September 28 is finally here. I’m writing this post on my phone in a bed in a rented house in Bellingham, Washington for the Bellingham Bay Marathon. My goal is sub-4.
If you asked me just one week ago (and my physical therapist did!) I’d have told you everything felt good, knock on wood. No bad foot pain (that’s why I’m currently in PT – though my foot itself is fine and the pain comes from elsewhere), my neck feels fine, my rib hasn’t bothered me in a long time. I even thought just last week how it was amazing just how much my neck felt normal again.
Things can change in a week and not only does my neck not feel normal, it feels exactly like it did during my injured time where I couldn’t run or Refine for months.
There are a few contributing factors. None matter. What matters is trying not to stress about this and trying to run just as fast – even if it hurts.
I’m better trained than I’ve ever been in my life. My legs feel good. After a difficult start to the week, my stomach feels OK (I’ve have a chronic GI illness since 2007).
I’m running a marathon in a beautiful place on a gorgeous day. My husband, brother, sister in law and 21-month-old-nephew will be cheering for me. I’m with my family.
Goal or no goal (but I REALLY hope goal!), tomorrow will be a good day to run a marathon.