April 1st 2013 archive

Workout Plan: Week of March 31, 2013 + More Rest

This will be short, but I’ll probably be back this week with a workout clothing review. Andy and I also completed our Refine Resolution Challenge this weekend. I’ve got lots to say about that too, and that will come soon. And I still haven’t reviewed my CrossFit Jersey City experience! That was in December, so you might say I am a little behind.

dori works larry lounges

Until then, here’s my workout plan for the week of March 31, 2013:

  • Sunday – Real Ride at Revolve (45 min)
  • MondayTeach spin (55 min)
  • TuesdayRefine Method (1 hr)
  • Wednesday – Rest
  • Thursday – Real Ride at Revolve (45 min) or Rest
  • Friday – Rest
  • Saturday – Teach spin (50 min)

You might notice this plan looks very different than most weeks – notably because of the lack of Refine Method. I started feeling some pain in my upper back on the right side. I’ve had this twice before and I’ve been to a doctor about it. She said it’s a muscle strain and comes from carrying absurdly heavy bags on my right shoulder.

Over the last few months, I’ve carried a heavy workout bag which includes sneakers for Refine, spin shoes (sometimes both, sometimes one or the other), a water bottle that is often full, a coconut water bottle, a bag of makeup, a hair iron, etc etc. And this is in addition to my purse. I’m incapable of carrying my bag on my left shoulder; I can’t explain it but it feels so wrong and unnatural that I just forget how to walk when it’s there. I’m like a dog. Does anyone else have that issue?

The point of this long winded tale is that the pain came back.

In the past, a full week off Refine has helped, since lifting heavy things and doing pushups and using my back muscles don’t help the situation at all. After a week, I’ve been able to come back to class feeling back to normal. I canceled the class I planned for yesterday and went to Revolve instead. I’m going to Refine on Tuesday because I am bringing a new friend who really wants to try it. We met because she takes my spin class every Monday morning! It’s been hard for Andy and I to make friends in Jersey City, and we loved meeting Caitlin and her husband for a drink last week. This week, I show her the wonders of the Refine Method.

After Tuesday, I’ll take a few days off Refine and see how I am doing. Also, going to Refine means carrying my heavy bag to and from Jersey City on two trains with some walking thrown in. So not going there should help.

I want to take care of this now because my wedding is in just over two months and I want to be back into my workouts as soon as possible. My back felt fine yesterday and this morning, but after having to carry that heavy bag with me today since I taught spin and had to get ready at the gym, I’m hurting again.

My bag is definitely the culprit. I need to find a non-ugly backpack this week! I can’t let something so dumb derail me from my workouts and keep me from the class I love most in the world, Refine.

I have a sports massage scheduled for this Friday with the most amazing, brilliant, talented sports massage therapist Danielle DeMaio (She works with famous athletes – let me know if you want her info!). I feel confident that I’ll be good to go after that.

Here’s how I did with my workouts last week:

  • Sunday – REST – Complete!
  • Monday – Teach spin (55 min) and Refine Method (1 hr) Teach spin again (55 min) – I got a call to sub a spin class i nthe evening, so I did that instead of Refine – Complete!
  • Tuesday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Wednesday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Thursday – Revolve (45 min) – Complete!
  • Friday – Rest or easy run – I went to Refine Method since I canceled it on Monday. So, complete!
  • Saturday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete! (Last day of Refine Resolution Challenge!)

Last week was a great week of working out. This week I’m looking forward to taking it easier. I am open to canceling any workouts after Tuesday and just letting my body rest.

Rest isn’t so bad when you’ve got this tiny thing to squeeze.

dori larry couch cuddle

Do you have a recurring pain that’s not quite an injury but keeps coming back? How do you handle it?