May 29th 2009 archive

Knee Explained & A Jewfro

I now know why I have bursitis in my left knee.

The PT wanted me to show her how I spin and how I run. Yesterday, we started with spin. She had me bring my spin shoes and get on a regular exercise bike and start riding. Immediately she said, “I see the problem.” But then she backtracked. She became concerned that she was looking for the problem that she suspected I had, and was biased. So she had me keep pedaling as she called another PT over.

“Do you notice anything unusual about the way Dori is riding?” my PT asked the other.

“Her left leg is bending inwards,” the other PT said.

“Exactly!” my own PT exclaimed.

And there is the problem. When I spin, my right leg moves in a straightforward way. My left leg, on the other hand, curves inwards each time I push the pedal down. This also happens when I run. And when I use the elliptical. I will be running for PT on Tuesday, but we both know what it will show. Even the boy had noticed that my alignment is all off when I run. I have bursitis because my knee is bent in an unnatural way for repeated movements.

And to be honest, I had noticed that my leg wasn’t pedaling forward in spin once. I saw it was curving inwards and assumed something was wrong with my shoe or the way my shoe was clipped in. I never considered that something was wrong with me!

What do I do? First, I need to strengthen my tushie. Particularly the left side, which is much weaker than the right for some reason. That weakness contributes to my alignment problems. The exercises are the same I am used to from Core Fusion, Physique 57, Nalini Method, The Body. We are also working on strengthening my quads, hamstrings, glutes on the leg press machine — with more emphasis on my left side.

PT said that when I start spinning again, I should be aware of my leg and actively push it outwards where it belongs. Of course, spin won’t be fun if I am constantly thinking about where my leg is and wonderfing if my alignment is all right. But the good news is that after actively thinking about my alignment in spin, running, elliptical, etc for enough time — my brain will get the message and it will become automatic for me to align properly.

Also, I had mentioned that the way I sit is contributing to the problem. Unfortunately, that is by far the most comfortable position for me when I sit! I find myself doing it ALL the time. Every time I catch it, I unravel. But I never feel as comfortable after. I am trying to train my body not to twist into that left leg crossed over right, left ankle behind right position anymore!

Jen left a comment asking what I do for exercise since my knee is all messed up. Well, I can’t run, bike (oops), elliptical. Stairmaster is not an optnion either. I have 13 Core Fusion classes in my hand that I haven’t even used yet because I have been so busy! But I plan to start with them soon. Basically, I have been trying to walk more. And also just not exercising. I thought I would blow up into some puffed up version of myself but luckily this hasn’t happened (yet).

Some time during the next few weeks, I need to take a spin class and see how it goes. The PT wants be to get on this soon, so I will try to make some time for one!

Now if only we can figure out the cause of my shoulder injury…

In other news, it is the weekend! Today I have to endure a horrible medical test that I am dreading. Then I am freeeeee. Tomorrow I am  going to a wedding and getting my hair done at Blow. It is a blow dry bar! I usually don’t get my hair done because I get it Japanese straightened with Liscio products, but I am due for my next straightening — and not going until June 14!

For those of you who don’t know, my real hair is a Jewfro. There are so many different textures and a major inconsistency to the curls, and it was FRIZZY. It was impossible to manage and it never looked good and Japanese straightening changed my life. Here is a photo of a poster I was on for Bio Ionic straightening (the first time I got it done that is what I used. Liscio works MUCH better though, so that is what I recommend for everyone.):

Dori - Jewfro

Last night when I was trying to fall asleep, I thought of a great blog entry idea and a great title. Of course, all I am left with now is a vague indication of what it might have been about. The entry idea is gone. The great title is  gone. Don’t you hate when that happens!

 And now I will leave you with something adorable. Here is Santana as a baby pup:

Baby Santana