February 2013 archive

Workout Plan: Week of February 10, 2013

Crazy week and I am keeping this brief. I am barely functional right now. I am overwhelmed, excited, crazed, exhausted and emotional. I have about seven posts half-written in my head (and about three more half written in WordPress). I mean, I want to tell you about the first time I taught spin and share my playlist and now I have two regular spin classes to teach every week and tell you about the CrossFit Jersey City 6-class Fundamentals Program + 2 regular classes I did and tell you a little about my wedding and also rant about why you should not buy a dog.

Instead, please settle for this half-assery of a post.

Dori’s Shiny Workout Plan for the week of February 10, 2013:

  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Monday – Rest
  • Tuesday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Wednesday – Body Ride at Revolve (45 min)
  • Thursday – Refine Method (1 hr)
  • Friday - Spinning (About 1 hr)
  • Saturday – Teaching spinning (50 minutes) and Refine Method (1 hr)
I already want to plan next week and put 10 days of rest in it. But how can I get 10 days of rest into a seven-day week? Much less a seven-day week right in the middle of the Refine Resolution Challenge and teaching spinning. I may be laughing at myself for thinking I might up my challenge for March earlier this week. I may have overextended myself. I may be overreacting. I may be exhausted at 8:36 pm after being awake since 5:00 am. I may have a sleeping puppy on my foot. This may be us the other night.
Dori and Larry cuddling in bed

Here’s how last week went:

  • Sunday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Monday – Rest – Complete!
  • Tuesday – Rip Ride at Revolve (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Wednesday – Real Ride at Revolve (45 min) – Complete!
  • Thursday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Complete!
  • Friday - Run (3 or 4 miles) or Rest – Rest, complete!
  • Saturday – Refine Method (1 hr) – Revised workout plan. I stayed in Jersey because of the Nemo storm (since when are snowstorms named?) and went to the gym instead. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill in 36:00 and practiced spinning for about 20 minutes. I also did 40 pushups. 10 of those included lifting each hand off the floor in between each pushup (thanks for the cool move, Refine).
ALSO, if you want to try Refine for free, leave a comment here and I’ll make you my Valentine and send you a free class. It has to be by February 17 though, so get on that shit.

Many updates soon.

My Under-Appreciated Tweet About Jeff Goldblum

The other day, after a remark I made about the David Beckham ad for Calvin Klein, Andy said something to me. It was 100% accurate and I thought others might appreciate it. so I tweeted it out. Then I waited to bask in the responses I knew I’d receive.

I was very disappointed to find that no one cared. Far lesser tweets of mine have seen a far greater reception.

"I bet there are 4 people in the world who would rather have sex with Jeff Goldblum than David Beckham, and you're one of them."

Andy adds, “From one of the first times I met you, that was something I found very odd about you.” Then why does nobody care??




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