
Archive of ‘Fitness’ category

Newport 10K Race Recap + IRONMAN Jacket Winner

I’ve been frustrated with my blog theme from the beginning for a few reasons, so this morning I was laying in bed and decided to just change it. Within a couple of hours I found a theme I liked, bought it and customized it. I’m still working out a few things (for example, I can’t figure out how to get the first post to show the full thing and not just a snippet on the homepage), and I’m sure these things will be settled quickly. (Update: That problem is now resolved thanks to one smart brother.) My theme is much more intuitive and easier than my last one, and my blog finally has the look I’ve been wanting for a few years.

Anyway! I ran my first race of 2014 yesterday. A little background: I’ve been dealing with a neck injury for a few months, have barely run at all since the Richmond Marathon, and had to cancel my plans to train for an run the Eugene Marathon in July because my neck was in no condition for training. Thanks to physical therapy, my neck exercises and a whole lot of rest (I haven’t been to Refine in months…) I’m doing a lot better right now.

Before all the injury business, the Newport 10K was going to be my PR attempt. My goal was going to be a sub-50 minute 10K. This race was going to fall right in the middle of Eugene training. I felt good about that goal since I unofficially PR’d the 10K during the Newport Half Marathon back in September.

But since I am just building up a new base now and ran 5 miles a week ago for the first time, I decided to register for this race as a no-stress run on a route that goes through my city’s streets and directly past my apartment building.

The morning of the race, a painful stomach cramp woke me up at 4:53 am. And then I couldn’t get back to sleep and I felt so exhausted. And then I had no appetite and the thought of eating even a PickyBar made me sick, But I wasn’t at all stressed since this was a no-pressure race. I could go as slow as I wanted and I could even go home at any point during the race, which was my “if my neck hurts” plan.

Miranda, her boyfriend and I jogged to the start area and realized just how gorgeous a day it was.

Dori and Miranda at Newport 10K

After spending time in the sunshine, we headed to the start area and our mayor (who I am OBSESSED with) made a speech and announced that Olympian Julie Culley was competing! Very exciting to have an elite as such a small race. Anyway, the race started and me being me, I got caught up in the excitement and ran a really fast first mile. As in 7:36. But I spent that mile LOVING running and feeling grateful that I was out there with no neck pain feeling strong.

Keep in mind I did not train and really, I barely even ran in the weeks leading up to this.So by the end of that first mile, I changed my tune a bit. Running seemed not quite as fun as I made it out to be just a few minutes earlier. It was hard. Already. I pulled it back and kept pushing through, but my lungs were feeling it,

But I love racing and I wanted to do the best I could. My backup plan of “go home at any time” was in place since I was never far from my apartment. So I slowed down for mile 2 but kept working hard. I just wanted to make it to the spot between 3 and 4 where I’d see Andy and Larry, and I told myself I could quit at that time if I really didn’t feel well.

But that’s not how I roll. I forgot my pain momentarily as I saw them by our house, just past a turn. I passed by Larry’s girlfriend Maeby barking at the runners and being pulled home.

Larry and Maeby

Larry and Maeby: True l-u-v

Then I turned the corner and approached my boys.

I felt great for a minute after seeing them, but then . . . then the familiar neck pain. Luckily that dissipated, and I was doing OK – at least neckwise. Running was still really hard, but I noticed that any time I got lost in thought I was able to forget about how hard it was. Those mind wandering breaks from the pain of running were incredible, and I don’t know if I could have pushed through without them!

Hi Ander and pup

Hi Ander and puppy!

I’m really on the fence about a decision I have to make, and I was able to get some good ideas and work a lot of it out during those moment of forget-the-pain.

As we ran past the apartment we’re moving into on July 1, I thought about how Andy and Larry could cheer for me right here on the other side of the park from our place. That’s a good sign at mile 4, right? To already be thinking about NEXT YEAR’s race. Maybe I wasn’t as miserable as I thought.

But it felt hard. I knew that if I made it to mile 4 I was finishing this thing. I was just trying to stick it and not slow down too much. I found myself constantly checking my watch and made a deal with myself. “You see the waterfront up ahead?” I asked myself. “That looks to be about a half mile away. It will probably be around the Mile 5 mark. When you get there, you can check your watch.”

And I listened.

One funny thing is that at a certain point in each mile, all the watches started beeping. Those people were even worse than running tangents than I was (though I was not making any conscious effort to do so) but then mine would beep, and then about .2 later we’d hit the mile marker. I was just happy my watch wasn’t AS off as all the beeps I’d hear before.

