SPECIAL PRICE: 2013 Richmond Marathon & Half Marathon (Ends 11/15)

Hi all! I hoped to have a recap ready for you by now but it’s been a crazy week. I’m really excited to share all the details of another amazing running weekend in my favorite place in the world to race.

Until then, I wanted to make sure you know that there are special 2013 Richmond Marathon and Half Marathon prices that end at midnight tonight, Thursday, November 15.

Special Richmond Marathon and Half Marathon Prices

  • Marathon: $65
  • Half Marathon: $55

Considering the full marathon is currently less than I paid for this year’s half, it is a fantastic deal! Plus, you can always drop down to the half if you change your mind about running a marathon or get injured.

It’s also an amazing price considering Richmond is a magical place to run and wonderful things happen there. I’ll be back next year for the third year in a row – THAT is how great it is. And if you have any questions at any time, the Richmond Marathon is very responsive on their Facebook page (unlike a certain other marathon).

You also get a lot of value for your money in this race as Scott at iRunnerBlog mentioned. There’s a fantastic expo where you get a free long-sleeved tech shirt, they print your name on your bib, the three races that all take place are organized so extremely well I can’t believe it (especially this year with the sudden influx of 800+ NYCM runners) and there is a really awesome and fun post-race party on a huge grassy area called Browns Island. There’s booze, food, music, giveaways and more.

More pictures and details coming very soon. If you register, let me know!

6 comments on SPECIAL PRICE: 2013 Richmond Marathon & Half Marathon (Ends 11/15)

  1. NYC Fit GIrl
    November 15, 2012 at 2:22 pm (12 years ago)

    Can’t believe I will be running this marathon with you next year! THanks for inspiring me to sign up!

  2. Nancy
    November 15, 2012 at 3:00 pm (12 years ago)

    Now it’s SO tempting!!! I will probably register for the half later. It’s only 3 hours away from me, and it seems like a great race! Thanks for posting this!!

    • Nancy
      November 15, 2012 at 9:57 pm (12 years ago)

      annnnd i’m signed up for the half! woo!

  3. David H.
    November 15, 2012 at 9:54 pm (12 years ago)

    I’m all signed up for the half. Would love to coordinate a bigger #runchat/blog meetup next year. Let’s stay in touch about that. Lots of opportunities to do something.

  4. Armistead
    November 19, 2012 at 7:53 pm (12 years ago)

    Hi Dori,

    SO glad you had another good trip to Richmond. From someone who grew up here and now lives her adult life here, I thank you for the good PR for our fair city. Richmond has a lot going for it, including a wonderful running community. Thanks for getting the word out. We have long suffered from low self esteem as a city, and it is great to see folks from the big city have fun here. Today on NPR they had this segment on runners coming down to a different marathon after NYC marathon was cancelled. It was not about Richmond, but about the Philly marathon which was yesterday. Richmond kind of gets ignored, but oh well… Glad you had a great time.


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  1. […] ever, I opened the browser on my iPhone. I went to RichmondMarathon.com. I reviewed the special limited-time prices. And then I — the girl who adamantly insisted she would never run another marathon (often to […]

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