Archive of ‘Funny’ category

DSB Posting Schedule


To better avoid stress with my busy schedule of laying in bed, I’ve decided to implement a blogging schedule. I do love this blog and all the amazing things that have come into my life from it — especially the friendships, and also, Girl Talk — but I have found it hard to post as often as I like. Part of the reason is I can’t write or post from work. I am very, very important. I also write for a couple other websites and I’ve been slacking on all three when I feel pressure to do them all at once. But don’t worry, I do all this work from my bed, so I never slack on laying in bed.

I decided to implement a blogging schedule — and a lenient one at that!


I will post every Tuesday, without fail. Even if it is stupid. But it won’t be, because I’ll be writing it. Also, I have some cool posts coming up. Reviews and thoughts about things that are not reviews. And if I write the best post ever in life on a Wednesday, well, you’ll just have to wait until the following Tuesday to read it.

Oh — for those of you who ask my opinion on Core Fusion DVDs, check out Rachel’s comparison post. While I can seriously write a novel about all the live Core Fusion classes, I’ve only done the DVDs a few times and Rachel is a much better resource.

I’ve got the Healthy Kidney 10K on Saturday. I haven’t run in a couple of weeks, so it should be interesting. The rain destroyed my 6 mile Central Park loop plans last weekend but it was a blessing in disguise as I took the sweatiest, most intense Core Fusion class that was like nothing I have ever done before. No two classes are ever the same and this one was just . . . a sweaty, sticky, thick air experience.

Back next week, probably with a race recap that will include a playlist with my new FAVORITE MUSIC that I just learned about today!

Random, but I found a new way to waste my money and it is by spoiling my brother Matthew and his fiancee Mallory‘s pup Santana. Her Aunt Dori loves her and bought her these shirts:

You can follow Santana on Twitter.

See you all next week for more TUESDAY BLAGS!

P.S. Had a dream that my cute grandma was driving. She never got her license and never drove before. My brother and I were in the car with her and it was in our old neighborhood and was pretty much a disaster — very scary!

Greenwich Mean Time. Emphasis on the Mean.

Hi from 5:41 am. I had to work Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) today, which is the time they use in London. They call it that because it is MEAN when someone in New York has to work on their 5 hour later schedule. That means I have been awake since 2:45 am, working since 3:00 am. I am tired.

Time Warner decided three days ago that I don’t need internet connection to be a whole person. True, but I do need internet connection to be an employed person. And that is why I am working from my very gracious friend’s apartment right now. The idea of walking through an empty mall to an empty escalator and into an empty office building scared me, although some told me my fear is irrational others confirmed that I am, in fact, rational.

I really want to write my 13.1 Marathon recap, but I am just too tired now to put any energy into it. I didn’t exactly go to sleep very early and I believe I earned myself a McGriddle. Or, you know, a healthier version. Like, a green juice.

Work is pretty stressful even when it’s not stressful at 5:48 am when all you want to do is sleep. The good news is that tomorrow I get to see my little brother! We are both flying to the Floridas from NY and the Seattles, respectively, to see our cute grandma. Our grandma is SO CUTE. Here’s a little transcript of our phone call the other day:

Grandma: What food should I buy for your lunches while you’re here? Turkey breast?

Me: No turkey, I’m a vegetarian actually.

Grandma: Oh, ok. Do you eat chicken? Let’s go to a chicken restaurant!

Too funny. I don’t even know what a chicken restaurant is. My grandma used to sign her AIM instant messages to me with “Love, Me” at the bottom of each IM. Yes, she had AIM and I don’t know how she figured out how to use it.

Even better is this email I received from her in August 2008:

Hi Dori

I  am trying to send a message.  HOPE YOU GET THIS  I CANNOT GET OUT OF THE CAPS.




Needless to say, I am looking forward to this Florida trip. I’m also looking forward to running in the morning in nice weather! Hopefully I can get my brother to go on a run with me. That is, if the f-ing weather cooperates.

I will be bringing my computer and I really hope to get my race recap posted within the next couple of days! But I will tell you all that I finished my second half marathon and I am so proud of myself for doing it.

And now that it is 6:38 am ET, more of you are awakening on the Twitters. Socialization!

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