The third and final water station – all of which I’d walked through – where they said “One more mile to go!” and I decided to pick it up. Except, I couldn’t. Because every time I tried to speed up, I got a wave of nausea so strong I felt like I was going to throw up right then and there.

So there was no boosted Mile 6 as I’d hoped, but given my earlier stomach pain, no food eaten, slow injury recovery and lack of training, I wasn’t too disappointed. It was expected, really.

This last mile was all about getting to the finish. We ran along the waterfront, on my usual running route, and then got back onto the street for the final stretch. I just wanted so much to be done at this point. I tried picking it up again, and again had to shut my mouth tightly because throwing up felt like a real possibility. Though according to my splits I did manage to speed up in the last portion which I think my body just does naturally at this point.

Because then we turned the corner, a few steps to go and I was done! And here’s the kicker – it was technically a PR!

Dori's 10K Splits

My former PR was 53:55 (also on no training, I do not recommend this, and I wasn’t able to beat it at two subsequent 10ks that spring) from back in April 2012. Though for some reason my official race time is 52:59, I can’t figure out how an extra 30 seconds got on there since I started my watch as I crossed the start mat and turned it off after I crossed the finish. Either way, a PR is a PR and I am pretty proud of myself for pushing through a very difficult run.

Also, I remember when a 1:00:37 10K was a huge PR that I was so excited about. My progression as a runner is one of those things that constantly astounds me.

And now I REALLY want to race a 10K when I am trained. I haven’t done this in years! Like I said, my former PR was also untrained, I am curious to know what I am capable of at this distance. I like the 10K - it’s not quite as painful as a 5K but you can still push yourself to run fast and stick with it since it isn’t too long either. I always say, you can do anything for an hour. 

I felt totally fine as I jogged back home and ate the amazing Sam A.M. breakfast Andy picked up for me, and I feel very much in love with running again. I even did a 3.25 shakeout run today and felt good! In fact, I think it’s time I ask Coach Abby to get started on my Bellingham Bay Marathon training plan. Thanks to her, I resumed my lower body exercises last week and I am committed to them since they take about 25 minutes and I can do them at home before work.

Speaking of work, thank you for your tips and advice. Some of the suggestions just won’t work for my situation, but I am grateful for everyone who left a non-nasty comment. I’m totally new to the 60-hours-a-week world and still finding my balance there. With that said, the winner of the IRONMAN Versa Running Jacket is Katie! Katie, please email me your color preference and jacket size.

And now I have to ask: Have you ever accidentally or unexpectedly set a new PR?


10 Things I’d Like To See Happen in 2014

There are lots of blog posts this week about resolutions, goals, year-end recaps, etc. While I outlined some resolution-type things last year (here’s how I did) and wrote a Year in Review in 2010 and 2011, I don’t feel like doing anything so official or so time consuming this year. I already wrote my Year In Running and that took a lot out of me.

Instead, I’m going to make a list of things I’d like to see happen in 2014, whether or not they are actually realistic or attainable. They aren’t resolutions or goals because some of them are not possible. This is more like a wish list, with some things that can or might happen and some things that won’t.

1. Run a sub-4 Eugene Marathon.

There, I said it. It’s out here, in words, on the internet. Is this attainable? Without a knee injury, yes I believe it is, even though it is terrifying. I was on track to get really close to 4:00 in Richmond before my knee took over my race. I know I can do it and I intend to train even harder and smarter than last time.

I got myself a new running coach: Abby. She absolutely loves and ‘gets’ Refine, so she will know better how to work it into my plan (and maybe help me figure out a way to go more than once a week during training?), she is a personal trainer and — here’s the real gem — she is in school to become a physical therapist.

This is HUGE. She understands injury and how the body works and I really believe she is the best person to help me get through my training cycle safely. I’ve struggled with a few injuries this past year (only one related to running) and I really needed more guidance and advice when it came to exercise. If something hurts, I know I will trust her advice on what to do, and I am committed to doing whatever she says.

2. On that note, find a flight to Eugene that costs less than $600.

I had no idea it would be this tough. It actually was $522 and I thought that was too much so I waited and now it’s up to $561. I’m going to wait and hope it gets a little better.

3. Become a stay at home mom to my dog Larry.

All I want in my life is to devote every second of every day to making sure this little boy is as happy as possible. Unless I buy a lottery ticket (which I never think to do) and then also win, this won’t happen. But a puppy mommy can dream.

