
2013 archive

Refine Challengers of the Week: Dori, Andy and Larry

You know how I mentioned yesterday that I somehow convinced Andy to commit to four Refine classes this month? That was so we could become the Challengers of the Week! Check out our interview on Life: Refined about how we are committing to the Resolution Challenge to guarantee we are at our best for our Big Day.

larry and brynn - Refine Method - Dori's Shiny Blog

Larry has been to Refine to see Brynn twice already. Jersey City to the Upper West Side is a big trip for a little dog. Talk about commitment!

Refine Challengers Of the Week: Dori Manela, Andy Gray and Larry

Refine Method Challengers of the Week - Dori, Andy, Larry

And, my friend Ashley Runningbun was last week’s Refine Challenger of the Week!

Workout Plan: Week of January 13, 2013

Dori's Refine Resolution Challenge - 36 classesWith my wedding less than five months away (I should probably write a blog post about that at some point, huh?) I am using the Refine Resolution Challenge as motivation to step up my workouts and get hot for June 8, 2013.  As I planned my weekly workouts in my head I realized it would be a lot more organized to write them down. And then I realized I could share it with you, and maybe do that every week to keep better track and stay committed.

Also, Brynn (founder of Refine Method) somehow got me to convince Andy to commit to four classes this month. Andy tried Refine once before and couldn’t walk for a week; it was the most miserable hour of his life to date. I don’t know how we so easily convinced him, but he came with me on Sunday and I am really proud of him for going, impressed with him for still being alive and touched that he would do this for me. I’ll have more information about this to share soon.

Dori’s Shiny Workout Plan for the week of January 13, 2013:

  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Monday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Tuesday –  Spin at Club H (45 min)
  • Wednesday – Rest
  • Thursday – Run (Either 4 miles outside or 3-4 miles w/intervals on treadmill)
  • Friday – Spin at Equinox (Special event, 90 min)
  • Saturday – Refine Method (1 hr)

Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts or anything!

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