalini

I neglected to mention that we did deep stretches following every body part we worked. This was another thing that Rupa excelled in. She actually came around and pushed me into a deeper stretch than I knew was possible for me! The point of the stretching is to develop long, lean muscle tone and I am now certain I haven’t been getting the most of my stretches in the other classes!

After butt was abs. We moved our mats up against the wall and grabbed on to the straps that were tied to the barre. Rupa made a crucial point here — don’t think that by using your arms tight on the strap you are working your abs any less. It doesn’t work that way. I am particularly glad she said that because that was a misconception I had the entire time! She gave people the option once again of using their ankle weights here for an added challenge, and advised Missy and I to hold off this time. Once again, I am thankful I was not wearing them. Abs were hard!

We did a variety of ab moves. We put a yoga block between our legs during some of them. I held on to that strap for my dear life. The abs burned. I prayed for relief. The burn continued. Finally, abs ended and we went into child’s pose, which felt better than ever. While we were relaxing there, Rupa went around the move and did a super quick little massage on everyone’s back. I didn’t expect it so I gasped since I had no idea I was about to be touched — but then I was happy because it felt wonderful!

And that was it. Class was over. As Missy and I walked our supplies to the storage closet, we both said the same thing: “That was the most incredible class of my life.” We both thought it was perfect. We did tons of arms, thighs were worked but not to the point of needed to stop (which really, I just hate. That is NOT a good burn), we actually FELT our tushies being worked once we were positioned correctly and abs went on for a long time and was a serious challenge. Plus, none of the abs moves hurt my back, which was my complaint about Core Fusion abs. And today, my abs are SORE. They hurt when I laugh. When I hold them in I feel it so much. I have never felt this way after a class before. I love it.

Oh, also — I LOVED the music! When the class began with “If U Seek Amy” I knew it was going to be a good class. And when “World Hold On” came on — an Israel memory song for Missy and I — I was so happy! And Rupa is open to hearing your music requests so she can incorporate new playlists going forward. We saw Rupa after the class and spoke with her a little. She asked us what we thought and we just raved! She told us we could always be honest with her about anything we didn’t like in the class and she could change things around. How fabulous is that!

I told her that the only thing preventing me from joining for a full month is the schedule. And here, my friends, is the one downfall of the Nalini Method. Right now, the schedule is a bit bare. The only evening classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The only weekday early morning classes (if I were ever so inclined) are Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are no classes on Saturdays. Sundays only offer morning classes (I am not an early weekend get up and out of the house person).

Rupa understood. She said that right now the big limitations are the studio, which doesn’t have availability for her on Monday and Wednesday evenings because it is shared with other classes, and the number of people interested in the class. If more people take the class and show an interest in new class sessions, she would be better able to offer a more comprehensive schedule.

So my advice, kids, is if you have an interest in taking an amazing full body workout with personalized attention — try it out. You get your first two classes for the price of one, which is a great deal. Maybe you’ll love it. Maybe you’ll want to go more. Maybe you’ll hate it. But it can’t hurt to try. There was none of the competitiveness of Physique 57 and Rupa is quick to correct you — and to compliment you when you’re doing something right!

When I got home to the boy’s after class, I was going on and on about how amazing the class was. I was talking fast, bouncing around — I felt like I took a drug! It was probably similar to a runner’s high. I couldn’t stop saying how amazing the class was, how I need to go back, how wonderful Rupa was. When the boy gets home from a workout, he plops down and feels so tired. He couldn’t believe I had so much energy after this. But seriously, this class is like a bright burst of sunshine and warmth on a dreary, rainy day. Which is actually the truth. Yesterday was a  thunderstorming day. Which got a whole lot better after this class!

Again, if you’re in the NYC area, try the Nalini Method. I can guarantee it will be a great workout. Another testimonial said that no two classes are the same — so don’t think your class will be the same as the one I just described. But do think it will be one of the best workouts of your life, because I have no doubt about that:

Rupa is wonderful at one-on-one attention. Even when the class is full, you feel as if you are taking a private class. Her classes are never the same so I never get bored because she is always adding a new exercise!

I can’t say enough about her specifically and her class. I really feel as if she enjoys getting people in shape. There is nothing better than a teacher who loves what they do.”

And if you’re not in NYC, check out Rupa’s podcasts here. Get a great workout with Rupa from wherever you are.

So, here’s the deal. I need to do a regular workout this month that won’t hurt my knee but will strengthen my legs. I believe that for the money, this class will deliver the best results and the fact that I don’t hate it (aside from planks!) is a good thing. It is certainly addicting; I already can’t wait to go back! The problem? Limited class availability. If class is only given on Tues and Thurs evenings, I will feel confined to those. If plans or something comes up on a Tuesday, my whole week is screwed because there aren’t enough alternative times I could go. Joining  here for a month at this point is not a good idea. Dropping in for a class every now and again — when I don’t have a month membership somewhere similar — IS a good idea. I will of course go back for my second class next week, but after that I think I will have to wait until the schedule gets filled in better to commit to a month there. Rupa would love a bigger schedule too, so show some interest and stop by! You won’t be sorry — I already feel tighter today.

Next week in this blog: A surprise popchips delivery, a vegan college cookbook review, Bethenny’s topless movie and the new doormat at the scene of the crime!

11 comments on The Best Class You’re Not Taking

  1. Missy
    May 8, 2009 at 12:55 pm (15 years ago)

    You have a much better memory than me!! I forgot so much! It was amazing though! We are gonna be in pain when we start laughing tonight!!

  2. Jen, a priorfatgirl
    May 8, 2009 at 1:25 pm (15 years ago)

    ooohhh that sounds like a great class! Tough workout but great! Suprisingly enough, I am most excited for an update on the door mat. Who new doormats could be so exciting?!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. kristisummer
    May 10, 2009 at 9:40 pm (15 years ago)

    I want to learn more about this class. I love the resistance legs bands. use them in my body sculpting classes I teach it really helps you feel the burn.

  4. Dawn Adams
    March 9, 2010 at 6:33 pm (15 years ago)

    Yes, that is correct with your conclusion. I am going to do some research and post it here for clarity. Stay tuned and I’ll be back with the info. I made sure to bookmark the site so I’ll be able to find my way back. LOL Also, if any of you women need ab exercises for home don’t hesitate to come on over.

  5. Teriel
    June 21, 2010 at 5:38 am (14 years ago)

    this captured me eye thanks


6Pingbacks & Trackbacks on The Best Class You’re Not Taking

  1. […] a surprise popchip delivery, PETA’s Vegan College Cookbook review and another class at the Nalini Method! I also have more to post about the doormat […]

  2. […] this week: Fullbar review, Kinespirit class review, Nalini Method part 2 1 Comment so […]

  3. […] thought of it after attending Physique 57 and Core Fusion extensively. Read my Nalini Method review here. Your first two classes are for the price of one, so it’s a good […]

  4. […] Method Last night I met Missy and Melissa for another class at the Nalini Method. It was different from the first and even harder if that’s possible. The hardest part of […]

  5. […] band (pictured here) to tie around my thighs to do the exact same butt exercises I did at the Nalini Method — the ones I loved with the round band around our […]

  6. […] January 18, 2011 at 8:46 am Back in 2009, I tried a fitness class called Nalini Method and I absolutely loved it. Then I went a second time! However, the class was inconvenient for me to get to and not offered […]

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