Guest Post: 10 Random Things You Don’t Know About Dori

Hello Fitness Blog People. My name is Andy and I am the boyfriend of Dori. Perhaps you recognize me from the NYC and Richmond Marathons or Celebrating My Birthday, or from me being one of the 10 things Dori is liking in 2012.

I’ve been telling Dori that I’d like to write a guest post and seeing that we’re four days from moving in together, this seemed like the ideal time. Since everyone loves lists, I thought I’d give you 10 Random Things You Don’t Know About Dori. But first here’s a bunch of random things about me so you know who I am and all that.

I have known Dori for a year and 11 days, which is probably less time than most of you have been reading her blog. I am going to be 35 next Wednesday and Dori is taking me to my favorite restaurant – Chili’s! I am from Framingham, Mass. On a related note, I’m not one of those people from a suburb of Boston who just say they’re from Boston (instead of the specific town) nor do I know why everyone does that. [Ed. note: Yes, he is]

Dori and Andy

I sometimes slip into my sexy Dylan McKay whisper voice when I want to seduce Dori (Hey Bren, Hey Kel). I sometimes put on a fake British accent [Ed. note: Does not sound remotely British aside from the use of such words as crumpets] when I want to make Dori laugh. I don’t like chocolate or coffee. I like oatmeal cookies with no raisins and find myself addicted to Diet Snapple Peach Iced Tea. I think Saved by the Bell is overrated and Charles In Charge is underrated. I prefer pools to beaches and Chipotle to Qdoba. I could go on and on about myself … but this isn’t about me. So without further ado…




  1. She Watches/Tolerates Sports – I’ll just start with the most important thing since I work in sports and need to watch them for my job (or so I say). It started one innocent summer night when I said to her, “By the way, I spend every Sunday after Labor Day watching football from 1pm to 11pm. And it’ll probably go through the Super Bowl because I feel good about the Patriots this year.” Her response: “OK sounds fun.” Sure, this has something to do with her utter hatred of cold weather (spoiler alert) but it’s better than being cooped on the couch watching Lifetime movies all day. Who am I kidding? I love Lifetime movies. And since you asked, I’m still devastated by the Patriots losing to the Giants in the Super Bowl. It sucked enough when it happened in 2007, especially living in NYC, but for it to happen again four years later is just not fair. At least it wasn’t the Jets.
  2. She Reads Like A Mofo. But Not Magazines – This may have something to do with her being forced to watch football 10 hours every Sunday, but she buries herself in that Kindle for hours reading book after book. However, put a magazine in front of her and there’s no interest. Zero. And I am talking good girlie magazines I get for free from work like People, In Style, Entertainment Weekly. What girl doesn’t like reading People? Dori, that’s who.
  3. Her Apartment Sucks – She’s referenced her 320 square foot paradise in numerous posts and it is quite the spectacle. You walk in, small bedroom with no closet to the left, small bathroom to the right, tiny kitchen in front of you, slightly less small closetless bedroom (technically a living room) off kitchen. That’s it. She’s lived there for six years. I’d say my apartment is roughly 65 percent of the reason she started dating me. Maybe 70. [Ed. note: 95]
  4. She Puts Me In Prison – Ladies, I don’t know if you do this to your boyfriend but it is not fun. I’m lying on the couch. Dori is lying on the couch next to me. Dori then subtly positions her body so it’s at a 45-degree angle and her legs are crossing over mine. Then I try to get up to get water or go to the bathroom and I can’t move because Dori’s legs are preventing me from getting up. I call it putting me in prison. I don’t even think she knows she’s doing it. Then she laughs and apologizes so I can’t really get mad. But maybe if I put it in a post on her blog, she’ll stop doing it so much. [Ed. note: No]
  5. She Won’t Sing Billy Joel – If I were on a desert island and could only have one CD, Billy Joel wouldn’t be my first choice (it’s probably be Pearl Jam or Neil Young). He wouldn’t be my second choice either (that’d be the underrated ‘Til the Medicine Takes by Widespread Panic). He’d probably be around my 25th choice. But that doesn’t stop me from singing Uptown Girl every time we go to one of our favorite UES hotspots, The Uptown Lounge. Of course, I alter the lyrics to reflect the moment. In other words, Dori will say something like, “We should get that pizza we like from Uptown Lounge.” And I’ll respond with, (in tune of Uptown Girl), “Uptown Lounge. We’re having dinner at the Uptown Lounge. Maybe we’ll have a burger and fries, or something else that rhymes with fries.” I’ve sung this song roughly 50 times in the past six months and she won’t bite. It’s addictive though – I bet you’re singing it to yourself right now. [Ed. note: She will sing Billy Joel, she will not sing Uptown Lounge]
  6. She Loves Pajamas – I understand that everyone loves pajamas – they are a sign of being home and comfortable and all that. But nobody gets in their pajamas quicker than Dori. We’ll go out to dinner, return to my apartment and before I’ve even locked the door, she’s got her pajama pants on and regular clothes off. Like 3.6 seconds. It’s impressive. And she always has to make a comment like, “Ugh. I hate clothes.” Apparently, pajamas don’t count as clothes.
  7. She Hates the Cold – Well, everyone hates the cold but Dori really hates the cold and uses the months between September and March to remind me of such every day. She also claims to “melt in the rain,” which is somewhat funny because if anything, you’d melt in the sun because it’s so hot. If anything, one would fall apart in the rain. I kind of like the rain, but only when I’m stuck at work because I don’t want anyone to enjoy the nice weather if I can’t.
  8. She Loves Beverly Hills 90210 – I already mentioned my sultry Dylan McKay whisper/voice that makes her melt, but it’s more than just Luke Perry. She loves Steve’s blonde mullet and Donna’s bad boob job. She loves Brenda’s bitchiness and Brandon’s impenetrable hair. And frankly, I do too, which is why I current have 36 episodes backlogged on my DVR. But there’s more – since we started dating, we met Ian Ziering in person, talked to Tori Spelling on a Facebook chat and have befriended the great Lacey Chabert. Sure, she was on Party of Five but it’s still impressive.Dori and Andy and Ian Ziering
  9. She Loves Hoodies and Yoga Pants –This is her outfit of choice and frankly, I couldn’t be happier. I see way too many girls squeeze into some ridiculously uncomfortable pair of jeans to go out to brunch so the 20 people at the restaurant that she’ll never see again are impressed with how she looks. Not Dori. She could not care less – just throw on some yoga pants and a hoodie and she’s good to go. Though she does look good in yoga pants.
  10. She Likes The Refine Method – As she’s written here a million times, she is a big fan of this workout. No matter how crappy she feels before, she always comes back with a big smile on her face. So a few months ago, I decided to give it a shot since it’s such a big part of her life. I’ll never make that mistake again. No offense to Brynn, who is the best fitness instructor in Manhattan but I couldn’t move my legs for three days after the workout and have no desire to do it again. But there’s Dori, going several times a week and kicking ass. Not that I’m completely lazy – Dori has now taken me to four spin classes which is much easier for me. I’ve also walked roughly 10,000 laps around the Reservoir since moving to NYC several years ago. [Ed. note:  Someone who does not run also signed up for a 3 mile race in May]

