January 15th 2013 archive

pvBody Changes and Concerns

Thank you to everyone who signed up for pvBody through here!

There are some rumors going around the blogworld about changes to the pvBody program. While I don’t have all the details, the program name is changing to Ellie and will be focused on just one high-quality brand, rather than a mix of different brands. There will be an official announcement in the near future, and I will share everything I know as soon as I know it.

I don’t want to add fuel to this fire until I (along with the other ambassadors) have all the correct details. Getting angry and acting in haste wouldn’t be fair to you and it wouldn’t be fair to pvBody.

That being said, I have it in writing from pvBody that once the announcement about the change is official, anyone who signed up through my blog (or anywhere else) will have ample time to cancel their memberships. Additionally, if you decide not to cancel and instead wait for your next shipment, you can absolutely return it for a full refund if you aren’t thrilled.

By the time of the announcement, I will have an outfit from this new brand to try and review. If I don’t love it, I will tell you. If I do love it, I will tell you. You’ll be able to see photos and read my review, and you can decide then if you want to continue with the program or cancel it at no penalty.

I’m doing everything I can to make sure you are protected here. If you decide to cancel your membership now, I understand. However, I urge you to wait with me for the official announcement along with details, photos and my review of the new line. From what I’m told, this change is a very good thing, and I’m excited to learn more.

Thank you for reading, thank you for being supportive and thank you for your understanding.


Refine Challengers of the Week: Dori, Andy and Larry

You know how I mentioned yesterday that I somehow convinced Andy to commit to four Refine classes this month? That was so we could become the Challengers of the Week! Check out our interview on Life: Refined about how we are committing to the Resolution Challenge to guarantee we are at our best for our Big Day.

larry and brynn - Refine Method - Dori's Shiny Blog

Larry has been to Refine to see Brynn twice already. Jersey City to the Upper West Side is a big trip for a little dog. Talk about commitment!

Refine Challengers Of the Week: Dori Manela, Andy Gray and Larry

Refine Method Challengers of the Week - Dori, Andy, Larry

And, my friend Ashley Runningbun was last week’s Refine Challenger of the Week!