2013 archive

Workout Plan: Week of March 4, 2013

I created an Indoor Cycling section here, and you can find it in the tabs above. You’ll see my class schedule and find my class playlists. Let me know if you have any questions and also let me know if you ever want to be my guest at a class! I’m really enjoying teaching and I’ll tell you all about it another time. In the near future. Hold me to it.

In other news, I feel overwhelmed when I look at all the days I have to wake up really early to workout, but actually doing it is never bad at all. In fact, I really enjoy it. I always think I’m going to be a groggy mess who feels sick and dead at 5am, but in reality I’m getting up on my own around then anyway.

Long story short, I need to stop being an anticipatory whiny anxious mess.

Here’s my plan for this week!

Dori’s Shiny Workout Plan for the week of March 4, 2013

  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Monday – Teach spin (55 min)
  • Tuesday– Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Wednesday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Thursday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Friday – Run 4 miles outside
  • Saturday – Teach spin (50 min)

Oh yeah, there’s that New Year’s commitment to running outside in the winter. That’s going really well, thanks for asking. Ha.

Here’s how last week went in a nutshell, perfectly.

  • Sunday – Rest – Complete!
  • Monday – Teach spin (45 min) – Complete!
  • Tuesday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Wednesday – Teach spin (45 min) – Complete!
  • Thursday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Friday – Body Ride at Revolve (45 min) – Complete!
  • Saturday – Teach spin (50 min ) and Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!

Has the fact that it is March and there is light at the end of the brutally cold, dark, harsh tunnel motivated you for your workouts?

FREE Revolve Class for DSB & Fitness NYC Readers

Last month I reviewed Revolve, the newest indoor cycling studio in New York City. Since then, I’ve been to the studio many times. I signed up for their $99 unlimited month intro deal (amazing offer, I see little reason NOT to do it) and tried a number of instructors. After that month ended, I continued taking classes there about once a week.

I haven’t acted or felt this way about any other spin studio before.

The instructors are all motivating and awesome. They play incredible music (partly because Revolve has their own DJ who creates custom mashups, how cool is that!) and are seriously just SO nice. I feel comfortable and friendly with every single instructor there, I chat with them online and before/after class, and I look forward to their classes. In fact, one instructor I met there will be my running coach and help me reach some lofty goals as I train for the Richmond Marathon! (More on that another time)

The classes themselves are all phenomenal as well. A consistently great workout without any gimmicks, Revolve is the answer to people who might not love the exclusive feel and jargon of other studios.

My friend Melissa from Fitness NYC and I love it so much there that we decided to put together a private class for our readers and fellow bloggers!

Join us on Monday, March 11 at 8:30 pm for a 45-minute Body Ride class. We have 45 slots available and signups are first come, first served.


March 11 Revolve Sign-Up Form

If you sign up and need to cancel, please do so in the form so we can open up your spot to someone else. There will be a wait list available, so if you don’t get in you still might.

*UPDATE: The class is full, if you sign up now you will be added to the wait list. We will send a confirmation to everyone who is in the ride shortly.

I’m excited to see you there!

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