Dori and Andy - Jersey City

And there you have it – 10 Random Facts About Dori. And here’s one more – she’s a great girlfriend and an even better roommate (I hope). So if you happen to be in Jersey City and see an amazingly awesome couple walking around like they own the place, that’s probably not us. We’ll be home in pajamas watching a 90210 rerun.

43 comments on Guest Post: 10 Random Things You Don’t Know About Dori

  1. Heather
    April 10, 2012 at 9:54 am (13 years ago)

    LOVED the guest post!!! These are th reasons I love Dori too! And miss her so much. Good luck in Jersey City!!! Closer to SI you know 🙂

  2. Ali
    April 10, 2012 at 9:58 am (13 years ago)

    Wicked, wicked cute. Especially the ed notes 😉 I’m so happy for the two of you and excited for you to move in together! Great post, Andy!

  3. Amber
    April 10, 2012 at 10:07 am (13 years ago)

    Aw, this is such a cute post!! And I have to agree, pajamas are definitely not clothes. They are pajamas. Love.

  4. Heather
    April 10, 2012 at 10:20 am (13 years ago)

    GREAT post. I’ve only recently [a month or two?] started reading this blog weekly, and it was so nice to see Dori from your POV, Andy. And so excited for your new adventure together in Jersey City!

  5. Josie @
    April 10, 2012 at 10:24 am (13 years ago)

    Cute post. I’m a big 90210 fan too but only the early years. Plus I don’t think I could ever forgive Kelly for what she did to Brenda… I digress… 😉

    Have fun in your new apartment!! 🙂

    • Dori
      April 10, 2012 at 10:25 am (13 years ago)


  6. Sara
    April 10, 2012 at 11:00 am (13 years ago)


  7. Katie
    April 10, 2012 at 11:18 am (13 years ago)

    OK, I found this completely adorable and hilarious. Well-written, all around. That includes the ed. notes. Have fun shackin’ up! 🙂

  8. melissa
    April 10, 2012 at 1:01 pm (13 years ago)

    Super cute! Have so much fun living together. I always think Dori looks so put together, I will I looked good in yoga pants, although I definitely wear flannels to the deli on any given weekend morning.

    • Dori
      April 10, 2012 at 1:17 pm (13 years ago)

      That’s really funny because I always feel like a mess compared to everyone else. You always look great!

  9. ronni
    April 10, 2012 at 1:02 pm (13 years ago)

    So now you know my sweet little girl and are still moving in with her….you are lucky…and so is she!