Dori with puppy Larry

4. Finish writing my wedding thank you cards.

Please don’t be disgusted with me. Yes, I got married a in June. Yes, that was a long time ago. Yes, it is closer to next June than last June. I promise I will make myself write the rest by our anniversary. It’s just . . . Reading books! Binge watching The Good Wife! All things I’d rather be doing and I’ve always had a really tough time getting myself to do shit in my down time. I’ll gladly go to Refine or run or go to whatever appointment I have, but once I’m home . . . I just can’t bring myself to do anything.

5. Hang up all my wall things.

Speaking of being unable to bring myself to do anything. Not only did I get married in June, I moved in June too. No, not a single thing has been hung up. This actually prevented us from having our birthday party for Larry on January 1 (the anniversary of the day we got him) this year, something I was really looking forward to. I just can’t get my shit together, same as the thank you cards. And I don’t want anyone seeing my house without everything hung up. It will happen within the next month though. This one I promise.

6. Have my next birthday celebration at my favorite restaurant ever, the place that perfected the pizza: Razza Pizza Artigianale.

Not only did Razza perfect the pizza (the margherita pizza to be exact; as much as I’d like to try the others, I can’t bring myself to risk missing out on what I know is pizza perfection when I am there), they also perfected the chickpea and the bread. To force people who would not normally visit Jersey City (which is closer to Manhattan than many parts of Queens and Brooklyn, so fuck you), I will have my next birthday be a dinner party here. Then my friends can finally understand just how spectacular this food is.

Razza margherita pizza

Photo: http://hungryiopanda.blogspot.com/2013/05/dinner-at-razza-pizza-artigianale-in.html%5B/caption%5D

7. Have a party at my house.

Invite people over so they can see our awesome townhome and drink the leftover booze from the wedding. There’s a lot. Plus, I can wear a dress even if it is in the winter because I won’t have to go outside. This is all dependent on #5, but it’s looking possible.

8. Take more Refine while marathon training.

I mentioned this above in #1, but it is really important to me to incorporate more Refine while training for Eugene. Last year was a little tough because I got my rib injury as soon as we got back from the honeymoon. This meant no Refine for about a month, so I went into marathon training without all my strength and muscles. While I will definitely go into training with a much stronger base this time, I’d like to do Refine more than once a week while training. If this means that I occasionally have to do a two-a-day workout (ugh, not a fan) or run one fewer day a week to make it work, I’ll do it. It doesn’t have to be every week, just a little more than the last time I trained. I just feel really certain that it will only help me prevent injury and run a stronger, faster race.

Bonus: I really love Refine a lot. Also, it makes me look hot, and this marathon overlaps with summer.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="413"]Refine Method NYC Photo: http://www.wellandgoodnyc.com/2012/10/31/event-recap-refine-method-uws-launch-party/%5B/caption%5D

9. PR the 5K, 10K and half marathon distances

I basically unofficially PRd the 10K during the Newport Half Marathon in September (6 miles in 51:55; my current 6.2 mi PR 53:55). That means I can run an actual 10K race even faster than that. I need to make this official!

And my 5K PR came on a day I had already run four miles and was struggling with both neck and rib injuries. As happy as I am with my time, I know can do better.

Then there is the half marathon. This is a race I’ve PRd every year since I started running it. My half marathon PR was a tough race effort-wise, but as long as my Eugene training goes smoothly I see no reason why I can’t run this distance even faster.

10. Figure out what I want to do with my life.

No pressure there, right?

BONUS: Make Ellen my best friend.

Creepy! That’s what Andy said when I told him this one. But Ellen loves Refine and Bloody Marys and hates all the same things and people I do. I really wish I knew her better when I had my bachelorette party at Refine because she would have loved this private instructor-Lonnie party even more than I did. On that note, I want to be a good baby friend to Ashley Runningbun’s little girl when she is born. That means getting in my car and driving to her house so that her baby grows up knowing mom’s funny (looking) friend Dori.

Unless I’m not living in New Jersey anymore, in which case maybe I’ll be living in Seattle, and speaking of babies and Seattle, I’d really love it if my one-year-old nephew Harrison could learn to say Aunt Dori this year. I’m on it!

[caption id="attachment_11192" align="alignnone" width="480"]harrison bday Photo: Mirandmamedina.com

Tell me one unattainable goal (like my being a stay at home puppy mom) that you have for 2014.

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