Andy and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary with a week-long vacation with the pup on Cape Cod. It’s our favorite spot because it is the most chill place on Earth. When you love to do nothing – which just so happens to be our all-time favorite activity – there is no better place to be than the Cape. We even got engaged there.

August 30, 2012
This week also happened to be my first step back week, which worked out well because as nice as running at the Cape is, I was really in full relaxation mode.
Week 4: June 9 – June 15
- Monday – Maintenance Legs
- Tuesday – 2 mile warm up, 4×800, 2 mile cool down (6.74 miles)
- Wednesday – OFF
- Thursday - 1 mile warm up, 2 mile tempo, 2 mile marathon pace (5 miles)
- Friday – Plyos
- Saturday – 8 miles
- Sunday – OFF
Total (running) miles: 19.74
Summary of Week 4 running:
Fucking humid.
Tuesday: So, for the 800s. This was actually my first time ever doing a workout of only 800s (they were part of my track workout in Week 2, but so were other distances). I checked through last year’s training schedule and my former coach never gave me 800s. That makes me feel a liiiiiitle better about sucking so hard during this workout. I’m not used to pushing that hard for half a mile.
But at some point I need to stop making excuses and wonder if I really am just not good at the shorter, faster interval workouts. On this day, it was raining when I woke up and still 100% humidity when I got to the running path. There were no other cars in the parking lot, which actually says a LOT. I run on a very popular biking/running trail and there are usually lots of other people there. But this day was so unbelievably shitty that no one else bothered. So, that should tell you something.
It was humid. My stomach hurt. I never did this particular workout before. Whine whine excuse excuse. My interval splits were:
(1) 400 – 3:39
(2) 400 – 3:36
(3) 400 – 3:43
(4) 400 – 3:57
During the second and third intervals, my neck hurt. The pain radiated to my collarbone, which was a new type of terrible feeling. But I stretched during the active recovery and my neck didn’t bother me during the last one. Which was also by far the slowest, so, there’s that.
And then my stomach hurt so badly that I had to walk a number of times during my 2-mile cool down. Maybe this just isn’t my thing – and that is OK! All that really matters is that I am working my hardest, and I absolutely was. And also, I don’t enjoy it.
I don’t like the feeling of my lungs about to burst and just wanting it to be over. I do like pushing my pace in tempo workouts because while difficult, I can maintain it if I have to. But for these fast intervals? Not fun for me. Not why I run. The reason I have no interest in training specifically for a 5K. If I PR in a 5K, yay. But I will never reach my full potential there because this type of running simply isn’t fun for me. I like pushing my limits and seeing what I can do, but I like it in a longer type of workout. THIS is why I like marathons so much.
I still need to test an interval workout in better conditions because for some reason every track-type workout I’ve had so far has fallen on the hottest and/or most humid days. But I have a feeling it’s just not my strength.
I emailed Coach Abby and said as much after this workout, telling her that I had a feeling Thursday’s workout would be much more up my alley (based on all the things I just said). And I was right.
Thursday: Ah, Thursday. How I looked forward to this workout. Not only was it a little less humid, I also felt a lot more confident about this one. 1Â mile warm up, 2 miles tempo (~8:20-8:30 according to Coach), 2 miles marathon pace (9:10). What I did was:
(1) 10:24 (warm up)
(2) 8:07 Â (tempo)
(3) 8:24 (tempo)
(4) 9:03 (marathon pace)
(5) 8:57 (marathon pace)
I clearly have to work on my marathon pace, since you know, that’s the most important one! The warm up went well, the first tempo mile went well, and then I got the most painful stomach cramp on the lower right side. The only thing that helped was stopping (not an option) or pressing hard into it (difficult to do while running). So basically, I suffered through the rest of this run.
I somehow managed to stick to a decent tempo pace during the second tempo mile, despite my pain. I was so relieved to be able to slow down to marathon pace! But I need to get better at it, I was so worried about being too slow that I was still too fast. And for the final marathon pace mile, I caught up with Andy and Larry on their walk when I had .30 left to go so I grabbed Larry Gary’s leash and we ran the final stretch together. Fast. Because it was fun and I love to see my baby boy run!
And that’s why that final mile was really too fast. Like I said, work to be done.
Saturday: The long run, which was a shorter long run than I’ve had in a couple of weeks. I was happy to “only” have 8 miles, even though it felt like I was running forever. Another 100% humidity day, one of the sweatiest runs of my life. I stopped to take a photo and my sunglasses fogged up!
It cleared up once I was running again, but when I finally reached 8 miles (in 1:21) and got in the car to go home, sweat poured into my eyes, stinging them like crazy. I couldn’t wait to get home, wipe my eyes and get in the shower!
And, just for the record? While running on vacation is fun (wee! I’m running in a new place! How fun! So pretty!), doing plyos (squat jumps, lunge jumps) while on vacation really fucking sucks. It feels like the total opposite of vacation.
I just wanted to be on the wicker with Wick.
Do you like running shorter intervals? Thoughts on training while on vacation?
P.S. One more reason the Cape is the best? COOKIES MADE OUT OF CUPCAKES.
And OH YEAH one last thing: This comic completely resonates. Especially the making up bizarre measurements of distances: The DOs and DO NOTs of Running Your First Marathon