There are lots of blog posts this week about resolutions, goals, year-end recaps, etc. While I outlined some resolution-type things last year (here’s how I did) and wrote a Year in Review in 2010 and 2011, I don’t feel like doing anything so official or so time consuming this year. I already wrote my Year In Running and that took a lot out of me.
Instead, I’m going to make a list of things I’d like to see happen in 2014, whether or not they are actually realistic or attainable. They aren’t resolutions or goals because some of them are not possible. This is more like a wish list, with some things that can or might happen and some things that won’t.
1. Run a sub-4Â Eugene Marathon.
There, I said it. It’s out here, in words, on the internet. Is this attainable? Without a knee injury, yes I believe it is, even though it is terrifying. I was on track to get really close to 4:00 in Richmond before my knee took over my race. I know I can do it and I intend to train even harder and smarter than last time.
I got myself a new running coach: Abby. She absolutely loves and ‘gets’Â Refine, so she will know better how to work it into my plan (and maybe help me figure out a way to go more than once a week during training?), she is a personal trainer and — here’s the real gem — she is in school to become a physical therapist.
This is HUGE. She understands injury and how the body works and I really believe she is the best person to help me get through my training cycle safely. I’ve struggled with a few injuries this past year (only one related to running) and I really needed more guidance and advice when it came to exercise. If something hurts, I know I will trust her advice on what to do, and I am committed to doing whatever she says.
2. On that note, find a flight to Eugene that costs less than $600.
I had no idea it would be this tough. It actually was $522 and I thought that was too much so I waited and now it’s up to $561. I’m going to wait and hope it gets a little better.
3. Become a stay at home mom to my dog Larry.
All I want in my life is to devote every second of every day to making sure this little boy is as happy as possible. Unless I buy a lottery ticket (which I never think to do) and then also win, this won’t happen. But a puppy mommy can dream.
4. Finish writing my wedding thank you cards.
Please don’t be disgusted with me. Yes, I got married a in June. Yes, that was a long time ago. Yes, it is closer to next June than last June. I promise I will make myself write the rest by our anniversary. It’s just . . . Reading books! Binge watching The Good Wife! All things I’d rather be doing and I’ve always had a really tough time getting myself to do shit in my down time. I’ll gladly go to Refine or run or go to whatever appointment I have, but once I’m home . . . I just can’t bring myself to do anything.
5. Hang up all my wall things.
Speaking of being unable to bring myself to do anything. Not only did I get married in June, I moved in June too. No, not a single thing has been hung up. This actually prevented us from having our birthday party for Larry on January 1 (the anniversary of the day we got him) this year, something I was really looking forward to. I just can’t get my shit together, same as the thank you cards. And I don’t want anyone seeing my house without everything hung up. It will happen within the next month though. This one I promise.
6. Have my next birthday celebration at my favorite restaurant ever, the place that perfected the pizza: Razza Pizza Artigianale.
Not only did Razza perfect the pizza (the margherita pizza to be exact; as much as I’d like to try the others, I can’t bring myself to risk missing out on what I know is pizza perfection when I am there), they also perfected the chickpea and the bread. To force people who would not normally visit Jersey City (which is closer to Manhattan than many parts of Queens and Brooklyn, so fuck you), I will have my next birthday be a dinner party here. Then my friends can finally understand just how spectacular this food is.
7. Have a party at my house.
Invite people over so they can see our awesome townhome and drink the leftover booze from the wedding. There’s a lot. Plus, I can wear a dress even if it is in the winter because I won’t have to go outside. This is all dependent on #5, but it’s looking possible.
8. Take more Refine while marathon training.
I mentioned this above in #1, but it is really important to me to incorporate more Refine while training for Eugene. Last year was a little tough because I got my rib injury as soon as we got back from the honeymoon. This meant no Refine for about a month, so I went into marathon training without all my strength and muscles. While I will definitely go into training with a much stronger base this time, I’d like to do Refine more than once a week while training. If this means that I occasionally have to do a two-a-day workout (ugh, not a fan) or run one fewer day a week to make it work, I’ll do it. It doesn’t have to be every week, just a little more than the last time I trained. I just feel really certain that it will only help me prevent injury and run a stronger, faster race.
Bonus: I really love Refine a lot. Also, it makes me look hot, and this marathon overlaps with summer.
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9. PR the 5K, 10K and half marathon distances
I basically unofficially PRd the 10K during the Newport Half Marathon in September (6 miles in 51:55; my current 6.2 mi PR 53:55). That means I can run an actual 10K race even faster than that. I need to make this official!
