August 2013 archive

Richmond Marathon Training: Week 4 – In Which I Do Something Dumb + New Balance Winner

Ruff! I love you mommy!!

The above line was entered without my knowledge. It sounds like Larry wrote it, but I suspect it was a work of The Ander.

larry and the ander

I was insanely busy on Tuesday (the day I ususally like to post) and home sick on  Wednesday. I figured this would be a great time to change the way I post my weekly training recaps so I do the full week according to my training plan. Monday – Sunday. I apologize for being a dumbass for the last three weeks.

Week 4: July 29 – August 4

  • Monday – OFF
  • Tuesday – 15 min w.u., 3 mile @ MP effort with 1 min rest (9:27, 9:09, 9:19), 15 min c.d. (5.9 mi)
  • Wednesday – 48 mins easy (5 mi)
  • ThursdayRefine Method
  • Friday – 43 mins with 4x100m strides (4.4 mi)
  • Saturday – 10 miles easy (1:47)
  • Sunday – OFF

Total miles: 25.3

My Stupidity

Let’s talk about my stupidity. As you might know, I hadn’t run in months up until 5 weeks ago because of two injuries. First, my neck, which is just starting to not bother me every time I run. It’s finally feeling a little better and I am relieved and grateful. I’ve been in physical therapy for months and last week I started acupuncture. I’ve also been getting massages. I’m putting my time, money and energy into fixing this injury.

Then I got a freak rib injury from a violent cough I had the week of my wedding. That set my training back another few weeks as I waited for the rib to heal on its own. There is nothing you can do for a rib muscle strain other than wait it out. I had to stop taking Refine classes too, so I lost some of the strength I worked hard to build, along with my endurance.

Anyway – now that I’m feeling much better from both injuries, the LAST THING I should do is try something new. Like, say, a new lightweight running shoe when I’m very happy with my Hokas.

As you know I wore the New Balance shoes to outdoor Refine and LOVED them. They were perfect for me in that format, which included less than a mile of running plus strength exercises. I decided I’d give them a go for a 4 mile run (which ended up being 4.4 miles) since 4 miles is short.

BUT REALLY? IS IT? I hadn’t run at all up until recently, 30 minute runs felt like forever and I have one phenomenal week of running and suddenly I decide 4 miles is short and I should try a brand new pair of shoes?? Come on!

I’m sure you see where I am going with this. After that run, my left calf/ankle area hurt. I spent the last week being mad at myself for being so stupid. And my review of the shoes stands: I do think they are great, and I think that if I eased into them in a smarter way (some more outdoor Refine, a 1-mile run, then maybe a 2-mile run, etc) I would have been fine. But I went ahead and ran for 43 minutes.

I iced, I rested (um not counting the 10-mile run. I thought my leg felt better and then it felt worse after that all over again) and I beat myself up over my decision. Then I got myself a sports massage. It’s starting to feel a lot better now and I’m sure I will be OK. I self diagnosed a calf strain and I probably need to stretch a bit more. My leg spasms if I point my foot, but flexing stretches  feel awesome.

Luckily, I already have a ‘stupidity‘ category set up on this blog. And an ‘injuries‘ one. At least you can’t accuse me of lacking self awareness!

I hope I’m OK to be awesome at the Falmouth Road Race on Sunday, where I will meet my amazing running coach who is competing there, Steph Rothstein Bruce!

And then of course there is the rest of training. I do not want to continually sabotage my own efforts to run a strong race. This is way too important to me! Please don’t let me make any more stupid decisions. Thanks.

And on that note . . . a huge thank you to everyone who entered the New Balance Team Garmin-Sharp 890v3 Running Shoe giveaway. has spoken: Congratulations Chelle {Everyday Polish} for winning!

I hope Chelle eases into the shoes far better than I.

Have you ever made a dumb running decision? Please tell me so I can feel better about myself. And then let’s all be smarter.


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