March 25th 2013 archive

Workout Plan: Week of March 24, 2013 + My 30th Birthday

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! And thank you… ATM?

- Chase ATM Birthday Message

Being 30 is weird and old. I celebrated by taking the day off work (something I’ve never done on my birthday before, although one year it fell on Good Friday and my old company had off that day and it was spectacular).

So, this shirt exists. Andy randomly found it on the Internet and got it for Larry for my birthday.

scary larry


Workout plan for the week of March 23, 2013:

  • Sunday – REST
  • Monday – Teach spin (55 min) and Refine Method (1 hr) Teach spin again (55 min)
  • Tuesday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Wednesday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • ThursdayRevolve (45 min) Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Friday – Rest or easy run
  • Saturday – Refine Method (1 hr)

I am really loving the results I’ve been seeing from the Refine Resolution Challenge and will devote a post to it once the challenge is officially over. For now, I’d like to unofficially up my challenge from 12 classes this month to 15. This is partly because I already know I can do 12, so why not make it more challenging and partly because I am loving it so much. I’ll explain more when I recap my challenge.
Here’s how last week’s workouts went:


  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Monday – Teach spin (55 min) – Complete!
  • Tuesday – RIP Ride at Revolve (1 hr) – Complete!*
  • Wednesday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Thursday – Refine Method (1 hr) **BIRTHDAY WORKOUT** I will be requesting hip lifts with a band, just like last year. And this year, Andy has to come too.- Complete!**
  • Friday – TBD – Short run, spin or rest – Real Ride at Revolve (45 min) – Complete!***
  • Saturday – Teach spin (50 min) and Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!

*After the class (which was beyond phenomenal, crazy energy) ended, a sweaty guy burst into the room and exclaimed, “Great class!” It took Kira Stokes a second to realize what happened and once she figured it out she clued us all in. The guy was either too late to get into class or the class was full, so the Revolve staff took the display bike from the window, rolled it up to just outside the classroom, and he took the ENTIRE RIP Ride class outside the room! Alone. Following along to all of Kira’s cues. He got an amazing workout and we all got an incredible story!

**Brynn asked me on Twitter if I had any birthday requests for the class. I said:

Dori's misunderstood tweet to Refine

She misread “No discs” as “Discs” and we did my all-time most hated exercise: Snow angel planks. While I wasn’t thrilled about this, I wasn’t really angry either. I’m there to get stronger and this is clearly an exercise I need to work at to be stronger. And make my Refined abs even abbier.

***I had ONE birthday drink at dinner and a few sips in realized I was already drunk. I proceeded to finish the entire cocktail and then I was wasted. Not the fun kind either. I felt pretty ill and I passed out at home early, just one episode away from finishing House of Cards (which I did complete the next day and PLEASE let’s discuss it!). I woke up ridiculously hungover on Friday and felt that way all day long. From ONE drink. I also felt like I needed to sweat off the hangover, and decided to go to Stephanie Nieman’s Real Ride at Revolve after work. Excellent decision; I felt much better after.

Dori's birthday cocktail that got her wasted

This is what being old is. I did manage to consume three less-strong cocktails on Saturday night when I celebrated at a private room in a bar with friends from all different times in my life. There were lots of blog friends there too – thank you Ashley Runningbun, Theodora, Fiona, Melissa, Jen, Leticia, Beth, Elizabeth and Melissa Z for coming out.

Dori's 30th birthday celebration with blog friends

Blog friends

Dori at her 30th birthday with blog friend

Fiona & RunningBun. What is so funny?!

Dori and Andy celebrate Dori's 30th birthday

Andy looks like this in every single picture.
















This is my former roommate Lim. She will be an extremely pregnant bridesmaid at my wedding this June.

Dori's pregnant bridesmaid and former roommate

While it was really special and made me feel liked to have so many people come out for me when I worried no one would show (and I seriously can’t express my gratitude enough to all of you), this is the last time I do the bar party. I was absurdly hungover all day Sunday despite only having three drinks and not even feeling that drunk! I only slept for about four hours when I got home and felt exhausted and headachy all day Sunday in a way that no amount of Trader Joe’s Frosted Flakes could cure. I know this because I ate three bowls in a row following my egg and cheese sandwich. This is why I can’t go out anymore.

Apparently they can’t either.

Andy and Larry asleep in bed

How were your workouts last week? Anything fun planned this week? Are you old and incapable to consuming alcoholic beverages like me?