And my 5K PR came on a day I had already run four miles and was struggling with both neck and rib injuries. As happy as I am with my time, I know can do better.
Then there is the half marathon. This is a race I’ve PRd every year since I started running it. My half marathon PR was a tough race effort-wise, but as long as my Eugene training goes smoothly I see no reason why I can’t run this distance even faster.
10. Figure out what I want to do with my life.
No pressure there, right?
BONUS: Make Ellen my best friend.
Creepy! That’s what Andy said when I told him this one. But Ellen loves Refine and Bloody Marys and hates all the same things and people I do. I really wish I knew her better when I had my bachelorette party at Refine because she would have loved this private instructor-Lonnie party even more than I did. On that note, I want to be a good baby friend to Ashley Runningbun’s little girl when she is born. That means getting in my car and driving to her house so that her baby grows up knowing mom’s funny (looking) friend Dori.
Unless I’m not living in New Jersey anymore, in which case maybe I’ll be living in Seattle, and speaking of babies and Seattle, I’d really love it if my one-year-old nephew Harrison could learn to say Aunt Dori this year. I’m on it!
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Tell me one unattainable goal (like my being a stay at home puppy mom) that you have for 2014.
Missy Maintains
December 31, 2013 at 4:30 pm (11 years ago)Now I am really excited for your birthday party!
December 31, 2013 at 5:19 pm (11 years ago)I am glad you march to the beat of your own drum–or run to your own liking making sure to incorporate Refine as much as possible. Happy 2014 I hope you become a FT puppy mom!
December 31, 2013 at 7:13 pm (11 years ago)This list is in direct conflict with Harrison & Santana’s combined goals of moving to Jersey City and tearing everything off your walls!
Carla - Love the Run You're With
December 31, 2013 at 7:22 pm (11 years ago)Right there with you on the sub-4 goal!
As for a flight to Eugene…I lived in Oregon for 5 years, traveled a lot during that time, and traveled back there while in college. I have never flown through Eugene (nor did our many guests when I lived there.). I have to assume it’s like flying through, say, Hartford, instead of an NYC airport…it’s just a really obscure place to fly through, so there are no deals to be had. Eugene was 2 hours from where I lived vs. Portland’s 3 (I’m sure all our guests thought the additional trek to our house was real cute), but we had to learn to suck it up and just fly through PDX. I’m signed up for Airfare Watchdog alerts for all of NYC’s airports to PDX and they’re typically ~$300, which still annoys me because I’ve left the country for less than that, but I digress. That said, I am debating signing up for the Eugene Half next summer to get a race/long run in and try to cancel out being a terrible daughter who hasn’t been back to where her dad lives since 2007 (see previous comment about leaving the country for less money). Perhaps I’ll see you there!
January 3, 2014 at 8:32 am (11 years ago)The flight to PDX was over $600 this entire time!
December 31, 2013 at 7:48 pm (11 years ago)Only creepy if it’s not mutual!
I also want to know the baby bun, ROAD trip!
P.S. – Also inviting myself, and flip, to your house party and b-day party.
January 1, 2014 at 1:59 pm (11 years ago)Can’t wait for ALL of this.
January 2, 2014 at 10:14 am (11 years ago)I hate it when people say New Jersey is too far. I commute into NYC every day but it appears that no one can summon up the energy to sit on the train and come visit. It’s sad.
Also, I just got a thank you card from a wedding I went to over a year ago, so at least you’re not that late!
January 3, 2014 at 8:24 pm (11 years ago)Umm I want to help you with that pizza resolution it looks sooo good!!! Finishing wedding thank yous, ugh overrated, necessary evil. Loved to do some running and help you PR!
January 13, 2014 at 6:18 pm (11 years ago)Hi Dori,
I found your blog researching Barre. I noticed in 2012, you decided Refine was a better exercise regiment for you because you overused certain muscles doing Barre. Just as a frame of reference, how many times a week were you doing Barre before you injured yourself? I have a bad back and have not been able to lift weights or do yoga like I used to, and I’m hoping Barre can be a good alternative for me. I just don’t want to burn out on it, since it’s the only thing other than cardio I’m going to be doing for now.
January 27, 2014 at 9:05 pm (11 years ago)I love the idea of being a stay at home puppy mom. However I think i like stay at home puppy mom living on the beach in Maui a little better 🙂 Love your blog!