  10. Cameo
    April 10, 2012 at 1:11 pm (13 years ago)

    This post made me swoon over the both of y’all. Great work, Andy (and editor). Now I know why Dori and I hit it off so famously, number SIX! I am the exact same. I change immediately upon entering. For one, I have a dog, and I don’t want to dog-hair up my city clothes. And for secondly, I hate wearing clothes. If we lived just the 2 of us, I would walk around in underwear, or hell, nekked even. Sigh. I used to like clothes though! WHAT HAPPENED? You would think that as a result of this phenomenon I would own some cute PJ sets. NOPE. I wear ratty old race T’s and bleach splattered sweats (gotta save my good yoga pants for Refine). That’s what you have to look forward to, Andy. Bleach splattered sweats masquerading as PJs. 10yrs, baby.

    • Dori
      April 10, 2012 at 1:16 pm (13 years ago)

      My pajamas consist of race t-shirts and $5 Duane Reade pajama bottoms. Cute = not as comfortable. Don’t worry Cameo, you are still hot!

  11. Stacy L.
    April 10, 2012 at 3:48 pm (13 years ago)

    Love, love, love this post. So funny. If Andy is as good of a roommate as he is a writer, you’re in business! Congratulations on your move! Your view will be way cooler than anyone’s here in NYC. As will the amount of space you have.

  12. Sam @ Mom At The Barre
    April 10, 2012 at 3:59 pm (13 years ago)

    So cute! Andy-completely agree about Charles in Charge being under-rated!

  13. Michelle
    April 10, 2012 at 4:23 pm (13 years ago)

    Andy, you are inheriting the best roommate ever. I can vouch for it! I am relieved to know that I knew most of the 10 random facts about dori – great post, thanks for sharing. I have some fun dori facts from back in the day… did you know:
    (Picture it, 2001):
    1) dori and I have special Knight Rider dance that involves special hand motions (rolling down the windows and beeping). Also for Perfect Strangers
    2) Dori is really good and respectful about not moving your mouse. Especially if your AIM needs to be idle for a certain of time
    3) Dori has doll named Nicole who is bff with my stuffed bear, snuffy.

    • Dori
      April 10, 2012 at 4:28 pm (13 years ago)

      HAHA about the mouse/AIM. I forgot all about that. Ah, being idle. The joys of college. Also, Andy not only knows all about Nicole, he loves her very much and my phone wallpaper is a photo of him cuddling her. Andy takes very good care of Nicole. She misses her Aunt Lim though!

  14. Bruce
    April 10, 2012 at 6:30 pm (13 years ago)

    Decent post by one of my oldest buds…..happy for you guys. Agree with the Saved By the Bell and Charles in Charge comments….Chilis though? Seriously Gray? You’re surrounded by thousands of great restaurants I’m sure and you choose Chili’s? 90210 reruns are only good from the years 1991-1997. Everything after Matt Durning kinda sucked. So Dori likes wearing comfy clothes all the time, doesn’t mind hours upon hours of sports, likes a good workout, and enjoys Dylan McKay. That girl’s a keeper! The only questions is when is a friend who you’ve known since little league in 1986 will get to meet her?

    • Barbara Gray
      April 11, 2012 at 8:09 am (13 years ago)

      Couldn’t agree with you more Bruce. Chilis! Guess we never instilled in him fine dining gene. Fun post. Dad and I happy for you both.

  15. Kaye Beeh
    April 11, 2012 at 10:37 am (13 years ago)

    Lol I found this banter hilarious.

  16. Shane
    April 11, 2012 at 9:34 pm (13 years ago)

    I was going to write this was such a cute post, but it looks like it’s been said repeatedly above…so I shall say this was adorable! Good luck in your new apt!

  17. diana@mymarblerye
    April 13, 2012 at 1:09 pm (13 years ago)

    this was a really really sweet and funny post. Excited that you guys are rubbing off (and up) on each other. Good luck on the move girl!

  18. jassy
    April 14, 2012 at 7:11 am (13 years ago)

    sweet! 🙂

  19. Chase
    April 15, 2012 at 4:07 pm (13 years ago)

    This is really cute 🙂 I’m glad you guys are so happy!

  20. Kara
    April 19, 2012 at 6:48 pm (13 years ago)

    THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!! Love it. Great job Andy! I can relate to so many things. I’m super fast at changing into yoga pants as soon as I get home, too. Lightning speed!

  21. MelissaNibbles
    April 21, 2012 at 12:47 pm (13 years ago)

    This is one of the best blog posts I’ve read in a long time. It was funny and it actually told me a lot about Andy as well as you. From the sounds of it, you really care a lot about each other (duh) and have a great friendship as well. Congrats to the new roomies!

  22. Rachel Wilkerson
    April 23, 2012 at 10:35 am (13 years ago)

    Meant to comment on this last week! Just had to say how much I loved this post!! You two are adorable together and I loved learning more about you and, by extension, Andy! Love love love.

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